Apply into Numpy ====================== In following parts, we will show some demos about how to use ``TreeValue`` in practice. For example, now we have a group of structed data in python-dict type, we want to do different operations on differnent key-value pairs inplace, get some statistics such as mean value and task some slices. In normal cases, we need to unroll multiple ``for-loop`` and ``if-else`` to implement cooresponding operations on each values, and declare additional temporal variables to save result. All the mentioned contents are executed serially, like the next code examples: .. literalinclude:: :language: python :linenos: However, with the help of ``TreeValue``, all the contents mentioned above can be implemented gracefully and efficiently. Users only need to ``func_treelize`` the primitive numpy functions and pack data with ``FastTreeValue``, then execute desired operations just like using standard numpy array. .. literalinclude:: :language: python :linenos: And we can run these two demos for comparison: .. literalinclude:: :language: python :linenos: The final output should be the text below, and all the assertions can be passed. .. literalinclude:: :language: text :linenos: In this case, we can see that the ``TreeValue`` can be properly applied into the ``numpy`` library. The tree-structured matrix calculation can be easily built with ``TreeValue`` like using standard numpy array. Both the simplicity of logic structure and execution efficiency can be improve a lot. **And Last but not least, the only thing you need to do is to wrap the functions in Numpy library, and then use it painlessly like the primitive numpy.**