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PyTorch tutorial for basic centralized training and decentralized execution (CTDE) MAPPO algorithm for multi-agent cooperation scenarios.
This tutorial utilizes CTDEActorCriticNetwork defined in marl_network and loss function defined in pg . The main function describes the core part of CTDE MAPPO algorithm with fake data.
More details about multi-agent cooperation reinforcement learning can be found in Related Link.

You need to copy the implementation of ppo in chapter1_overview

from ppo import ppo_policy_data, ppo_policy_error

You need to copy the implementation of gae in chapter7_tricks

from gae import gae

The main function about the training process of CTDE PPO algorithm.
Define some hyper-parameters, the neural network and optimizer, then generate fake data and calculate the actor-critic loss.
Finally, update the network parameters with optimizer. In practice, the training data should be
replaced by the results getting from the interacting with the environment.
BTW, policy network means actor and value network indicates critic in this file.

def mappo_training_opeator() -> None:

Set necessary hyper-parameters.

    batch_size, agent_num, local_state_shape, agent_specific_global_state_shape, action_shape = 4, 5, 10, 25, 6

Entropy bonus weight, which is beneficial to exploration.

    entropy_weight = 0.001

Value loss weight, which aims to balance the loss scale.

    value_weight = 0.5

Discount factor for future reward.

    discount_factor = 0.99

Set the tensor device to cuda or cpu according to the runtime environment.

    device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

Define the multi-agent neural network and optimizer.

    model = CTDEActorCriticNetwork(agent_num, local_state_shape, agent_specific_global_state_shape, action_shape)

Adam is the most commonly used optimizer in deep reinforcement learning. If you want to add
weight decay mechanism, you should use torch.optim.AdamW .

    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

Define the corresponding fake data following the same data format of the interacting with the environment.
Note that the data should keep the same device with the network.
For simplicity, we regard the whole batch data as a entire episode.
In practice, the training batch is the combination of multiple episodes. We often use
done variable to distinguish the different episodes.

    local_state = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, local_state_shape).to(device)
    agent_specific_global_state = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, agent_specific_global_state_shape).to(device)
    logit_old = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, action_shape).to(device)
    value_old = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num).to(device)
    done = torch.zeros(batch_size).to(device)
    done[-1] = 1
    action = torch.randint(0, action_shape, (batch_size, agent_num)).to(device)
    reward = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num).to(device)

Return_ can be computed with different methods. Here we use the discounted cumulative sum of the reward.
You can also use the generalized advantage estimation (GAE) method, n-step return method, etc.

    return_ = torch.zeros_like(reward)
    for i in reversed(range(batch_size)):
        return_[i] = reward[i] + (discount_factor * return_[i + 1] if i + 1 < batch_size else 0)

Actor-critic network forward propagation.

    output = model(local_state, agent_specific_global_state)

squeeze operation transforms shape from $$(B, A, 1)$$ to $$(B, A)$$.

    value = output.value.squeeze(-1)

Use generalized advantage estimation (GAE) method to calculate the advantage.
Advantage is a kind of "weight" for policy loss, therefore it is wrapperd in torch.no_grad() .
done is the terminal flag of the episode. traj_flag is the flag of the trajectory.
Here we regard the whole batch data as a entire episode, so done and traj_flag are the same.

    with torch.no_grad():
        traj_flag = done
        gae_data = (value, value_old, reward, done, traj_flag)
        adv = gae(gae_data, discount_factor, 0.95)

Prepare the data for PPO policy loss calculation.

    data = ppo_policy_data(output.logit, logit_old, action, adv, None)

Calculate the PPO policy loss.

    loss, info = ppo_policy_error(data)

Calculate the value loss.

    value_loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(value, return_)

Weighted sum of policy loss, value loss and entropy loss.

    total_loss = loss.policy_loss + value_weight * value_loss - entropy_weight * loss.entropy_loss

PyTorch loss back propagation and optimizer update.


Logging the training information.

        'total_loss: {:.4f}, policy_loss: {:.4f}, value_loss: {:.4f}, entropy_loss: {:.4f}'.format(
            total_loss, loss.policy_loss, value_loss, loss.entropy_loss
    print('approximate_kl_divergence: {:.4f}, clip_fraction: {:.4f}'.format(info.approx_kl, info.clipfrac))
    print('mappo_training_opeator is ok')

If you have any questions or advices about this documation, you can raise issues in GitHub (https://github.com/opendilab/PPOxFamily) or email us (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn).