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PyTorch implementation of PPO training loop with recompute advantage trick, which is beneficial to the training stability and overall performance.

Import necessary packages.

import math
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import treetensor.torch as ttorch
from gae import gae

You need to copy the implementation of ppo in chapter1_overview

from ppo import ppo_policy_data, ppo_policy_error

Define naive actor-critic model as example, you can modify it in your own way.

class NaiveActorCritic(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, obs_shape: int, action_shape: int):
        self.actor = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(obs_shape, 64),
            nn.Linear(64, action_shape),
        self.critic = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(obs_shape, 64),
            nn.Linear(64, 1),

    def forward(self, obs: torch.Tensor) -> ttorch.Tensor:
        logit = self.actor(obs)
        value = self.critic(obs)
        return ttorch.as_tensor({'logit': logit, 'value': value})

The training loop function example of PPO algorithm on discrete action space with recompute advantage trick.

def ppo_training_loop_with_recompute():

The number of training epochs after per data collection.

    epoch_per_collect = 10

The total number of collected data once.

    collected_data_num = 127

Entropy bonus weight, which is beneficial to exploration.

    entropy_weight = 0.001

Value loss weight, which aims to balance the loss scale.

    value_weight = 0.5

Discount factor for future reward.

    discount_factor = 0.99

Whether to recompute the GAE advantage at the beginning of each epoch.

    recompute = True

The number of samples in each batch.

    batch_size = 16

The shape of observation and action, which is different between different environments.

    obs_shape, action_shape = 8, 4

Create the model and optimizer, here we use the naive implementation as example, you can modify it in your own way.

    model = NaiveActorCritic(obs_shape, action_shape)
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)

The function of generating a random transition for training.
Here we use treetensor to express the structured transition, which is convenient for batch processing.
squeeze is to ensure that the shape of each tensor is $$(B, )$$ instead of $$(B, 1)$$.

    def get_ppo_training_transition():
        return ttorch.as_tensor(
                'obs': torch.randn(obs_shape),
                'action': torch.randint(action_shape, size=(1, )).squeeze(),
                'reward': torch.rand(1).squeeze(),
                'next_obs': torch.randn(obs_shape),
                'done': torch.randint(2, size=(1, )).squeeze(),
                'logit': torch.randn(action_shape),
                'value': torch.randn(1).squeeze(),
                'adv': torch.randn(1).squeeze(),

Generate collected_data_num random transitions and pack them into a list.

    data = [get_ppo_training_transition() for _ in range(collected_data_num)]

Stack the list into a treetensor batch.

    data = ttorch.stack(data)

Print the shape of the structured data batch.


For loop 1: train the latest collected data for epoch_per_collect epochs.

    for e in range(epoch_per_collect):

Recompute the GAE advantage at the beginning of each epoch.
Usually, advantage is pre-computed in data collection to save time. However, with the updates of value
network, the advantage will be out of date. So we need to recompute it to ensure the training effect.

        if recompute:

Advantage calculation doesn't need gradient back propagation, so we use torch.no_grad() to save memory.

            with torch.no_grad():

Use the latest value network to calculate value, then replace the old value with the new one.

                latest_value = model(data.obs).value.squeeze(-1)
                gae_data = (latest_value, data.value, data.reward, data.done, data.done)
                data.adv = gae(gae_data, discount_factor, 0.95)

Randomly shuffle the collected data, generate the indices for mini-batch.

        indices = torch.randperm(collected_data_num)

For loop 2: inside each epoch, divide all the collected data into many mini-batch,
i.e. train the model with batch_size samples per iteration.

        for iter_ in range(math.ceil(collected_data_num / batch_size)):

Get the mini-batch data with the cooresponding indices.

            batch = data[indices[iter_ * batch_size:(iter_ + 1) * batch_size]]

Call model forward procedure.

            output = model(batch.obs)

squeeze operation transforms shape from $$(B, A, 1)$$ to $$(B, A)$$.

            value = output.value.squeeze(-1)

Calculate the return value. Here we use the sum of value and adv for simplicity.
You can also use other methods to calculate return, such as n-step return method.

            return_ = value + batch.adv

Prepare the data for PPO policy loss calculation.

            ppo_data = ppo_policy_data(output.logit, batch.logit, batch.action, batch.adv, None)

Calculate the PPO policy loss.

            loss, info = ppo_policy_error(ppo_data)

Calculate the value loss.

            value_loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(value, return_)

Weighted sum of policy loss, value loss and entropy loss.

            total_loss = loss.policy_loss + value_weight * value_loss - entropy_weight * loss.entropy_loss

PyTorch loss back propagation and optimizer update.

    print('ppo_training_loop_with_recompute finish')

If you have any questions or advices about this documation, you can raise issues in GitHub (https://github.com/opendilab/PPOxFamily) or email us (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn).