Source code for lzero.worker.muzero_evaluator

import copy
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional, Callable, Tuple, Dict, Any

import numpy as np
import torch
import wandb
from ding.envs import BaseEnvManager
from ding.torch_utils import to_ndarray, to_item, to_tensor
from ding.utils import build_logger, EasyTimer
from ding.utils import get_world_size, get_rank, broadcast_object_list
from ding.worker.collector.base_serial_evaluator import ISerialEvaluator, VectorEvalMonitor
from easydict import EasyDict

from lzero.mcts.buffer.game_segment import GameSegment
from lzero.mcts.utils import prepare_observation

[docs]class MuZeroEvaluator(ISerialEvaluator): """ Overview: The Evaluator class for MCTS+RL algorithms, such as MuZero, EfficientZero, and Sampled EfficientZero. Interfaces: __init__, reset, reset_policy, reset_env, close, should_eval, eval Properties: env, policy """
[docs] @classmethod def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict: """ Overview: Retrieve the default configuration for the evaluator by merging evaluator-specific defaults with other defaults and any user-provided configuration. Returns: - cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): The default configuration for the evaluator. """ cfg = EasyDict(copy.deepcopy(cls.config)) cfg.cfg_type = cls.__name__ + 'Dict' return cfg
config = dict( # Evaluate every "eval_freq" training iterations. eval_freq=50, )
[docs] def __init__( self, eval_freq: int = 1000, n_evaluator_episode: int = 3, stop_value: int = 1e6, env: BaseEnvManager = None, policy: namedtuple = None, tb_logger: 'SummaryWriter' = None, # noqa exp_name: Optional[str] = 'default_experiment', instance_name: Optional[str] = 'evaluator', policy_config: 'policy_config' = None, # noqa ) -> None: """ Overview: Initialize the evaluator with configuration settings for various components such as logger helper and timer. Arguments: - eval_freq (:obj:`int`): Evaluation frequency in terms of training steps. - n_evaluator_episode (:obj:`int`): Number of episodes to evaluate in total. - stop_value (:obj:`float`): A reward threshold above which the training is considered converged. - env (:obj:`Optional[BaseEnvManager]`): An optional instance of a subclass of BaseEnvManager. - policy (:obj:`Optional[namedtuple]`): An optional API namedtuple defining the policy for evaluation. - tb_logger (:obj:`Optional[SummaryWriter]`): Optional TensorBoard logger instance. - exp_name (:obj:`str`): Name of the experiment, used to determine output directory. - instance_name (:obj:`str`): Name of this evaluator instance. - policy_config (:obj:`Optional[dict]`): Optional configuration for the game policy. """ self._eval_freq = eval_freq self._exp_name = exp_name self._instance_name = instance_name # Logger (Monitor will be initialized in policy setter) # Only rank == 0 learner needs monitor and tb_logger, others only need text_logger to display terminal output. if get_rank() == 0: if tb_logger is not None: self._logger, _ = build_logger( './{}/log/{}'.format(self._exp_name, self._instance_name), self._instance_name, need_tb=False ) self._tb_logger = tb_logger else: self._logger, self._tb_logger = build_logger( './{}/log/{}'.format(self._exp_name, self._instance_name), self._instance_name ) else: self._logger, self._tb_logger = None, None # for close elegantly self.reset(policy, env) self._timer = EasyTimer() self._default_n_episode = n_evaluator_episode self._stop_value = stop_value # ============================================================== # MCTS+RL related core code # ============================================================== self.policy_config = policy_config
[docs] def reset_env(self, _env: Optional[BaseEnvManager] = None) -> None: """ Overview: Reset the environment for the evaluator, optionally replacing it with a new environment. If _env is None, reset the old environment. If _env is not None, replace the old environment in the evaluator with the new passed in environment and launch. Arguments: - _env (:obj:`Optional[BaseEnvManager]`): An optional new environment instance to replace the existing one. """ if _env is not None: self._env = _env self._env.launch() self._env_num = self._env.env_num else: self._env.reset()
[docs] def reset_policy(self, _policy: Optional[namedtuple] = None) -> None: """ Overview: Reset the policy for the evaluator, optionally replacing it with a new policy. If _policy is None, reset the old policy. If _policy is not None, replace the old policy in the evaluator with the new passed in policy. Arguments: - _policy (:obj:`Optional[namedtuple]`): An optional new policy namedtuple to replace the existing one. """ assert hasattr(self, '_env'), "please set env first" if _policy is not None: self._policy = _policy self._policy.reset()
[docs] def reset(self, _policy: Optional[namedtuple] = None, _env: Optional[BaseEnvManager] = None) -> None: """ Overview: Reset both the policy and environment for the evaluator, optionally replacing them. If _env is None, reset the old environment. If _env is not None, replace the old environment in the evaluator with the new passed in \ environment and launch. If _policy is None, reset the old policy. If _policy is not None, replace the old policy in the evaluator with the new passed in policy. Arguments: - _policy (:obj:`Optional[namedtuple]`): An optional new policy namedtuple to replace the existing one. - _env (:obj:`Optional[BaseEnvManager]`): An optional new environment instance to replace the existing one. """ if _env is not None: self.reset_env(_env) if _policy is not None: self.reset_policy(_policy) self._max_episode_return = float("-inf") self._last_eval_iter = 0 self._end_flag = False
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Overview: Close the evaluator, the environment, flush and close the TensorBoard logger if applicable. """ if self._end_flag: return self._end_flag = True self._env.close() if self._tb_logger: self._tb_logger.flush() self._tb_logger.close()
def __del__(self): """ Overview: Execute the close command and close the evaluator. __del__ is automatically called \ to destroy the evaluator instance when the evaluator finishes its work """ self.close()
[docs] def should_eval(self, train_iter: int) -> bool: """ Overview: Determine whether to initiate evaluation based on the training iteration count and evaluation frequency. Arguments: - train_iter (:obj:`int`): The current count of training iterations. Returns: - (:obj:`bool`): `True` if evaluation should be initiated, otherwise `False`. """ if train_iter == self._last_eval_iter: return False if (train_iter - self._last_eval_iter) < self._eval_freq and train_iter != 0: return False self._last_eval_iter = train_iter return True
[docs] def eval( self, save_ckpt_fn: Callable = None, train_iter: int = -1, envstep: int = -1, n_episode: Optional[int] = None, return_trajectory: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[bool, float]: """ Overview: Evaluate the current policy, storing the best policy if it achieves the highest historical reward. Arguments: - save_ckpt_fn (:obj:`Optional[Callable]`): Optional function to save a checkpoint when a new best reward is achieved. - train_iter (:obj:`int`): The current training iteration count. - envstep (:obj:`int`): The current environment step count. - n_episode (:obj:`Optional[int]`): Optional number of evaluation episodes; defaults to the evaluator's setting. - return_trajectory (:obj:`bool`): Return the evaluated trajectory `game_segments` in `episode_info` if True. Returns: - stop_flag (:obj:`bool`): Indicates whether the training can be stopped based on the stop value. - episode_info (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): A dictionary containing information about the evaluation episodes. """ # the evaluator only works on rank0 episode_info = None stop_flag = False if get_rank() == 0: if n_episode is None: n_episode = self._default_n_episode assert n_episode is not None, "please indicate eval n_episode" envstep_count = 0 eval_monitor = VectorEvalMonitor(self._env.env_num, n_episode) env_nums = self._env.env_num self._env.reset() self._policy.reset() # initializations init_obs = self._env.ready_obs retry_waiting_time = 0.001 while len(init_obs.keys()) != self._env_num: # To be compatible with subprocess env_manager, in which sometimes self._env_num is not equal to # len(self._env.ready_obs), especially in tictactoe env.'The current init_obs.keys() is {}'.format(init_obs.keys()))'Before sleeping, the _env_states is {}'.format(self._env._env_states)) time.sleep(retry_waiting_time)'=' * 10 + 'Wait for all environments (subprocess) to finish resetting.' + '=' * 10) 'After sleeping {}s, the current _env_states is {}'.format(retry_waiting_time, self._env._env_states) ) init_obs = self._env.ready_obs action_mask_dict = {i: to_ndarray(init_obs[i]['action_mask']) for i in range(env_nums)} to_play_dict = {i: to_ndarray(init_obs[i]['to_play']) for i in range(env_nums)} dones = np.array([False for _ in range(env_nums)]) game_segments = [ GameSegment( self._env.action_space, game_segment_length=self.policy_config.game_segment_length, config=self.policy_config ) for _ in range(env_nums) ] for i in range(env_nums): game_segments[i].reset( [to_ndarray(init_obs[i]['observation']) for _ in range(self.policy_config.model.frame_stack_num)] ) ready_env_id = set() remain_episode = n_episode eps_steps_lst = np.zeros(env_nums) with self._timer: while not eval_monitor.is_finished(): # Get current ready env obs. obs = self._env.ready_obs new_available_env_id = set(obs.keys()).difference(ready_env_id) ready_env_id = ready_env_id.union(set(list(new_available_env_id)[:remain_episode])) remain_episode -= min(len(new_available_env_id), remain_episode) stack_obs = {env_id: game_segments[env_id].get_obs() for env_id in ready_env_id} stack_obs = list(stack_obs.values()) action_mask_dict = {env_id: action_mask_dict[env_id] for env_id in ready_env_id} to_play_dict = {env_id: to_play_dict[env_id] for env_id in ready_env_id} action_mask = [action_mask_dict[env_id] for env_id in ready_env_id] to_play = [to_play_dict[env_id] for env_id in ready_env_id] stack_obs = to_ndarray(stack_obs) stack_obs = prepare_observation(stack_obs, self.policy_config.model.model_type) stack_obs = torch.from_numpy(stack_obs).to(self.policy_config.device).float() # ============================================================== # policy forward # ============================================================== policy_output = self._policy.forward(stack_obs, action_mask, to_play, ready_env_id=ready_env_id) actions_with_env_id = {k: v['action'] for k, v in policy_output.items()} distributions_dict_with_env_id = {k: v['visit_count_distributions'] for k, v in policy_output.items()} if self.policy_config.sampled_algo: root_sampled_actions_dict_with_env_id = { k: v['root_sampled_actions'] for k, v in policy_output.items() } value_dict_with_env_id = {k: v['searched_value'] for k, v in policy_output.items()} pred_value_dict_with_env_id = {k: v['predicted_value'] for k, v in policy_output.items()} visit_entropy_dict_with_env_id = { k: v['visit_count_distribution_entropy'] for k, v in policy_output.items() } actions = {} distributions_dict = {} if self.policy_config.sampled_algo: root_sampled_actions_dict = {} value_dict = {} pred_value_dict = {} visit_entropy_dict = {} for index, env_id in enumerate(ready_env_id): actions[env_id] = actions_with_env_id.pop(env_id) distributions_dict[env_id] = distributions_dict_with_env_id.pop(env_id) if self.policy_config.sampled_algo: root_sampled_actions_dict[env_id] = root_sampled_actions_dict_with_env_id.pop(env_id) value_dict[env_id] = value_dict_with_env_id.pop(env_id) pred_value_dict[env_id] = pred_value_dict_with_env_id.pop(env_id) visit_entropy_dict[env_id] = visit_entropy_dict_with_env_id.pop(env_id) # ============================================================== # Interact with env. # ============================================================== timesteps = self._env.step(actions) timesteps = to_tensor(timesteps, dtype=torch.float32) for env_id, t in timesteps.items(): obs, reward, done, info = t.obs, t.reward, t.done, eps_steps_lst[env_id] += 1 if self._policy.get_attribute('cfg').type in ['unizero', 'sampled_unizero']: # only for UniZero now self._policy.reset(env_id=env_id, current_steps=eps_steps_lst[env_id], reset_init_data=False) game_segments[env_id].append( actions[env_id], to_ndarray(obs['observation']), reward, action_mask_dict[env_id], to_play_dict[env_id] ) # NOTE: the position of code snippet is very important. # the obs['action_mask'] and obs['to_play'] are corresponding to next action action_mask_dict[env_id] = to_ndarray(obs['action_mask']) to_play_dict[env_id] = to_ndarray(obs['to_play']) dones[env_id] = done if t.done: # Env reset is done by env_manager automatically. self._policy.reset([env_id]) reward =['eval_episode_return'] saved_info = {'eval_episode_return':['eval_episode_return']} if 'episode_info' in saved_info.update(['episode_info']) eval_monitor.update_info(env_id, saved_info) eval_monitor.update_reward(env_id, reward) "[EVALUATOR]env {} finish episode, final reward: {}, current episode: {}".format( env_id, eval_monitor.get_latest_reward(env_id), eval_monitor.get_current_episode() ) ) # reset the finished env and init game_segments if n_episode > self._env_num: # Get current ready env obs. init_obs = self._env.ready_obs retry_waiting_time = 0.001 while len(init_obs.keys()) != self._env_num: # In order to be compatible with subprocess env_manager, in which sometimes self._env_num is not equal to # len(self._env.ready_obs), especially in tictactoe env.'The current init_obs.keys() is {}'.format(init_obs.keys())) 'Before sleeping, the _env_states is {}'.format(self._env._env_states) ) time.sleep(retry_waiting_time) '=' * 10 + 'Wait for all environments (subprocess) to finish resetting.' + '=' * 10 ) 'After sleeping {}s, the current _env_states is {}'.format( retry_waiting_time, self._env._env_states ) ) init_obs = self._env.ready_obs new_available_env_id = set(init_obs.keys()).difference(ready_env_id) ready_env_id = ready_env_id.union(set(list(new_available_env_id)[:remain_episode])) remain_episode -= min(len(new_available_env_id), remain_episode) action_mask_dict[env_id] = to_ndarray(init_obs[env_id]['action_mask']) to_play_dict[env_id] = to_ndarray(init_obs[env_id]['to_play']) game_segments[env_id] = GameSegment( self._env.action_space, game_segment_length=self.policy_config.game_segment_length, config=self.policy_config ) game_segments[env_id].reset( [ init_obs[env_id]['observation'] for _ in range(self.policy_config.model.frame_stack_num) ] ) eps_steps_lst[env_id] = 0 # Env reset is done by env_manager automatically. self._policy.reset([env_id]) # NOTE: reset the policy for the env_id. Default reset_init_data=True. ready_env_id.remove(env_id) envstep_count += 1 duration = self._timer.value episode_return = eval_monitor.get_episode_return() info = { 'train_iter': train_iter, 'ckpt_name': 'iteration_{}.pth.tar'.format(train_iter), 'episode_count': n_episode, 'envstep_count': envstep_count, 'avg_envstep_per_episode': envstep_count / n_episode, 'evaluate_time': duration, 'avg_envstep_per_sec': envstep_count / duration, 'avg_time_per_episode': n_episode / duration, 'reward_mean': np.mean(episode_return), 'reward_std': np.std(episode_return), 'reward_max': np.max(episode_return), 'reward_min': np.min(episode_return), # 'each_reward': episode_return, } episode_info = eval_monitor.get_episode_info() if episode_info is not None: info.update(episode_info) for k, v in info.items(): if k in ['train_iter', 'ckpt_name', 'each_reward']: continue if not np.isscalar(v): continue self._tb_logger.add_scalar('{}_iter/'.format(self._instance_name) + k, v, train_iter) self._tb_logger.add_scalar('{}_step/'.format(self._instance_name) + k, v, envstep) if self.policy_config.use_wandb: wandb.log({'{}_step/'.format(self._instance_name) + k: v}, step=envstep) episode_return = np.mean(episode_return) if episode_return > self._max_episode_return: if save_ckpt_fn: save_ckpt_fn('ckpt_best.pth.tar') self._max_episode_return = episode_return stop_flag = episode_return >= self._stop_value and train_iter > 0 if stop_flag: "[LightZero serial pipeline] " + "Current episode_return: {} is greater than stop_value: {}".format(episode_return, self._stop_value) + ", so your MCTS/RL agent is converged, you can refer to 'log/evaluator/evaluator_logger.txt' for details." ) if get_world_size() > 1: objects = [stop_flag, episode_info] broadcast_object_list(objects, src=0) stop_flag, episode_info = objects episode_info = to_item(episode_info) if return_trajectory: episode_info['trajectory'] = game_segments return stop_flag, episode_info