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Generalized Advantage Estimator (GAE)

The GAE is a technique that accurately estimates the advantage function by considering
both immediate and future rewards. This approach not only improves the efficacy of Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO),
but also enhances its stability. You can find more detailed information in this paper:
High-dimensional Continuous Control Using Generalized Advantage Estimation Related Link.

Implementation of the Generalized Advantage Estimator (GAE) as proposed in arXiv:1506.02438.
This function calculates the advantages, which are used to update policy parameters in reinforcement learning.

- data (:obj:`namedtuple`): Tuple containing trajectory data including state values, next state
values, rewards, done flags, and trajectory flags. Please note that the done flag signals
the termination of an episode, whereas the traj_flag indicates the completion of a trajectory, which represents a segment within an episode.
- gamma (:obj:`float`): Discount factor for future rewards, should be in the range [0, 1]. Default is 0.99.
- lambda_ (:obj:`float`): The decay rate for the GAE, should be in the range [0, 1]. Default is 0.97.
As lambda approaches 0, it introduces bias, and as lambda approaches 1, it increases variance
due to the cumulative effect of terms.
- adv (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): The calculated advantage estimates.
- value (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): Size of (T, B), where T is the length of the trajectory and B is the batch size.
- next_value (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): Size of (T, B)
- reward (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): Size of (T, B)
- adv (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): Size of (T, B)

import torch

def gae(data: tuple, gamma: float = 0.99, lambda_: float = 0.97) -> torch.FloatTensor:

Unpack the input data.

    value, next_value, reward, done, traj_flag = data

Convert the done and trajectory flags to tensor format.

    done = torch.tensor(done).float()
    traj_flag = torch.tensor(traj_flag).float()

Expand done for possible broadcast operation in multi-agent cases

    if len(value.shape) == 2:
        done = done.unsqueeze(1)

If done equals 1, it indicates the end of an episode, thus the next state value should be 0.

    next_value *= (1 - done)

Calculate the temporal difference (TD) error for each time step.

    delta = reward + gamma * next_value - value

Set the GAE decay factor. If traj_flag equals 1, the factor will be 0. Otherwise, the factor is gamma * lambda.

    factor = gamma * lambda_ * (1 - traj_flag)

Initialize the advantage tensor.

    adv = torch.zeros_like(value)

Calculate adv in a reversed sequence.
Consider the definition of GAE: $$A^{GAE}_t = \sum_{i=1}\gamma^{i-1}\lambda^{i-1}\delta_{t+i-1}$$
Rewrite the equation above in a recurrent form, we finally have: $$A^{GAE}_t = \delta_t + \gamma\lambda A^{GAE}_{t+1}$$

    gae_item = torch.zeros_like(value[0])
    for t in reversed(range(reward.shape[0])):
        gae_item = delta[t] + factor[t] * gae_item
        adv[t] = gae_item

Return the calculated advantage estimates.

    return adv

Test the GAE function with randomly generated data.

def test_gae() -> None:

Generate random data with trajectory length 10 and batch size 5.

    T, B = 10, 5
    value = torch.randn(T, B)
    next_value = torch.randn(T, B)
    reward = torch.randn(T, B)
    done = torch.randint(0, 2, (T, B)).to(torch.bool)  # Generate random boolean tensor for done flags.
    traj_flag = torch.randint(0, 2, (T, B)).to(torch.bool)  # Generate random boolean tensor for trajectory flags.
    data = (value, next_value, reward, done, traj_flag)

Calculate GAE values.

    gae_value = gae(data)

Assert that the calculated GAE values have the correct shape.

    assert gae_value.shape == (T, B)

If you have any questions or advices about this documation, you can raise issues in GitHub (https://github.com/opendilab/PPOxFamily) or email us (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn).