Specifications of DI-engine Config¶
In order to ensure the ease of use, readability, and scalability of config, the config submitted by developers needs to comply with the following specifications.
The config of DI-engine consists of two parts: main_config and create_config.
Example Link¶
Example of Deep Q-Network (DQN):
Example config for algorithms with model or data, e.g. SQIL: https://github.com/opendilab/DI-engine/blob/main/dizoo/atari/config/serial/pong/pong_sqil_config.py
Details of the specification¶
Specification of Grammar¶
config needs to pass python’s flake8 syntax check and execute yapf formatting.
Specification of naming¶
The file name of X_config.py, related variable name in main_config and create_config
X_config.py is uniformly named in the format of <environment_name>_<algorithm_name>_config.py. The name of the X_config.py and related variable names in the config file do not need to add the default field. For example, the config file name hopper_onppo_default_config.py should be changed into hopper_onppo_config.py.
Similarly For algorithms like ICM, the full algorithm is the module proposed in the paper combined with a baseline algorithm, its corresponding config name should be named as <env_name>_<module_name>_<baseline_name>_config.py, e.g. cartpole_icm_offppo_config.py ,such as cartpole_icm_offppo_config.py
If the algorithm has verious versions including on-policy and off-policy, please unify the related name in X_config.py file name and related varible names in the file, and use onppo/offppo to distinguish on-policy and off-policy versions of the algorithm. For example, for the config of the on policy PPO algorithm, hopper_ppo_config.py should be changed to hopper_onppo_config.py.
exp_name field
main_config must include exp_name filed
The naming format is <environemnt>_<algorithm>_seed0, e.g. qbert_sqil_seed0
Name of the file path
Please refer to the sqil example, commented accordingly. If multiple models need to be loaded, the model path variable is named as follows:prefix1_model_path, prefix2_model_path, …. The varibles of data_path are named in same way.
config = dict(
# Users should add their own model path here. Model path should lead to a model.
# Absolute path is recommended.
# In DI-engine, it is ``exp_name/ckpt/ckpt_best.pth.tar``.
# Users should add their own data path here. Data path should lead to a file to store data or load the stored data.
# Absolute path is recommended.
# In DI-engine, it is usually located in ``exp_name`` directory
Main Specification¶
For env_manager field in create_config, except for some simple environments such as cartpole, pendulum, bitflip, we set it as base, for other environments, we seet env_manager as subprocess:
Ensure evaluator_env_num:n_evaluator_episode = 1:1 (expect smac environment)
manager field shoudl generally not be included in the env field of main_config (shared_memory defaults to True when the manager field is not included):
smac environment is an exception,due to the state dimension problem,smac needs to set shared_memory=Fasle.
In environments other than the SMAC environment, if an error is reported due to the state dimension problem, you can include manager field and set shared_memory=False.
If you want to turn on/off shared memory, please control it in env.manager filed
config = dict( ..., env=dict( manager=dict( shared_memory=True, ), ), )
create config
iin env field, we have two fields: type and import_names : Such as:
env=dict( type='atari', import_names=['dizoo.atari.envs.atari_env'], ),
Generally speaking, the field replay_buffer is unnecessary. But if you want to use the buffer stored as deque,you can specify the type of replay_buffer in following way:
Please apple secondary references to avoid circular import:use
from ding.entry import serial_pipeline
instead offrom ding.entry.serial_entry import serial_pipeline
[main_config, create_config]
to unify the style,If an algorithm needs to call other config,this convention can be waived。Such as imitation learning algorithm needs to introduce expert config, see the example of sqil for details。Each config must have a startup command written in a format similar to the following:
if ___name___ == "___main___": # or you can enter `ding -m serial -c cartpole_dqn_config.py -s 0` from ding.entry import serial_pipeline serial_pipeline([main_config, create_config], seed=0)
Remember this line from ding.entry import serial_pipeline should not as the head of the file, but put it below if ___name___ == “___main___”
If the algorithm use different serial_pipeline_X, you need to add corresponding starting command
in CLI.
seed is set in the entry function, do not include seed in config.
If the hyperparameters in the algorithm have a certain reasonable range, please write a comment on the corresponding hyperparameters of the algorithm config. For instance the alpha value of sqil:
alpha=0.1, # alpha: 0.08-0.12
Please make sure all parameters in config are valid, unused redundant parameters should be deleted.
TODO is usually not included in the config, if you do need to write the TODO term, please clearly indicate the developer and content, e.g. TODO(name): xxx.