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PyTorch implementation of grad_ignore_norm_ and grad_ignore_value_ .

Implementation of grad_ignore_norm Related Link
Different from grad_clip_norm , grad_ignore_norm ignore those gradients that have a norm exceeds the specified threshold, instead of cliping their norm to the threshold.

import torch
from torch._six import inf
from typing import Union, Iterable

_tensor_or_tensors = Union[torch.Tensor, Iterable[torch.Tensor]]

def grad_ignore_norm_(parameters: _tensor_or_tensors, max_norm: float, norm_type: float = 2.0) -> torch.Tensor:

Save the parameters with non-empty gradient into a list.

    if isinstance(parameters, torch.Tensor):
        parameters = [parameters]
    parameters = list(filter(lambda p: p.grad is not None, parameters))

Convert max_norm and norm_type to float.

    max_norm = float(max_norm)
    norm_type = float(norm_type)
    device = parameters[0].grad.device

The max norm of gradient: $$\mathrm{total\_norm}^{\infty} = \max_{\theta_i\in \Theta} |\mathrm{grad}(\theta_i)|$$

    if norm_type == inf:
        norms = [p.grad.detach().abs().max().to(device) for p in parameters]
        total_norm = norms[0] if len(norms) == 1 else torch.max(torch.stack(norms))

The p-norm of gradient: $$\begin{split}\mathrm{total\_norm} &= (\sum_{\theta\in\Theta}((\sum_{\theta_i}\mathrm{grad}(\theta_i)^p)^\frac{1}{p})^p)^\frac{1}{p}\\&=(\sum_{\theta\in\Theta}(\sum_{\theta_i}\mathrm{grad}(\theta_i)^p))^\frac{1}{p}\end{split}$$

        total_norm = torch.norm(
            torch.stack([torch.norm(p.grad.detach(), norm_type).to(device) for p in parameters]), norm_type

The clip coefficient (the 1e-6 is used to avoid zero in the denominator): $$\mathrm{clip\_coef} = \frac{\mathrm{max\_norm}}{\mathrm{total\_norm}}$$

    clip_coef = max_norm / (total_norm + 1e-6)

If total_norm > max_norm, all the gradient is clipped to zero.

    if clip_coef < 1:
        for p in parameters:
    return total_norm

Implementation of grad_ignore_value Related Link
Different from grad_clip_value , grad_ignore_value ignore all the gradients when any of them exceeds the specified threshold, instead of cliping them to the threshold.

def grad_ignore_value_(parameters: _tensor_or_tensors, clip_value: float) -> None:

Save the parameters with non-empty gradient into a list.

    if isinstance(parameters, torch.Tensor):
        parameters = [parameters]
    parameters = list(filter(lambda p: p.grad is not None, parameters))

Convert clip_value to float.

    clip_value = float(clip_value)
    flag = False

Check if there is any gradient that exceeds the clip_value.

    for p in parameters:
        val = p.grad.data.abs().max()
        if val >= clip_value:
            flag = True

If there exists a gradient that exceeds the clip_value, then clip all the gradients to zero.

    if flag:
        for p in parameters:

Test function of grad ignore norm.

def test_grad_ignore_norm_():

batch size=4, action=32

    B, N = 4, 32

Generate logit and label.

    logit = torch.randn(B, N).requires_grad_(True)
    label = torch.randn(B, N)

Define criterion and compute loss.

    criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
    output = criterion(logit, label)

Loss backward and compute gradients.


Set a gradient that exceeds the threshold.

    logit.grad[0] = 0.5

Clip the gradient.

    grad_ignore_norm(logit, 0.5, 2)

Assert that all gradients are clipped to zero.

    assert isinstance(logit.grad, torch.Tensor)
    for g in logit.grad:
        assert (g == 0).all()

Test function of grad ignore clip.

def test_grad_ignore_value_():

batch size=4, action=32

    B, N = 4, 32

Set clip_value as 0.5.

    clip_value = 0.5

Generate logit and label.

    logit = torch.randn(B, N).requires_grad_(True)
    label = torch.randn(B, N)

Define criterion and compute loss.

    criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
    output = criterion(logit, label)

Loss backward and compute gradients.


Set a gradient that exceeds the threshold.

    logit.grad[0] = 0.6

Clip the gradient

    grad_ignore_value(logit, clip_value)

Assert that all gradients are clipped to zero.

    assert isinstance(logit.grad, torch.Tensor)
    for g in logit.grad:
        assert (g == 0).all()

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