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PyTorch tutorial for neural networks in multi-agent cooperation scenarios, including independent actor-critic network (w or w/o shared parameters)
and centralized training critic network with decentralized execution (CTDE) actor-critic network. All the examples are based on the discrete action space.

This tutorial is mainly composed of three parts, you can learn from these parts in order or just jump to the part you are interested in:
- Shared actor-critic network for independent agents
- Independent actor-critic network for independent agents
- CTDE actor-critic network for cooperation agents
More details about multi-agent cooperation reinforcement learning can be found in Related Link.

The definition of basic actor-critic network in policy gradient algorithms (e.g. PG/A2C/PPO),
which is mainly composed of three parts: encoder, policy head and value head.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import treetensor.torch as ttorch

class ActorCriticNetwork(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, obs_shape: int, action_shape: int) -> None:

PyTorch necessary requirements for extending nn.Module . Our network should also subclass this class.

        super(ActorCriticNetwork, self).__init__()

Define encoder module, which maps raw local state of each agent into embedding vector.
It could be different for various state, such as Convolution Neural Network (CNN) for image state and Multilayer perceptron (MLP) for vector state, respectively.
Here we use two-layer MLP for vector state, i.e.
$$y = max(W_2 max(W_1 x+b_1, 0) + b_2, 0)$$

        self.encoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(obs_shape, 32),
            nn.Linear(32, 64),

Define discrete action logit output network, just one-layer FC.

        self.policy_head = nn.Linear(64, action_shape)

Define scalar value output network.

        self.value_head = nn.Linear(64, 1)

The computation graph of actor-critic network in discrete action space.

    def forward(self, local_obs: torch.Tensor) -> ttorch.Tensor:

Transform original local obs into embedding vector, i.e. $$(B, A, *) -> (B, A, N)$$
Some network layers in PyTorch like nn.Linear can deal with any number of prefix dimensions, so we can just use it to process the whole multi-agent batch.

        x = self.encoder(local_obs)

Calculate logit for each possible discrete action choices, i.e. $$(B, A, N) -> (B, A, M)$$

        logit = self.policy_head(x)

Calculate value for each sample and agent, i.e. $$(B, A, N) -> (B, A, 1)$$

        value = self.value_head(x)

Return the final result by treetensor format.

        return ttorch.as_tensor({
            'logit': logit,
            'value': value,

The definition of shared parameters actor-critic network in policy gradient algorithms for multi-agent scenarios.
Each agent shares the same parameters in the network so that they can be processed as a batch in parallel.

class SharedActorCriticNetwork(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, agent_num: int, obs_shape: int, action_shape: int) -> None:

PyTorch necessary requirements for extending nn.Module . Our network should also subclass this class.

        super(SharedActorCriticNetwork, self).__init__()

The shape of forward input is $$(B, A, O)$$.

        self.agent_num = agent_num

Define a shared actor-critic network used for all the agents.

        self.actor_critic_network = ActorCriticNetwork(obs_shape, action_shape)

The computation graph of shared parameters actor-critic network, processing all agents' local_obs and output
corresponding policy logit and value respectively.

    def forward(self, local_obs: torch.Tensor) -> ttorch.Tensor:

Call the actor_critic_network in parallel.

        return self.actor_critic_network(local_obs)

The definition of independent actor-critic network in policy gradient algorithms for multi-agent scenarios.
Each agent owns an independent actor-critic network with its own parameters.

class IndependentActorCriticNetwork(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, agent_num: int, obs_shape: int, action_shape: int) -> None:

PyTorch necessary requirements for extending nn.Module . Our network should also subclass this class.

        super(IndependentActorCriticNetwork, self).__init__()

Define agent_num independent actor-critic networks for each agent.
To reuse some attributes of nn.Module , we use nn.ModuleList to store these networks instead of Python native list.

        self.agent_num = agent_num
        self.actor_critic_networks = nn.ModuleList(
            [ActorCriticNetwork(obs_shape, action_shape) for _ in range(agent_num)]

The computation graph of independent actor-critic network, serially processing each agent's
local_obs and output the cooresponding policy logit and value respectively.

    def forward(self, local_obs: torch.Tensor) -> ttorch.Tensor:

Slice data, call the actor_critic_network serially, then concatenate the output.

        return ttorch.cat([net(local_obs[:, i:i + 1]) for i, net in enumerate(self.actor_critic_networks)], dim=1)

The definition of centralized training decentralized execution (CTDE) actor-critic network in policy gradient algorithms for multi-agent scenarios.
Each agent shares the same parameters in the network so that they can be processed as a batch in parallel.
The input of value network is global_obs while the input of policy network is local_obs .
Global information used in value network can provide more guidance for the training of policy network.
Local information used in policy network can make the policy network more robust to the decentralized execution.

class CTDEActorCriticNetwork(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, agent_num: int, local_obs_shape: int, global_obs_shape: int, action_shape: int) -> None:

PyTorch necessary requirements for extending nn.Module . Our network should also subclass this class.

        super(CTDEActorCriticNetwork, self).__init__()

Define local and global encoder respectively.

        self.agent_num = agent_num
        self.local_encoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(local_obs_shape, 32),
            nn.Linear(32, 64),
        self.global_encoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(global_obs_shape, 32),
            nn.Linear(32, 64),

Define discrete action logit output network, just one-layer FC.

        self.policy_head = nn.Linear(64, action_shape)

Define scalar value output network.

        self.value_head = nn.Linear(64, 1)

The computation graph of CTDE actor-critic network, processing all agents' local_obs and global_obs and output
corresponding policy logit and value in parallel.
There are two possible designs for global_obs : The former is a shared global state for all agents, i.e. $$(B, S)$$.
Tha latter is a kind of agent-specific global state, i.e. $$(B, A, S')$$.
For more details, you can refer to Related Link.

    def forward(self, local_obs: torch.Tensor, global_obs: torch.Tensor) -> ttorch.Tensor:

Call policy network with local obs and critic network with global obs respectively.

        policy = self.policy_head(self.local_encoder(local_obs))
        value = self.value_head(self.global_encoder(global_obs))
        return ttorch.as_tensor({
            'logit': policy,
            'value': value,

The function of testing shared parameters actor-critic network. Construct a network and pass a batch of data to it.
Then validate the shape of different parts of output.

def test_shared_ac_network() -> None:

Set batch size, agent number, observation shape and action shape.

    batch_size = 4
    agent_num = 3
    obs_shape = 10
    action_shape = 5

Define a shared actor-critic network.

    network = SharedActorCriticNetwork(agent_num, obs_shape, action_shape)

Generate a batch of local obs data for all agents from the standard normal distribution.

    local_obs = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, obs_shape)

Actor-critic network forward procedure, pass the local obs data to the network and get the output.

    result = network(local_obs)

Validate the shape of output.

    assert result['logit'].shape == (batch_size, agent_num, action_shape)
    assert result['value'].shape == (batch_size, agent_num, 1)

The function of testing independent actor-critic network. Construct a network and pass a batch of data to it.
Then validate the shape of different parts of output.

def test_independent_ac_network() -> None:

Set batch size, agent number, observation shape and action shape.

    batch_size = 4
    agent_num = 3
    obs_shape = 10
    action_shape = 5

Define a independent actor-critic network.

    network = IndependentActorCriticNetwork(agent_num, obs_shape, action_shape)

Generate a batch of local obs data for all agents from the standard normal distribution.

    local_obs = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, obs_shape)

Actor-critic network forward procedure, pass the local obs data to the network and get the output.

    result = network(local_obs)

Validate the shape of output.

    assert result['logit'].shape == (batch_size, agent_num, action_shape)
    assert result['value'].shape == (batch_size, agent_num, 1)

The function of testing CTDE actor-critic network. Construct a network and pass a batch of data to it.
Then validate the shape of different parts of output.

def test_ctde_ac_network() -> None:

Set batch size, agent number, observation shape and action shape.

    batch_size = 4
    agent_num = 3
    local_obs_shape = 10
    global_obs_shape = 20
    action_shape = 5

Test case for the shared global obs.

    network = CTDEActorCriticNetwork(agent_num, local_obs_shape, global_obs_shape, action_shape)
    local_obs = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, local_obs_shape)
    global_obs = torch.randn(batch_size, global_obs_shape)
    result = network(local_obs, global_obs)
    assert result['logit'].shape == (batch_size, agent_num, action_shape)
    assert result['value'].shape == (batch_size, 1)

Test case for the agent-specific global obs.

    agent_specific_global_obs_shape = 25
    network = CTDEActorCriticNetwork(agent_num, local_obs_shape, agent_specific_global_obs_shape, action_shape)
    local_obs = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, local_obs_shape)
    agent_specific_global_obs = torch.randn(batch_size, agent_num, agent_specific_global_obs_shape)
    result = network(local_obs, agent_specific_global_obs)
    assert result['logit'].shape == (batch_size, agent_num, action_shape)
    assert result['value'].shape == (batch_size, agent_num, 1)

If you have any questions or advices about this documation, you can raise issues in GitHub (https://github.com/opendilab/PPOxFamily) or email us (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn).