D4PG ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Overview --------- D4PG, proposed in the paper `Distributed Distributional Deterministic Policy Gradients `_, is an actor-critic, model-free policy gradient algorithm that extends upon `DDPG `_. Improvements over DDPG include the use of N-step returns, prioritized experience replay and distributional value function. Moreover, training is parallelized with multiple distributed workers all writing into the same replay table. The authors found that these simple modifications contribute to the overall performance of the algorithm with N-step returns brining the biggest performance gain and priority buffer being the less crucial one. Quick Facts ----------- 1. D4PG is only used for environments with **continuous action spaces**.(i.e. MuJoCo) 2. D4PG is an **off-policy** algorithm. 3. D4PG uses a **distributional** critic. 4. D4PG is a **model-free** and **actor-critic** RL algorithm, which optimizes actor network and critic network, respectively. 5. Usually, D4PG uses **Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process** or **Gaussian process** (default in our implementation) for exploration. Key Equations or Key Graphs --------------------------- The D4PG algorithm maintains a distributional critic :math:`Z_\pi(s, a)` which estimates the expected Q value as a random variable such that :math:`Q(s, a)=\mathbb{E}Z_\pi(s, a)`. :math:`Z` is usually a Categorical distribution over Q with 51 supports. Accordingly, the distributional Bellman operator can be defined as: .. math:: \begin{aligned} (\mathcal{T}_{\pi} Z)(s, a)=r(s, a)+\gamma\mathbb{E}[Z(s',\pi(s'))|(s, a)] \end{aligned} The distributional variant of the operator takes functions which map from state-action pairs to distributions, and returns a function of the same form. The loss used to learn the **critic distribution** parameters is defined as :math:`L(\pi) = \mathbb{E}[d(\mathcal{T}_{\pi_{\theta'}}, Z_{w'}(s, a), Z_{w}(s, a)]` for some metric :math:`d` that measures the distance between two distributions. Finally, the actor update is done by taking the expectation with respect to the **action-value distribution**: .. math:: \begin{aligned} \nabla_\theta J(\theta) &\approx \mathbb{E}_{\rho^\pi} [\nabla_a Q_w(s, a) \nabla_\theta \pi_{\theta}(s) \rvert_{a=\pi\theta(s)}] \\ &= \mathbb{E}_{\rho^\pi} [\mathbb{E}[\nabla_a Z_w(s, a)] \nabla_\theta \pi_{\theta}(s) \rvert_{a=\pi\theta(s)}] \end{aligned} When calculating the TD error, D4PG computes **N-step** in the TD target to incorporate rewards in more future steps: .. math:: r(s_0, a_0) + \mathbb{E}[\sum_{n=1}^{N-1} \gamma^n r(s_n, a_n) + \gamma^N Q(s_N, \mu_\theta(s_N)) \vert s_0, a_0 ] D4PG samples from a **prioritized replay buffer** with a non-uniform probability :math:`p_i`. This requires the use of importance sampling, implemented by weighting the critic update by a factor of :math:`R_{p_i}^{-1}`. .. note:: D4PG utilizes multiple **parallel independent actors**, gathering experience and feeding data into the same replay buffer. However, our implementation only makes use of a single actor. Pseudocode ---------- .. figure:: images/D4PG_algo.png :scale: 75% :align: center source: https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2018-04-08-policy-gradient/#d4pg Implementations ---------------- The default config is defined as follows: .. autoclass:: ding.policy.d4pg.D4PGPolicy :noindex: Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we provide examples of `QACDIST` model as default model for `D4PG`. .. autoclass:: ding.model.template.qac_dist.QACDIST :members: forward, compute_actor, compute_critic :noindex: Benchmark ----------- +---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | environment |best mean reward | evaluation results | config link | comparison | +=====================+=================+=====================================================+==========================+======================+ | | | |`config_link_ha `_ | | |(Halfcheetah-v3) | | | | | +---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | | | |`config_link_w `_ | | | | | | | | +---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | | | |`config_link_ho `_ | | +---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ Other Public Implementations ---------------------------- - `D4PG Pytorch`_ .. _`D4PG Pytorch`: https://github.com/schatty/d4pg-pytorch References ----------- - Gabriel Barth-Maron, Matthew W. Hoffman, David Budden, Will Dabney, Dan Horgan, Dhruva TB, Alistair Muldal, Nicolas Heess, Timothy Lillicrap: “Distributed Distributional Deterministic Policy Gradients”, 2018; [https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.08617v1 arXiv:1804.08617v1].