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Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Related Link is a kind of recurrent neural network that can capture long-short term information.
This document mainly includes:
- Pytorch implementation for LSTM.
- An example to test LSTM.

Implementation of LSTM cell with layer norm. Layer normalization is beneficial to the performance
and stability of LSTM.

from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, List, Dict
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from ding.torch_utils.network.rnn import is_sequence
from ding.torch_utils import build_normalization

class LSTM(nn.Module):

Initialize arguments.

        super(LSTM, self).__init__()
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.num_layers = num_layers

Initialize normalization functions.
Layer normalization normalizes the activations of a layer across the feature dimension.
In general, layer normalization is applied to the inputs to the LSTM gate activations.
Because layer normalization reduces the internal covariate shift of the LSTM gates,
making LSTM more consistent across time steps.

        norm_func = build_normalization(norm_type)
        self.norm = nn.ModuleList([norm_func(hidden_size * 4) for _ in range(2 * num_layers)])

Initialize LSTM parameters with orthogonal initialization.
Orthogonal Initialization can significantly improve the performance of LSTM.

        self.wx = nn.ParameterList()
        self.wh = nn.ParameterList()
        dims = [input_size] + [hidden_size] * num_layers
        for l in range(num_layers):

wx is the weights for input, while hx is the weights for the hidden state.
Each LSTM cell has 4 gates (input, forget, output, and candidate gates),
and the weights transform the input and hidden state into concatenated vectors,
of which the shape is [num_layers, hidden_size * 4].

            self.wx.append(nn.init.orthogonal_(nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(dims[l], dims[l + 1] * 4))))
            self.wh.append(nn.init.orthogonal_(nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(hidden_size, hidden_size * 4))))

Similarly, the bias is the bias of concatenated vectors, so the shape is: [num_layers, hidden_size * 4]

        self.bias = nn.init.orthogonal_(nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(num_layers, hidden_size * 4)))

Forward computation of LSTM with layer norm.

        self.use_dropout = dropout > 0.
        if self.use_dropout:
            self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)

    def forward(self,
                inputs: torch.Tensor,
                prev_state: torch.Tensor,
                ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Union[torch.Tensor, list]]:

The shape of input is: [sequence length, batch size, input size]

        seq_len, batch_size = inputs.shape[:2]

Dealing with different types of input and return preprocessed prev_state.
If prev_state is None, it indicates that this is the beginning of a sequence.
In this case, prev_state will be initialized as zero.

        if prev_state is None:
            prev_state = (

If prev_state is not None, then preprocess it into one batch.

            assert len(prev_state) == batch_size
            state = [[v for v in prev.values()] for prev in prev_state]
            state = list(zip(*state))
            prev_state = [torch.cat(t, dim=1) for t in state]

        H, C = prev_state
        x = inputs
        next_state = []
        for l in range(self.num_layers):
            h, c = H[l], C[l]
            new_x = []
            for s in range(seq_len):

Calculate $$z, z^i, z^f, z^o$$ simultaneously.

                gate = self.norm[l * 2](torch.matmul(x[s], self.wx[l])
                                        ) + self.norm[l * 2 + 1](torch.matmul(h, self.wh[l]))
                if self.bias is not None:
                    gate += self.bias[l]
                gate = list(torch.chunk(gate, 4, dim=1))
                i, f, o, z = gate

$$z^i = \sigma (Wx^ix^t + Wh^ih^{t-1})$$

                i = torch.sigmoid(i)

$$z^f = \sigma (Wx^fx^t + Wh^fh^{t-1})$$

                f = torch.sigmoid(f)

$$z^o = \sigma (Wx^ox^t + Wh^oh^{t-1})$$

                o = torch.sigmoid(o)

$$z = tanh(Wxx^t + Whh^{t-1})$$

                z = torch.tanh(z)

$$c^t = z^f \odot c^{t-1}+z^i \odot z$$

                c = f * c + i * z

$$h^t = z^o \odot tanh(c^t)$$

                h = o * torch.tanh(c)
            next_state.append((h, c))
            x = torch.stack(new_x, dim=0)

Dropout layer.

            if self.use_dropout and l != self.num_layers - 1:
                x = self.dropout(x)
        next_state = [torch.stack(t, dim=0) for t in zip(*next_state)]

Return list type, split the next_state .

        h, c = next_state
        batch_size = h.shape[1]

Split h with shape [num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size] to a list with length batch_size
and each element is a tensor with shape [num_layers, 1, hidden_size]. The same operation is performed on c.

        next_state = [torch.chunk(h, batch_size, dim=1), torch.chunk(c, batch_size, dim=1)]
        next_state = list(zip(*next_state))
        next_state = [{k: v for k, v in zip(['h', 'c'], item)} for item in next_state]
        return x, next_state

Test function of LSTM.

def test_lstm():

Randomly generate test data.

    seq_len = 2
    num_layers = 3
    input_size = 4
    hidden_size = 5
    batch_size = 6
    norm_type = 'LN'
    dropout = 0.1
    input = torch.rand(seq_len, batch_size, input_size).requires_grad_(True)
    lstm = LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, norm_type, dropout)

Test the LSTM recurrently, using the hidden states of last input as new prev_state.

    prev_state = None
    for s in range(seq_len):
        input_step = input[s:s + 1]

The prev_state is None if the input_step is the first step of the sequence. Otherwise,
the prev_state contains a list of dictions with key h , c ,
and the corresponding values are tensors with shape [num_layers, 1, hidden_size].
The length of the list equals to the batch_size.

        output, prev_state = lstm(input_step, prev_state)

Check the shape of output and prev_state.

    assert output.shape == (1, batch_size, hidden_size)
    assert len(prev_state) == batch_size
    assert prev_state[0]['h'].shape == (num_layers, 1, hidden_size)
    assert prev_state[0]['c'].shape == (num_layers, 1, hidden_size)

Check the grad of input.

    assert isinstance(input.grad, torch.Tensor)

If you have any questions or advices about this documation, you can raise issues in GitHub (https://github.com/opendilab/PPOxFamily) or email us (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn).