The basic layer design of Gated Transformer-XL. This module mainly includes AttentionXL,
Feed-Forward-Network, layer normalization, and GRU-gating.
from typing import Optional, Dict
import warnings
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import treetensor
from ding.torch_utils import GRUGatingUnit, build_normalization
from ding.torch_utils.network.nn_module import fc_block
from ding.torch_utils.network.gtrxl import PositionalEmbedding, Memory, AttentionXL
class GatedTransformerXLLayer(torch.nn.Module):
Decide whether to use GRU-gating.
self.gating = gru_gating
if self.gating is True:
self.gate1 = GRUGatingUnit(input_dim, gru_bias)
self.gate2 = GRUGatingUnit(input_dim, gru_bias)
Build attention block using the AttentionXL class,
a feed-forward network with optional dropout, and two layer normalization layers.
self.attention = AttentionXL(
Build Feed-Forward-Network.
layers = []
dims = [input_dim] + [hidden_dim] * (mlp_num - 1) + [input_dim]
for i in range(mlp_num):
layers.append(fc_block(dims[i], dims[i + 1], activation=activation))
if i != mlp_num - 1:
self.mlp = nn.Sequential(*layers)
Build layer norm.
self.layernorm1 = build_normalization('LN')(input_dim)
self.layernorm2 = build_normalization('LN')(input_dim)
self.activation = activation
The forward computation graph of GTrXL layer.
def forward(
inputs: torch.Tensor,
pos_embedding: torch.Tensor,
u: torch.nn.Parameter,
v: torch.nn.Parameter,
memory: torch.Tensor,
mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
Concat memory with input across sequence dimension. The shape is: [full_sequence, batch_size, input_dim]
full_input = torch.cat([memory, inputs], dim=0)
Forward calculation for GTrXL layer.
In GTrXL, the layer normalization is put before the attention layer.
x1 = self.layernorm1(full_input)
Attention module.
a1 = self.dropout(self.attention(inputs, pos_embedding, x1, u, v, mask=mask))
a1 = self.activation(a1)
In GTrXL, gating layer replace the resnet layer in TrXL.
o1 = self.gate1(inputs, a1) if self.gating else inputs + a1
x2 = self.layernorm2(o1)
Feed Forward Network.
m2 = self.dropout(self.mlp(x2))
o2 = self.gate2(o1, m2) if self.gating else o1 + m2
return o2
PyTorch implementation for GTrXL, which is used to model the long-term time dependency in reinforcement learning.
class GTrXL(nn.Module):
Initialize embedding layer.
self.use_embedding_layer = use_embedding_layer
if self.use_embedding_layer:
self.embedding = fc_block(input_dim, embedding_dim, activation=activation)
Initialize activate function.
self.activation = activation
Initialize position embedding.
self.pos_embedding = PositionalEmbedding(embedding_dim)
Memory to save hidden states of past segments. It will be initialized in the forward method to get its size dynamically.
self.memory = None
self.memory_len = memory_len
Initialize GTrXL layers.
layers = []
Put all the embedding_dims into a list.
For the i-th layer, the input embedding is dims[i], while the output embedding is dims[i+1]
dims = [embedding_dim] + [embedding_dim] * layer_num
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_ratio) if dropout_ratio > 0 else nn.Identity()
for i in range(layer_num):
dims[i], head_dim, dims[i+1], head_num, mlp_num, self.dropout, self.activation, gru_gating,
self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers)
u and v are the parameters to compute global content bias and global positional bias.
self.u, self.v = (
torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.head_num, self.head_dim)),
torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.head_num, self.head_dim)),
Create an attention mask for each different seq_len. In this way we don't need to create a new one each time we call the forward method.
self.att_mask = {}
Create a pos embedding for each different seq_len. In this way we don't need to create a new one each time we call the forward method.
self.pos_embedding_dict = {}
Reset the memory of GTrXL, which is called at the beginning of each episode.
Memory is used to save hidden states of past segments.
def reset_memory(self, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, state: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
Reset the memory of GTrXL.
self.memory = Memory(memory_len=self.memory_len, layer_num=self.layer_num, embedding_dim=self.embedding_dim)
If batch_size is not None, specify the batch_size when initializing the memory.
if batch_size is not None:
self.memory = Memory(self.memory_len, batch_size, self.embedding_dim, self.layer_num)
If state is not None, add state into the memory.
elif state is not None:
Access the memory of GTrXL.
def get_memory(self):
Get the memory of GTrXL.
if self.memory is None:
return None
return self.memory.get()
The forward computation graph of GTrXL.
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, batch_first: bool = False, return_mem: bool = True) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
If the first dimension of input x is batch_size,
then reshape x from [batch_size ,sequence_length ,input_dim] to [sequence_length, batch_size, input_dim]
if batch_first:
x = torch.transpose(x, 1, 0)
cur_seq, bs = x.shape[:2]
Get back memory.
memory = None if self.memory is None else self.memory.get()
Abnormal case: no memory or memory shape mismatch.
if memory is None:
elif memory.shape[-2] != bs or memory.shape[-1] != self.embedding_dim:
"Memory {} and Input {} dimensions don't match,"
" this will cause the memory to be initialized to fit your input!".format(
list(memory.shape[-2:]), [x.shape[-2]] + [self.embedding_dim]
memory = self.memory.get()
Pass through embedding layer.
if self.use_embedding_layer:
x = self.dropout(self.embedding(x))
Get full sequence length: memory length + current length
prev_seq = self.memory_len
full_seq = cur_seq + prev_seq
If the attention mask for current sequence length is already created, reuse the mask stored in self.att_mask .
if cur_seq in self.att_mask.keys():
attn_mask = self.att_mask[cur_seq]
Otherwise, create a new attention mask and store it into self.att_mask .
For example, if cur_seq = 3, full_seq = 7, then the mask is:
$$ \begin{matrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{matrix}$$
This forces that the hidden state of current token is only associated with previous tokens.
attn_mask = (
torch.ones((cur_seq, full_seq)),
diagonal=1 + prev_seq,
self.att_mask[cur_seq] = attn_mask
If the position encoding for current sequence length is already created, reuse it stored in self.pos_embedding_dict .
if cur_seq in self.pos_embedding_dict.keys():
pos_embedding = self.pos_embedding_dict[cur_seq]
Otherwise, create a new position encoding and store it into self.pos_embedding_dict .
pos_ips = torch.arange(full_seq - 1, -1, -1.0, dtype=torch.float) # full_seq
pos_embedding = self.pos_embedding(pos_ips.to(x.device))
self.pos_embedding_dict[cur_seq] = pos_embedding
pos_embedding = self.dropout(pos_embedding) # full_seq x 1 x embedding_dim
hidden_state = [x]
out = x
Calculate results for each GTrXL layer.
for i in range(self.layer_num):
layer = self.layers[i]
out = layer(
out = self.dropout(out)
Update the GTrXL memory.
If the first dimension of output is required to be batch_size, then reshape x from [sequence_length, batch_size, input_dim] to [batch_size ,sequence_length ,input_dim].
if batch_first:
out = torch.transpose(out, 1, 0)
Return memory is needed.
if return_mem:
output = treetensor.Object({"logit": out, "memory": memory})
output = treetensor.Object({"logit": out})
return output
Test function of GTrXL.
def test_gtrxl() -> None:
Generate data for testing.
input_dim = 128
seq_len = 64
bs = 32
embedding_dim = 256
layer_num = 5
mem_len = 40
memory = [None, torch.rand(layer_num + 1, mem_len, bs, embedding_dim)]
Test GTrXL under different situations.
for i in range(2):
m = memory[i]
model = GTrXL(
Input shape: [sequence_length, batch_size, input_dim]
input = torch.rand(seq_len, bs, input_dim, requires_grad=True)
Reset the model memory.
if m is None:
output = model(input)
Check the shape of output.
assert output['logit'].shape == (seq_len, bs, embedding_dim)
assert output['memory'].shape == (layer_num + 1, mem_len, bs, embedding_dim)
Check the gradient.
assert isinstance(input.grad, torch.Tensor)
Check memory.
memory_out = output['memory']
if m is not None:
assert torch.all(torch.eq(memory_out, m))
If you have any questions or advices about this documation, you can raise issues in GitHub (https://github.com/opendilab/PPOxFamily) or email us (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn).