Getting Started

Key modules and concepts

DIgging defines DIgger to operate searching procedures. Users can deploy digging by define a target_function and SearchSpace. The Digger will iteratively propose new samples and update its target score yielding better candidates.

Common digging pipeline uses a ProblemHandler to interact with Digger. It will store all the searched samples and scores, ask scores of a batch of samples and update best sample and score after each asking. The modules and workflows are shown in the following image.

common digging

Reinforcement Learning digging pipeline needs to build a ProblemEnv which generates state, reward of a provided searching action, and use it to train the RL policy in Digger. Some other RL workers such as collector and replay buffer need to be established to execute RL procedure. The modules and workflows are shown in the following image.

rl digging

Basic Examples

Common digging

DIgging provides two kinds of searching workflow for user provided target function and space.

  1. Interactive Procedure

It is done by calling Digger’s propose and update_score method, in which you can flexibly define the searching procedures. You can call the provide_best method at any time to see the currently best candidate sample and its score. Here’s an simple example:

def target_func(x):
    return score

space = YourSpace(shape=(...))
digger = YourDigger(config, space)

for i in range(max_iterations):
    samples = digger.propose(sample_num)
    scores = [target_func(x) for x in samples]
    digger.update_score(samples, scores)

  1. Functional Procedure

It is done by calling the search method of Digger, with target function provided as input. The digger will automatically search the best samples of the target according to the config. Here’s an example:

def target_func(x):
    return score

space = YourSpace(shape=(...))
digger = YourDigger(config, space)


RL digging

When using a Reinforcement Learning Digger, users need to provide an RL Policy defined in DI-engine form, and some other RL workers in DI-engine such as Collector, Learner, ReplayBuffer are supposed to be used in the Digger. In the searching procedure, a target Env is used instead of a function. So we suggest to use the search method to if the user is not familiar with the RL pipeline of DI-engine. Here’s an example.

def target_func(x):
    return score

rl_config = EasyDict(dict(...))
space = YourSearchSpace(shape=(...))
policy = YourPolicy(rl_config.policy, ...)
digger = RLDigger(rl_cfg, space, policy)
