DQfD ^^^^^^^ Overview --------- DQfD was proposed in `Deep Q-learning from Demonstrations `_ by DeepMind, which appeared at AAAI 2018. It first pretrains solely on demonstration data, using a combination of 1-step TD, n-step TD, supervised, and regularization losses so that it has a reasonable policy that is a good starting point for learning in the task. Once it starts interacting with the task, it continues learning by sampling from both its selfgenerated data as well as the demonstration data. The ratio of both types of data in each mini-batch is automatically controlled by a prioritized-replay mechanism. DQfD leverages small sets of demonstration data to massively accelerate the learning process and performs better than PDD DQN, RBS, HER and ADET on Atari games. Quick Facts ------------- 1. DQfD is an extension algorithm of DQN. 2. Store the demonstrations into an expert replay buffer. 3. Pre-train the network with expert demonstrations and accelerate the subsequent RL training process. 4. Agent gathers more transitions for new replay buffer (see detail_explanation_). Trains network on mixture of new replay buffer and expert replay buffer. 5. Network is trained with special loss function made up of four parts: one-step loss, n-step loss, expert large margin classification loss and L2 regularization. Key Equations or Key Graphs --------------------------- The DQfD overall loss used to update the network is a combination of all four losses. Overall Loss: :math:`J(Q) = J_{DQ}(Q) + \lambda_1 J_n(Q) + \lambda_2J_E(Q) + \lambda_3 J_{L2}(Q)` - one-step loss: :math:`J_{DQ}(Q) = (R(s,a) + \gamma Q(s_{t+1}, a_{t+1}^{max}; \theta^{'}) - Q(s,a;\theta))^2`, where :math:`a_{t+1}^{max} = argmax_a Q(s_{t+1},a;\theta)`. - n-step loss: :math:`J_n(Q) = r_t + \gamma r_{t+1} + ... + \gamma^{n-1} r_{t+n-1} + max_a \gamma^n Q(s_{t+n},a)`. - large margin classification loss: :math:`J_E(Q) = max_{a \in A}[Q(s,a) + L(a_E,a)] - Q(s,a_E)`, :math:`L(a_E,a)` is a margin function that is 0 when :math:`a = a_E` and positive otherwise. This loss forces the values of the other actions to be at least a margin lower than the value of the demonstrator’s action. - L2 regularization loss: :math:`J_{L2}(Q)` help prevent from over-fitting. Pseudo-code --------------- .. image:: images/DQfD.png :align: center :scale: 50% .. note:: - In Phase I, the agent just uses the demonstration data, and does not do any exploration. The goal of the pre-training phase is to learn to imitate the demonstrator with a value function that satisfies the Bellman equation. During this pre-training phase, the agent samples mini-batches from the demonstration data and updates the network by applying the total loss J(Q). .. _detail_explanation: - In Phase II, the agent starts acting on the system, collecting self-generated data, and adding it to its replay buffer. Data is added to the replay buffer until it is full, and then the agent starts overwriting old data in that buffer. However, the agent never over-writes the demonstration data. All the losses are applied to the demonstration data in both phases, while the supervised loss is not applied to self-generated data. Extensions ----------- DeepMind has extended DQfD in several ways. Upon a literature search, it seems like two relevant follow-up works are: - `Distributed Prioritized Experience Replay `_ The main idea of this paper is to scale up the experience replay data by having many actors collect experience. Their framework is called **Ape-X**, and they claim that Ape-X DQN achieves a new state of the art performance on Atari games. This paper is not that particularly relevant to DQfD, but we include it here mainly because a follow-up paper (see below) used this technique with DQfD. - `Observe and Look Further: Achieving Consistent Performance on Atari `_ This paper proposes the **Ape-X DQfD** algorithm, which as one might expect combines DQfD with the distributed prioritized experience replay algorithm. Implementations ---------------- The DI-engine implements `DQfD `_. The default config of DQfD Policy is defined as follows: .. autoclass:: ding.policy.dqfd.DQFDPolicy :noindex: The network interface DQfD used is defined as follows: .. autoclass:: ding.model.template.q_learning.DQN :members: __init__, forward :noindex: Benchmark ---------- +---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | environment |best mean reward | evaluation results | config link | comparison | +=====================+=================+=====================================================+==========================+======================+ |Pong | 20 | |`config_link_p `_ | | +---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ |Qbert | 4976 | |`config_link_q `_ | | +---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ |SpaceInvaders | 1969 | |`config_link_s `_ | | +---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+ Reference ---------- - Hester T, Vecerik M, Pietquin O, et al. Deep q-learning from demonstrations[C]//Thirty-second AAAI conference on artificial intelligence. 2018. - Blog: `Combining Imitation Learning and Reinforcement Learning Using DQfD `_