import copy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Any, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
from easydict import EasyDict
from lzero.mcts.ctree.ctree_efficientzero import ez_tree as tree_efficientzero
from lzero.mcts.ctree.ctree_gumbel_muzero import gmz_tree as tree_gumbel_muzero
from lzero.mcts.ctree.ctree_muzero import mz_tree as tree_muzero
from lzero.policy import InverseScalarTransform, to_detach_cpu_numpy
from lzero.mcts.ctree.ctree_efficientzero import ez_tree as ez_ctree
from lzero.mcts.ctree.ctree_muzero import mz_tree as mz_ctree
from lzero.mcts.ctree.ctree_gumbel_muzero import gmz_tree as gmz_ctree
class UniZeroMCTSCtree(object):
MCTSCtree for UniZero. The core ``batch_traverse`` and ``batch_backpropagate`` function is implemented in C++.
__init__, roots, search
config = dict(
# (float) The alpha value used in the Dirichlet distribution for exploration at the root node of the search tree.
# (float) The noise weight at the root node of the search tree.
# (int) The base constant used in the PUCT formula for balancing exploration and exploitation during tree search.
# (float) The initialization constant used in the PUCT formula for balancing exploration and exploitation during tree search.
# (float) The maximum change in value allowed during the backup step of the search tree update.
def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict:
cfg = EasyDict(copy.deepcopy(cls.config))
cfg.cfg_type = cls.__name__ + 'Dict'
return cfg
def __init__(self, cfg: EasyDict = None) -> None:
Use the default configuration mechanism. If a user passes in a cfg with a key that matches an existing key
in the default configuration, the user-provided value will override the default configuration. Otherwise,
the default configuration will be used.
default_config = self.default_config()
self._cfg = default_config
self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle = InverseScalarTransform(
self._cfg.model.support_scale, self._cfg.device, self._cfg.model.categorical_distribution
def roots(cls: int, active_collect_env_num: int, legal_actions: List[Any]) -> "mz_ctree":
The initialization of CRoots with root num and legal action lists.
- root_num (:obj:`int`): the number of the current root.
- legal_action_list (:obj:`list`): the vector of the legal action of this root.
from lzero.mcts.ctree.ctree_muzero import mz_tree as ctree
return ctree.Roots(active_collect_env_num, legal_actions)
# @profile
def search(
self, roots: Any, model: torch.nn.Module, latent_state_roots: List[Any], to_play_batch: Union[int,
) -> None:
Do MCTS for the roots (a batch of root nodes in parallel). Parallel in model inference.
Use the cpp ctree.
- roots (:obj:`Any`): a batch of expanded root nodes
- latent_state_roots (:obj:`list`): the hidden states of the roots
- to_play_batch (:obj:`list`): the to_play_batch list used in in self-play-mode board games
with torch.no_grad():
# preparation some constant
batch_size = roots.num
pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor = self._cfg.pb_c_base, self._cfg.pb_c_init, self._cfg.discount_factor
# the data storage of latent states: storing the latent state of all the nodes in the search.
latent_state_batch_in_search_path = [latent_state_roots]
# minimax value storage
min_max_stats_lst = tree_muzero.MinMaxStatsList(batch_size)
state_action_history = []
for simulation_index in range(self._cfg.num_simulations):
# In each simulation, we expanded a new node, so in one search, we have ``num_simulations`` num of nodes at most.
latent_states = []
# prepare a result wrapper to transport results between python and c++ parts
results = tree_muzero.ResultsWrapper(num=batch_size)
# latent_state_index_in_search_path: the first index of leaf node states in latent_state_batch_in_search_path, i.e. is current_latent_state_index in one the search.
# latent_state_index_in_batch: the second index of leaf node states in latent_state_batch_in_search_path, i.e. the index in the batch, whose maximum is ``batch_size``.
# e.g. the latent state of the leaf node in (x, y) is latent_state_batch_in_search_path[x, y], where x is current_latent_state_index, y is batch_index.
# The index of value prefix hidden state of the leaf node are in the same manner.
MCTS stage 1: Selection
Each simulation starts from the internal root state s0, and finishes when the simulation reaches a leaf node s_l.
if self._cfg.env_type == 'not_board_games':
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_muzero.batch_traverse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_muzero.batch_traverse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
# obtain the latent state for leaf node
for ix, iy in zip(latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch):
latent_states = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(latent_states)).to(self._cfg.device)
# TODO: .long() is only for discrete action
last_actions = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(last_actions)).to(self._cfg.device).long()
# Update state_action_history after each simulation
state_action_history.append((latent_states.detach().cpu().numpy(), last_actions))
MCTS stage 2: Expansion
At the final time-step l of the simulation, the next_latent_state and reward/value_prefix are computed by the dynamics function.
Then we calculate the policy_logits and value for the leaf node (next_latent_state) by the prediction function. (aka. evaluation)
MCTS stage 3: Backup
At the end of the simulation, the statistics along the trajectory are updated.
# for UniZero
network_output = model.recurrent_inference(state_action_history, simulation_index, latent_state_index_in_search_path)
network_output.latent_state = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.latent_state)
network_output.policy_logits = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.policy_logits)
network_output.value = to_detach_cpu_numpy(self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle(network_output.value))
network_output.reward = to_detach_cpu_numpy(self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle(network_output.reward))
# tolist() is to be compatible with cpp datatype.
reward_batch = network_output.reward.reshape(-1).tolist()
value_batch = network_output.value.reshape(-1).tolist()
policy_logits_batch = network_output.policy_logits.tolist()
# In ``batch_backpropagate()``, we first expand the leaf node using ``the policy_logits`` and
# ``reward`` predicted by the model, then perform backpropagation along the search path to update the
# statistics.
# NOTE: simulation_index + 1 is very important, which is the depth of the current leaf node.
current_latent_state_index = simulation_index + 1
current_latent_state_index, discount_factor, reward_batch, value_batch, policy_logits_batch,
min_max_stats_lst, results, virtual_to_play_batch
[docs]class MuZeroMCTSCtree(object):
MCTSCtree for MuZero. The core ``batch_traverse`` and ``batch_backpropagate`` function is implemented in C++.
__init__, roots, search
config = dict(
# (float) The alpha value used in the Dirichlet distribution for exploration at the root node of the search tree.
# (float) The noise weight at the root node of the search tree.
# (int) The base constant used in the PUCT formula for balancing exploration and exploitation during tree search.
# (float) The initialization constant used in the PUCT formula for balancing exploration and exploitation during tree search.
# (float) The maximum change in value allowed during the backup step of the search tree update.
[docs] @classmethod
def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict:
cfg = EasyDict(copy.deepcopy(cls.config))
cfg.cfg_type = cls.__name__ + 'Dict'
return cfg
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: EasyDict = None) -> None:
Use the default configuration mechanism. If a user passes in a cfg with a key that matches an existing key
in the default configuration, the user-provided value will override the default configuration. Otherwise,
the default configuration will be used.
default_config = self.default_config()
self._cfg = default_config
self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle = InverseScalarTransform(
self._cfg.model.support_scale, self._cfg.device, self._cfg.model.categorical_distribution
[docs] @classmethod
def roots(cls: int, active_collect_env_num: int, legal_actions: List[Any]) -> "mz_ctree":
The initialization of CRoots with root num and legal action lists.
- root_num (:obj:`int`): the number of the current root.
- legal_action_list (:obj:`list`): the vector of the legal action of this root.
from lzero.mcts.ctree.ctree_muzero import mz_tree as ctree
return ctree.Roots(active_collect_env_num, legal_actions)
# @profile
[docs] def search(
self, roots: Any, model: torch.nn.Module, latent_state_roots: List[Any], to_play_batch: Union[int,
) -> None:
Do MCTS for the roots (a batch of root nodes in parallel). Parallel in model inference.
Use the cpp ctree.
- roots (:obj:`Any`): a batch of expanded root nodes
- latent_state_roots (:obj:`list`): the hidden states of the roots
- to_play_batch (:obj:`list`): the to_play_batch list used in in self-play-mode board games
with torch.no_grad():
# preparation some constant
batch_size = roots.num
pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor = self._cfg.pb_c_base, self._cfg.pb_c_init, self._cfg.discount_factor
# the data storage of latent states: storing the latent state of all the nodes in the search.
latent_state_batch_in_search_path = [latent_state_roots]
# minimax value storage
min_max_stats_lst = tree_muzero.MinMaxStatsList(batch_size)
last_latent_state = latent_state_roots
for simulation_index in range(self._cfg.num_simulations):
# In each simulation, we expanded a new node, so in one search, we have ``num_simulations`` num of nodes at most.
latent_states = []
# prepare a result wrapper to transport results between python and c++ parts
results = tree_muzero.ResultsWrapper(num=batch_size)
# latent_state_index_in_search_path: the first index of leaf node states in latent_state_batch_in_search_path, i.e. is current_latent_state_index in one the search.
# latent_state_index_in_batch: the second index of leaf node states in latent_state_batch_in_search_path, i.e. the index in the batch, whose maximum is ``batch_size``.
# e.g. the latent state of the leaf node in (x, y) is latent_state_batch_in_search_path[x, y], where x is current_latent_state_index, y is batch_index.
# The index of value prefix hidden state of the leaf node are in the same manner.
MCTS stage 1: Selection
Each simulation starts from the internal root state s0, and finishes when the simulation reaches a leaf node s_l.
if self._cfg.env_type == 'not_board_games':
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_muzero.batch_traverse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_muzero.batch_traverse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
# obtain the latent state for leaf node
for ix, iy in zip(latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch):
latent_states = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(latent_states)).to(self._cfg.device)
# latent_states = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(latent_states)).to(self._cfg.device).float()
# TODO: .long() is only for discrete action
last_actions = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(last_actions)).to(self._cfg.device).long()
MCTS stage 2: Expansion
At the final time-step l of the simulation, the next_latent_state and reward/value_prefix are computed by the dynamics function.
Then we calculate the policy_logits and value for the leaf node (next_latent_state) by the prediction function. (aka. evaluation)
MCTS stage 3: Backup
At the end of the simulation, the statistics along the trajectory are updated.
network_output = model.recurrent_inference(latent_states, last_actions) # for classic muzero
network_output.latent_state = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.latent_state)
network_output.policy_logits = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.policy_logits)
network_output.value = to_detach_cpu_numpy(self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle(network_output.value))
network_output.reward = to_detach_cpu_numpy(self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle(network_output.reward))
# tolist() is to be compatible with cpp datatype.
reward_batch = network_output.reward.reshape(-1).tolist()
value_batch = network_output.value.reshape(-1).tolist()
policy_logits_batch = network_output.policy_logits.tolist()
# In ``batch_backpropagate()``, we first expand the leaf node using ``the policy_logits`` and
# ``reward`` predicted by the model, then perform backpropagation along the search path to update the
# statistics.
# NOTE: simulation_index + 1 is very important, which is the depth of the current leaf node.
current_latent_state_index = simulation_index + 1
current_latent_state_index, discount_factor, reward_batch, value_batch, policy_logits_batch,
min_max_stats_lst, results, virtual_to_play_batch
[docs] def search_with_reuse(
roots: Any,
model: torch.nn.Module,
latent_state_roots: List[Any],
to_play_batch: Union[int, List[Any]],
) -> None:
Perform Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for the root nodes in parallel. Utilizes the cpp ctree for efficiency.
Please refer to for more details.
- roots (:obj:`Any`): A batch of expanded root nodes.
- model (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The neural network model.
- latent_state_roots (:obj:`list`): The hidden states of the root nodes.
- to_play_batch (:obj:`Union[int, list]`): The list or batch indicator for players in self-play mode.
- true_action_list (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of true actions for reuse.
- reuse_value_list (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of values for reuse.
with torch.no_grad():
# Initialize constants and variables
batch_size = roots.num
pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor = self._cfg.pb_c_base, self._cfg.pb_c_init, self._cfg.discount_factor
latent_state_batch_in_search_path = [latent_state_roots]
min_max_stats_lst = tree_muzero.MinMaxStatsList(batch_size)
infer_sum = 0
for simulation_index in range(self._cfg.num_simulations):
latent_states = []
temp_actions = []
no_inference_lst = []
reuse_lst = []
results = tree_muzero.ResultsWrapper(num=batch_size)
# Selection phase: traverse the tree to select a leaf node
if self._cfg.env_type == 'not_board_games':
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_muzero.batch_traverse_with_reuse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
to_play_batch, true_action_list, reuse_value_list
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_muzero.batch_traverse_with_reuse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
copy.deepcopy(to_play_batch), true_action_list, reuse_value_list
# Collect latent states and actions for expansion
for count, (ix, iy) in enumerate(zip(latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch)):
if ix != -1:
if ix == 0 and last_actions[count] == true_action_list[count]:
length = len(temp_actions)
latent_states = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(latent_states)).to(self._cfg.device)
temp_actions = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(temp_actions)).to(self._cfg.device).long()
# Expansion phase: expand the leaf node and evaluate the new node
if length != 0:
network_output = model.recurrent_inference(latent_states, temp_actions)
network_output.latent_state = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.latent_state)
network_output.policy_logits = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.policy_logits)
network_output.value = to_detach_cpu_numpy(
network_output.reward = to_detach_cpu_numpy(
reward_batch = network_output.reward.reshape(-1).tolist()
value_batch = network_output.value.reshape(-1).tolist()
policy_logits_batch = network_output.policy_logits.tolist()
reward_batch = []
value_batch = []
policy_logits_batch = []
# Backup phase: propagate the evaluation results back through the tree
current_latent_state_index = simulation_index + 1
current_latent_state_index, discount_factor, reward_batch, value_batch, policy_logits_batch,
min_max_stats_lst, results, virtual_to_play_batch, no_inference_lst, reuse_lst, reuse_value_list
infer_sum += length
average_infer = infer_sum / self._cfg.num_simulations
return length, average_infer
class MuZeroRNNFullObsMCTSCtree(object):
The C++ implementation of MCTS (batch format) for EfficientZero. \
It completes the ``roots``and ``search`` methods by calling functions in module ``ctree_muzero``, \
which are implemented in C++.
``__init__``, ``roots``, ``search``
The benefit of searching for a batch of nodes at the same time is that \
it can be parallelized during model inference, thus saving time.
config = dict(
# (float) The alpha value used in the Dirichlet distribution for exploration at the root node of the search tree.
# (float) The noise weight at the root node of the search tree.
# (int) The base constant used in the PUCT formula for balancing exploration and exploitation during tree search.
# (float) The initialization constant used in the PUCT formula for balancing exploration and exploitation during tree search.
# (float) The maximum change in value allowed during the backup step of the search tree update.
def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict:
A class method that returns a default configuration in the form of an EasyDict object.
- cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): The dict of the default configuration.
# Create a deep copy of the `config` attribute of the class.
cfg = EasyDict(copy.deepcopy(cls.config))
# Add a new attribute `cfg_type` to the `cfg` object.
cfg.cfg_type = cls.__name__ + 'Dict'
return cfg
def __init__(self, cfg: EasyDict = None) -> None:
Use the default configuration mechanism. If a user passes in a cfg with a key that matches an existing key
in the default configuration, the user-provided value will override the default configuration. Otherwise,
the default configuration will be used.
- cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): The configuration passed in by the user.
# Get the default configuration.
default_config = self.default_config()
# Update the default configuration with the values provided by the user in ``cfg``.
self._cfg = default_config
self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle = InverseScalarTransform(
self._cfg.model.support_scale, self._cfg.device, self._cfg.model.categorical_distribution
def roots(cls: int, active_collect_env_num: int, legal_actions: List[Any]) -> "ez_ctree.Roots":
Initializes a batch of roots to search parallel later.
- root_num (:obj:`int`): the number of the roots in a batch.
- legal_action_list (:obj:`List[Any]`): the vector of the legal actions for the roots.
The initialization is achieved by the ``Roots`` class from the ``ctree_muzero`` module.
return tree_muzero.Roots(active_collect_env_num, legal_actions)
# @profile
def search(
self, roots: Any, model: torch.nn.Module, latent_state_roots: List[Any],
world_model_latent_history_roots: List[Any], to_play_batch: Union[int, List[Any]], ready_env_id=None,
) -> None:
Do MCTS for a batch of roots. Parallel in model inference. \
Use C++ to implement the tree search.
- roots (:obj:`Any`): a batch of expanded root nodes.
- latent_state_roots (:obj:`list`): the hidden states of the roots.
- reward_hidden_state_roots (:obj:`list`): the value prefix hidden states in LSTM of the roots.
- model (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The model used for inference.
- to_play (:obj:`list`): the to_play list used in self-play-mode board games.
.. note::
The core functions ``batch_traverse`` and ``batch_backpropagate`` are implemented in C++.
with torch.no_grad():
# preparation some constant
batch_size = roots.num
pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor = self._cfg.pb_c_base, self._cfg.pb_c_init, self._cfg.discount_factor
# the data storage of latent states: storing the latent state of all the nodes in one search.
latent_state_batch_in_search_path = [latent_state_roots]
# the data storage of value prefix hidden states in RNN
world_model_latent_history_batch = [world_model_latent_history_roots]
# minimax value storage
min_max_stats_lst = tree_muzero.MinMaxStatsList(batch_size)
state_action_history = []
for simulation_index in range(self._cfg.num_simulations):
# In each simulation, we expanded a new node, so in one search, we have ``num_simulations`` num of nodes at most.
latent_states = []
world_model_latent_history = []
# prepare a result wrapper to transport results between python and c++ parts
results = tree_muzero.ResultsWrapper(num=batch_size)
# latent_state_index_in_search_path: the first index of leaf node states in latent_state_batch_in_search_path, i.e. is current_latent_state_index in one the search.
# latent_state_index_in_batch: the second index of leaf node states in latent_state_batch_in_search_path, i.e. the index in the batch, whose maximum is ``batch_size``.
# e.g. the latent state of the leaf node in (x, y) is latent_state_batch_in_search_path[x, y], where x is current_latent_state_index, y is batch_index.
# The index of value prefix hidden state of the leaf node is in the same manner.
MCTS stage 1: Selection
Each simulation starts from the internal root state s0, and finishes when the simulation reaches a leaf node s_l.
if self._cfg.env_type == 'not_board_games':
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_muzero.batch_traverse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_muzero.batch_traverse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
# obtain the search horizon for leaf nodes
search_lens = results.get_search_len()
# obtain the latent state for leaf node
for ix, iy in zip(latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch):
latent_states = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(latent_states)).to(self._cfg.device)
world_model_latent_history = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(world_model_latent_history)).to(
# TODO: .long() is only for discrete action
last_actions = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(last_actions)).to(self._cfg.device).long()
state_action_history.append((latent_states.detach().cpu().numpy(), last_actions))
MCTS stage 2: Expansion
At the final time-step l of the simulation, the next_latent_state and reward/value_prefix are computed by the dynamics function.
Then we calculate the policy_logits and value for the leaf node (next_latent_state) by the prediction function. (aka. evaluation)
MCTS stage 3: Backup
At the end of the simulation, the statistics along the trajectory are updated.
# ===================== MuZeroRNN full_obs =====================
if ready_env_id is None:
# for train
network_output = model.recurrent_inference(
latent_states, world_model_latent_history, last_actions
# for inference in collector and evaluator
network_output = model.recurrent_inference(
latent_states, world_model_latent_history, last_actions, ready_env_id=ready_env_id
network_output.predict_next_latent_state = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.predict_next_latent_state)
network_output.policy_logits = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.policy_logits)
network_output.value = to_detach_cpu_numpy(self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle(network_output.value))
network_output.value_prefix = to_detach_cpu_numpy(self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle(network_output.value_prefix))
network_output.reward_hidden_state = network_output.reward_hidden_state.detach().cpu().numpy()
# tolist() is to be compatible with cpp datatype.
reward_batch = network_output.value_prefix.reshape(-1).tolist()
value_batch = network_output.value.reshape(-1).tolist()
policy_logits_batch = network_output.policy_logits.tolist()
world_model_latent_history = network_output.reward_hidden_state
# In ``batch_backpropagate()``, we first expand the leaf node using ``the policy_logits`` and
# ``reward`` predicted by the model, then perform backpropagation along the search path to update the
# statistics.
# NOTE: simulation_index + 1 is very important, which is the depth of the current leaf node.
current_latent_state_index = simulation_index + 1
current_latent_state_index, discount_factor, reward_batch, value_batch, policy_logits_batch,
min_max_stats_lst, results, virtual_to_play_batch
[docs]class EfficientZeroMCTSCtree(object):
The C++ implementation of MCTS (batch format) for EfficientZero. \
It completes the ``roots``and ``search`` methods by calling functions in module ``ctree_efficientzero``, \
which are implemented in C++.
``__init__``, ``roots``, ``search``
The benefit of searching for a batch of nodes at the same time is that \
it can be parallelized during model inference, thus saving time.
config = dict(
# (float) The alpha value used in the Dirichlet distribution for exploration at the root node of the search tree.
# (float) The noise weight at the root node of the search tree.
# (int) The base constant used in the PUCT formula for balancing exploration and exploitation during tree search.
# (float) The initialization constant used in the PUCT formula for balancing exploration and exploitation during tree search.
# (float) The maximum change in value allowed during the backup step of the search tree update.
[docs] @classmethod
def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict:
A class method that returns a default configuration in the form of an EasyDict object.
- cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): The dict of the default configuration.
# Create a deep copy of the `config` attribute of the class.
cfg = EasyDict(copy.deepcopy(cls.config))
# Add a new attribute `cfg_type` to the `cfg` object.
cfg.cfg_type = cls.__name__ + 'Dict'
return cfg
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: EasyDict = None) -> None:
Use the default configuration mechanism. If a user passes in a cfg with a key that matches an existing key
in the default configuration, the user-provided value will override the default configuration. Otherwise,
the default configuration will be used.
- cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): The configuration passed in by the user.
# Get the default configuration.
default_config = self.default_config()
# Update the default configuration with the values provided by the user in ``cfg``.
self._cfg = default_config
self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle = InverseScalarTransform(
self._cfg.model.support_scale, self._cfg.device, self._cfg.model.categorical_distribution
[docs] @classmethod
def roots(cls: int, active_collect_env_num: int, legal_actions: List[Any]) -> "ez_ctree.Roots":
Initializes a batch of roots to search parallelly later.
- root_num (:obj:`int`): the number of the roots in a batch.
- legal_action_list (:obj:`List[Any]`): the vector of the legal actions for the roots.
The initialization is achieved by the ``Roots`` class from the ``ctree_efficientzero`` module.
return tree_efficientzero.Roots(active_collect_env_num, legal_actions)
[docs] def search(
self, roots: Any, model: torch.nn.Module, latent_state_roots: List[Any],
reward_hidden_state_roots: List[Any], to_play_batch: Union[int, List[Any]]
) -> None:
Do MCTS for a batch of roots. Parallel in model inference. \
Use C++ to implement the tree search.
- roots (:obj:`Any`): a batch of expanded root nodes.
- latent_state_roots (:obj:`list`): the hidden states of the roots.
- reward_hidden_state_roots (:obj:`list`): the value prefix hidden states in LSTM of the roots.
- model (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The model used for inference.
- to_play (:obj:`list`): the to_play list used in in self-play-mode board games.
.. note::
The core functions ``batch_traverse`` and ``batch_backpropagate`` are implemented in C++.
with torch.no_grad():
# preparation some constant
batch_size = roots.num
pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor = self._cfg.pb_c_base, self._cfg.pb_c_init, self._cfg.discount_factor
# the data storage of latent states: storing the latent state of all the nodes in one search.
latent_state_batch_in_search_path = [latent_state_roots]
# the data storage of value prefix hidden states in LSTM
# print(f"reward_hidden_state_roots[0]={reward_hidden_state_roots[0]}")
# print(f"reward_hidden_state_roots[1]={reward_hidden_state_roots[1]}")
reward_hidden_state_c_batch = [reward_hidden_state_roots[0]]
reward_hidden_state_h_batch = [reward_hidden_state_roots[1]]
# minimax value storage
min_max_stats_lst = tree_efficientzero.MinMaxStatsList(batch_size)
for simulation_index in range(self._cfg.num_simulations):
# In each simulation, we expanded a new node, so in one search, we have ``num_simulations`` num of nodes at most.
latent_states = []
hidden_states_c_reward = []
hidden_states_h_reward = []
# prepare a result wrapper to transport results between python and c++ parts
results = tree_efficientzero.ResultsWrapper(num=batch_size)
# latent_state_index_in_search_path: the first index of leaf node states in latent_state_batch_in_search_path, i.e. is current_latent_state_index in one the search.
# latent_state_index_in_batch: the second index of leaf node states in latent_state_batch_in_search_path, i.e. the index in the batch, whose maximum is ``batch_size``.
# e.g. the latent state of the leaf node in (x, y) is latent_state_batch_in_search_path[x, y], where x is current_latent_state_index, y is batch_index.
# The index of value prefix hidden state of the leaf node is in the same manner.
MCTS stage 1: Selection
Each simulation starts from the internal root state s0, and finishes when the simulation reaches a leaf node s_l.
if self._cfg.env_type == 'not_board_games':
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_efficientzero.batch_traverse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
# the ``to_play_batch`` is only used in board games, here we need to deepcopy it to avoid changing the original data.
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_efficientzero.batch_traverse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
# obtain the search horizon for leaf nodes
search_lens = results.get_search_len()
# obtain the latent state for leaf node
for ix, iy in zip(latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch):
latent_states = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(latent_states)).to(self._cfg.device)
hidden_states_c_reward = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(hidden_states_c_reward)).to(self._cfg.device
hidden_states_h_reward = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(hidden_states_h_reward)).to(self._cfg.device
# .long() is only for discrete action
last_actions = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(last_actions)).to(self._cfg.device).long()
MCTS stage 2: Expansion
At the final time-step l of the simulation, the next_latent_state and reward/value_prefix are computed by the dynamics function.
Then we calculate the policy_logits and value for the leaf node (next_latent_state) by the prediction function. (aka. evaluation)
MCTS stage 3: Backup
At the end of the simulation, the statistics along the trajectory are updated.
network_output = model.recurrent_inference(
latent_states, (hidden_states_c_reward, hidden_states_h_reward), last_actions
network_output.latent_state = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.latent_state)
network_output.policy_logits = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.policy_logits)
network_output.value = to_detach_cpu_numpy(self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle(network_output.value))
network_output.value_prefix = to_detach_cpu_numpy(
network_output.reward_hidden_state = (
# tolist() is to be compatible with cpp datatype.
value_prefix_batch = network_output.value_prefix.reshape(-1).tolist()
value_batch = network_output.value.reshape(-1).tolist()
policy_logits_batch = network_output.policy_logits.tolist()
reward_latent_state_batch = network_output.reward_hidden_state
# reset the hidden states in LSTM every ``lstm_horizon_len`` steps in one search.
# which enable the model only need to predict the value prefix in a range (e.g.: [s0,...,s5])
assert self._cfg.lstm_horizon_len > 0
reset_idx = (np.array(search_lens) % self._cfg.lstm_horizon_len == 0)
assert len(reset_idx) == batch_size
reward_latent_state_batch[0][:, reset_idx, :] = 0
reward_latent_state_batch[1][:, reset_idx, :] = 0
is_reset_list = reset_idx.astype(np.int32).tolist()
# In ``batch_backpropagate()``, we first expand the leaf node using ``the policy_logits`` and
# ``reward`` predicted by the model, then perform backpropagation along the search path to update the
# statistics.
# NOTE: simulation_index + 1 is very important, which is the depth of the current leaf node.
current_latent_state_index = simulation_index + 1
current_latent_state_index, discount_factor, value_prefix_batch, value_batch, policy_logits_batch,
min_max_stats_lst, results, is_reset_list, virtual_to_play_batch
[docs] def search_with_reuse(
self, roots: Any, model: torch.nn.Module, latent_state_roots: List[Any],
reward_hidden_state_roots: List[Any], to_play_batch: Union[int, List[Any]],
true_action_list=None, reuse_value_list=None
) -> None:
Perform Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for the root nodes in parallel, utilizing model inference in parallel.
This method uses the cpp ctree for efficiency.
Please refer to for more details.
- roots (:obj:`Any`): A batch of expanded root nodes.
- model (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The model to use for inference.
- latent_state_roots (:obj:`List[Any]`): The hidden states of the root nodes.
- reward_hidden_state_roots (:obj:`List[Any]`): The value prefix hidden states in the LSTM of the roots.
- to_play_batch (:obj:`Union[int, List[Any]]`): The to_play_batch list used in self-play-mode board games.
- true_action_list (:obj:`Optional[List[Any]]`): List of true actions for reuse.
- reuse_value_list (:obj:`Optional[List[Any]]`): List of values for reuse.
with torch.no_grad():
batch_size = roots.num
pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor = self._cfg.pb_c_base, self._cfg.pb_c_init, self._cfg.discount_factor
latent_state_batch_in_search_path = [latent_state_roots]
reward_hidden_state_c_batch = [reward_hidden_state_roots[0]]
reward_hidden_state_h_batch = [reward_hidden_state_roots[1]]
min_max_stats_lst = tree_efficientzero.MinMaxStatsList(batch_size)
infer_sum = 0
for simulation_index in range(self._cfg.num_simulations):
latent_states, hidden_states_c_reward, hidden_states_h_reward = [], [], []
temp_actions, temp_search_lens, no_inference_lst, reuse_lst = [], [], [], []
results = tree_efficientzero.ResultsWrapper(num=batch_size)
if self._cfg.env_type == 'not_board_games':
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_efficientzero.batch_traverse_with_reuse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
to_play_batch, true_action_list, reuse_value_list
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_efficientzero.batch_traverse_with_reuse(
roots, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, min_max_stats_lst, results,
copy.deepcopy(to_play_batch), true_action_list, reuse_value_list
search_lens = results.get_search_len()
for count, (ix, iy) in enumerate(zip(latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch)):
if ix != -1:
if ix == 0 and last_actions[count] == true_action_list[count]:
length = len(temp_actions)
latent_states = torch.tensor(latent_states, device=self._cfg.device)
hidden_states_c_reward = torch.tensor(hidden_states_c_reward, device=self._cfg.device).unsqueeze(0)
hidden_states_h_reward = torch.tensor(hidden_states_h_reward, device=self._cfg.device).unsqueeze(0)
temp_actions = torch.tensor(temp_actions, device=self._cfg.device).long()
if length != 0:
network_output = model.recurrent_inference(
latent_states, (hidden_states_c_reward, hidden_states_h_reward), temp_actions
network_output.latent_state = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.latent_state)
network_output.policy_logits = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.policy_logits)
network_output.value = to_detach_cpu_numpy(
network_output.value_prefix = to_detach_cpu_numpy(
network_output.reward_hidden_state = (
value_prefix_batch = network_output.value_prefix.reshape(-1).tolist()
value_batch = network_output.value.reshape(-1).tolist()
policy_logits_batch = network_output.policy_logits.tolist()
reward_latent_state_batch = network_output.reward_hidden_state
assert self._cfg.lstm_horizon_len > 0
reset_idx = (np.array(temp_search_lens) % self._cfg.lstm_horizon_len == 0)
reward_latent_state_batch[0][:, reset_idx, :] = 0
reward_latent_state_batch[1][:, reset_idx, :] = 0
is_reset_list = reset_idx.astype(np.int32).tolist()
value_batch, policy_logits_batch, value_prefix_batch = [], [], []
assert self._cfg.lstm_horizon_len > 0
reset_idx = (np.array(search_lens) % self._cfg.lstm_horizon_len == 0)
assert len(reset_idx) == batch_size
is_reset_list = reset_idx.astype(np.int32).tolist()
current_latent_state_index = simulation_index + 1
current_latent_state_index, discount_factor, value_prefix_batch, value_batch, policy_logits_batch,
min_max_stats_lst, results, is_reset_list, virtual_to_play_batch, no_inference_lst, reuse_lst,
infer_sum += length
average_infer = infer_sum / self._cfg.num_simulations
return length, average_infer
[docs]class GumbelMuZeroMCTSCtree(object):
The C++ implementation of MCTS (batch format) for Gumbel MuZero. \
It completes the ``roots`` and ``search`` methods by calling functions in module ``ctree_gumbel_muzero``, \
which are implemented in C++.
``__init__``, ``roots``, ``search``
The benefit of searching for a batch of nodes at the same time is that \
it can be parallelized during model inference, thus saving time.
config = dict(
# (int) The max limitation of simluation times during the simulation.
# (float) The alpha value used in the Dirichlet distribution for exploration at the root node of the search tree.
# (float) The noise weight at the root node of the search tree.
# (float) The maximum change in value allowed during the backup step of the search tree update.
[docs] @classmethod
def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict:
A class method that returns a default configuration in the form of an EasyDict object.
- cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): The dict of the default configuration.
# Create a deep copy of the `config` attribute of the class.
cfg = EasyDict(copy.deepcopy(cls.config))
# Add a new attribute `cfg_type` to the `cfg` object.
cfg.cfg_type = cls.__name__ + 'Dict'
return cfg
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: EasyDict = None) -> None:
Use the default configuration mechanism. If a user passes in a cfg with a key that matches an existing key \
in the default configuration, the user-provided value will override the default configuration. Otherwise, \
the default configuration will be used.
- cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): The configuration passed in by the user.
# Get the default configuration.
default_config = self.default_config()
# Update the default configuration with the values provided by the user in ``cfg``.
self._cfg = default_config
self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle = InverseScalarTransform(
self._cfg.model.support_scale, self._cfg.device, self._cfg.model.categorical_distribution
[docs] @classmethod
def roots(cls: int, active_collect_env_num: int, legal_actions: List[Any]) -> "gmz_ctree":
Initializes a batch of roots to search parallelly later.
- root_num (:obj:`int`): the number of the roots in a batch.
- legal_action_list (:obj:`List[Any]`): the vector of the legal actions for the roots.
The initialization is achieved by the ``Roots`` class from the ``ctree_gumbel_muzero`` module.
return tree_gumbel_muzero.Roots(active_collect_env_num, legal_actions)
[docs] def search(self, roots: Any, model: torch.nn.Module, latent_state_roots: List[Any], to_play_batch: Union[int, List[Any]]) -> None:
Do MCTS for a batch of roots. Parallel in model inference. \
Use C++ to implement the tree search.
- roots (:obj:`Any`): a batch of expanded root nodes.
- latent_state_roots (:obj:`list`): the hidden states of the roots.
- model (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The model used for inference.
- to_play (:obj:`list`): the to_play list used in in self-play-mode board games.
.. note::
The core functions ``batch_traverse`` and ``batch_backpropagate`` are implemented in C++.
with torch.no_grad():
# preparation some constant
batch_size = roots.num
device = self._cfg.device
discount_factor = self._cfg.discount_factor
# the data storage of hidden states: storing the states of all the tree nodes
latent_state_batch_in_search_path = [latent_state_roots]
# minimax value storage
min_max_stats_lst = tree_gumbel_muzero.MinMaxStatsList(batch_size)
for simulation_index in range(self._cfg.num_simulations):
# In each simulation, we expanded a new node, so in one search, we have ``num_simulations`` num of nodes at most.
latent_states = []
# prepare a result wrapper to transport results between python and c++ parts
results = tree_gumbel_muzero.ResultsWrapper(num=batch_size)
# traverse to select actions for each root
# hidden_state_index_x_lst: the first index of leaf node states in hidden_state_pool
# hidden_state_index_y_lst: the second index of leaf node states in hidden_state_pool
# the hidden state of the leaf node is hidden_state_pool[x, y]; value prefix states are the same
MCTS stage 1: Selection
Each simulation starts from the internal root state s0, and finishes when the simulation reaches a leaf node s_l.
In gumbel muzero, the action at the root node is selected using the Sequential Halving algorithm, while the action
at the interier node is selected based on the completion of the action values.
if self._cfg.env_type == 'not_board_games':
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_gumbel_muzero.batch_traverse(
roots, self._cfg.num_simulations, self._cfg.max_num_considered_actions, discount_factor,
results, to_play_batch
# the ``to_play_batch`` is only used in board games, here we need to deepcopy it to avoid changing the original data.
latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch, last_actions, virtual_to_play_batch = tree_gumbel_muzero.batch_traverse(
roots, self._cfg.num_simulations, self._cfg.max_num_considered_actions, discount_factor,
results, copy.deepcopy(to_play_batch)
# obtain the states for leaf nodes
for ix, iy in zip(latent_state_index_in_search_path, latent_state_index_in_batch):
latent_states = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(latent_states)).to(device)
# .long() is only for discrete action
last_actions = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(last_actions)).to(device).unsqueeze(1).long()
MCTS stage 2: Expansion
At the final time-step l of the simulation, the next_latent_state and reward/value_prefix are computed by the dynamics function.
Then we calculate the policy_logits and value for the leaf node (next_latent_state) by the prediction function. (aka. evaluation)
MCTS stage 3: Backup
At the end of the simulation, the statistics along the trajectory are updated.
network_output = model.recurrent_inference(latent_states, last_actions)
network_output.latent_state = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.latent_state)
network_output.policy_logits = to_detach_cpu_numpy(network_output.policy_logits)
network_output.value = to_detach_cpu_numpy(self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle(network_output.value))
network_output.reward = to_detach_cpu_numpy(self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle(network_output.reward))
# tolist() is to be compatible with cpp datatype.
reward_batch = network_output.reward.reshape(-1).tolist()
value_batch = network_output.value.reshape(-1).tolist()
policy_logits_batch = network_output.policy_logits.tolist()
# In ``batch_backpropagate()``, we first expand the leaf node using ``the policy_logits`` and
# ``reward`` predicted by the model, then perform backpropagation along the search path to update the
# statistics.
# NOTE: simulation_index + 1 is very important, which is the depth of the current leaf node.
current_latent_state_index = simulation_index + 1
# backpropagation along the search path to update the attributes
current_latent_state_index, discount_factor, reward_batch, value_batch, policy_logits_batch,
min_max_stats_lst, results, virtual_to_play_batch