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Using ding.envs.DingEnvWrapper to manually define the environment with corresponding wrappers.
We also include implementation of OpticalFlowWrapper , which can add optical flow into environment observation.
Optical flow can extract moving features between two images, which can encode temporal information into the state.

Calculate optical flow using current frame and last frame. The final output contains one channel for current frame and two channels for optical flow.
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import cv2
import gym
import numpy as np
import gym_super_mario_bros
from nes_py.wrappers import JoypadSpace
from ding.envs import DingEnvWrapper
from ding.envs.env_wrappers import MaxAndSkipWrapper, WarpFrameWrapper, ScaledFloatFrameWrapper, FrameStackWrapper, \

class OpticalFlowWrapper(gym.Wrapper):

Initialize wrapper and related member variable.

    def __init__(self, env):

Initialize last frame as None.

        self.last_frame = None

Reset environment and process obs.

    def reset(self):

Reset environment.

        obs = self.env.reset()

Add optical flow channels into obs.

        state = self._process_obs(obs)

Update last frame.

        self.last_frame = obs
        return state

Execute one env step, process obs and return interaction result.

    def step(self, action):

Add optical flow channels into obs.

        state = self._process_obs(obs)

Update last frame.

        self.last_frame = obs
        return state, reward, done, info

Process obs, i.e., add optical flow information to original image.

    def _process_obs(self, obs):

If current frame is the first frame, then the optical flow will be set to zeros.

        if self.last_frame is None:
            return np.stack([obs, np.zeros_like(obs), np.zeros_like(obs)])

Calculate optical flow using current frame and last frame.

        flow = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(self.last_frame, obs, None, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0)
        flow = (flow + 15) * (255.0 / (2 * 15))
        flow = np.round(flow).astype(np.uint8)

Clip the value into [0, 255).

        flow[flow >= 255] = 255
        flow[flow <= 0] = 0

Reshape optical flow array from [H, W, 2] to [2, H, W]

        flow = flow.transpose(2, 0, 1)

Concatenate optical flow with original frame.

        return np.concatenate([[obs], flow], axis=0)

Wrap mario environment with various wrappers.

def wrapped_mario_env():

Original environment declaration.

    env = gym_super_mario_bros.make("SuperMarioBros-1-1-v0")
    return DingEnvWrapper(

Restrict action space to 2 discrete action: right and jump (A).

        JoypadSpace(env, [["right"], ["right", "A"]]),
            'env_wrapper': [

Return the max value of states in adjacent 4 frames. This works like a max-pooling in temporal dimension.

                lambda env: MaxAndSkipWrapper(env, skip=4),

Resize (bilinear interpolation) the image size into 84 x 84 and convert RGB to GREY.

                lambda env: WarpFrameWrapper(env, size=84),

Normalize the state value into [0, 1]. $$scaled\_x = \frac {x - \min(x)} {\max(x) - \min (x)} $$

                lambda env: ScaledFloatFrameWrapper(env),

Stack adjacent 4 frames together to be one state.

                lambda env: FrameStackWrapper(env, n_frames=4),

Calculate episode return for evaluation.

                lambda env: EvalEpisodeReturnEnv(env),

Wrap mario environment with optical flow wrapper.

def wrapped_mario_env_optical():

Original environment declaration.

    env = gym_super_mario_bros.make("SuperMarioBros-1-1-v0")
    return DingEnvWrapper(

Restrict action space to 2 discrete action: right and jump (A).

        JoypadSpace(env, [["right"], ["right", "A"]]),
            'env_wrapper': [

Return the max value of states in adjacent 4 frames. This works like a max-pooling in temporal dimension.

                lambda env: MaxAndSkipWrapper(env, skip=4),

Resize (bilinear interpolation) the image size into 84 x 84 and convert RGB to GREY.

                lambda env: WarpFrameWrapper(env, size=84),

Add optical flow information.

                lambda env: OpticalFlowWrapper(env),

Normalize the state value into [0, 1]. $$scaled\_x = \frac {x - \min(x)} {\max(x) - \min (x)} $$

                lambda env: ScaledFloatFrameWrapper(env),

Calculate episode return for evaluation.

                lambda env: EvalEpisodeReturnEnv(env),

Test two types wrappers and check output obs shape.

def test_wrapper():

Test environment with stacked frames.

    env = wrapped_mario_env()
    obs = env.reset()
    assert obs.shape == (4, 84, 84)

Test environment with optical flow.

    env = wrapped_mario_env_optical()
    obs = env.reset()
    assert obs.shape == (3, 84, 84)

If you have any questions or advices about this documation, you can raise issues in GitHub (https://github.com/opendilab/PPOxFamily) or email us (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn).