
Source code for

from typing import List, Dict, Tuple
from ditk import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from easydict import EasyDict
from import Dataset
from dataclasses import dataclass

import pickle
import easydict
import torch
import numpy as np

from ding.utils.bfs_helper import get_vi_sequence
from ding.utils import DATASET_REGISTRY, import_module, DatasetNormalizer
from ding.rl_utils import discount_cumsum

[docs]@dataclass class DatasetStatistics: """ Overview: Dataset statistics. """ mean: np.ndarray # obs std: np.ndarray # obs action_bounds: np.ndarray
[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register('naive') class NaiveRLDataset(Dataset): """ Overview: Naive RL dataset, which is used for offline RL algorithms. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``__len__``, ``__getitem__`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg) -> None: """ Overview: Initialization method. Arguments: - cfg (:obj:`dict`): Config dict. """ assert type(cfg) in [str, EasyDict], "invalid cfg type: {}".format(type(cfg)) if isinstance(cfg, EasyDict): self._data_path = cfg.policy.collect.data_path elif isinstance(cfg, str): self._data_path = cfg with open(self._data_path, 'rb') as f: self._data: List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] = pickle.load(f)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Overview: Get the length of the dataset. """ return len(self._data)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Overview: Get the item of the dataset. """ return self._data[idx]
[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register('d4rl') class D4RLDataset(Dataset): """ Overview: D4RL dataset, which is used for offline RL algorithms. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``__len__``, ``__getitem__`` Properties: - mean (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Mean of the dataset. - std (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Std of the dataset. - action_bounds (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Action bounds of the dataset. - statistics (:obj:`dict`): Statistics of the dataset. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: dict) -> None: """ Overview: Initialization method. Arguments: - cfg (:obj:`dict`): Config dict. """ import gym try: import d4rl # register d4rl enviroments with open ai gym except ImportError: import sys logging.warning("not found d4rl env, please install it, refer to") sys.exit(1) # Init parameters data_path = cfg.policy.collect.get('data_path', None) env_id = cfg.env.env_id # Create the environment if data_path: d4rl.set_dataset_path(data_path) env = gym.make(env_id) dataset = d4rl.qlearning_dataset(env) self._cal_statistics(dataset, env) try: if cfg.env.norm_obs.use_norm and cfg.env.norm_obs.offline_stats.use_offline_stats: dataset = self._normalize_states(dataset) except (KeyError, AttributeError): # do not normalize pass if hasattr(cfg.env, "reward_norm"): if cfg.env.reward_norm == "normalize": dataset['rewards'] = (dataset['rewards'] - dataset['rewards'].mean()) / dataset['rewards'].std() elif cfg.env.reward_norm == "iql_antmaze": dataset['rewards'] = dataset['rewards'] - 1.0 elif cfg.env.reward_norm == "iql_locomotion": def return_range(dataset, max_episode_steps): returns, lengths = [], [] ep_ret, ep_len = 0.0, 0 for r, d in zip(dataset["rewards"], dataset["terminals"]): ep_ret += float(r) ep_len += 1 if d or ep_len == max_episode_steps: returns.append(ep_ret) lengths.append(ep_len) ep_ret, ep_len = 0.0, 0 # returns.append(ep_ret) # incomplete trajectory lengths.append(ep_len) # but still keep track of number of steps assert sum(lengths) == len(dataset["rewards"]) return min(returns), max(returns) min_ret, max_ret = return_range(dataset, 1000) dataset['rewards'] /= max_ret - min_ret dataset['rewards'] *= 1000 elif cfg.env.reward_norm == "cql_antmaze": dataset['rewards'] = (dataset['rewards'] - 0.5) * 4.0 elif cfg.env.reward_norm == "antmaze": dataset['rewards'] = (dataset['rewards'] - 0.25) * 2.0 else: raise NotImplementedError self._data = [] self._load_d4rl(dataset)
@property def data(self) -> List: return self._data
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Overview: Get the length of the dataset. """ return len(self._data)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Overview: Get the item of the dataset. """ return self._data[idx]
[docs] def _load_d4rl(self, dataset: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Overview: Load the d4rl dataset. Arguments: - dataset (:obj:`Dict[str, np.ndarray]`): The d4rl dataset. """ for i in range(len(dataset['observations'])): trans_data = {} trans_data['obs'] = torch.from_numpy(dataset['observations'][i]) trans_data['next_obs'] = torch.from_numpy(dataset['next_observations'][i]) trans_data['action'] = torch.from_numpy(dataset['actions'][i]) trans_data['reward'] = torch.tensor(dataset['rewards'][i]) trans_data['done'] = dataset['terminals'][i] self._data.append(trans_data)
[docs] def _cal_statistics(self, dataset, env, eps=1e-3, add_action_buffer=True): """ Overview: Calculate the statistics of the dataset. Arguments: - dataset (:obj:`Dict[str, np.ndarray]`): The d4rl dataset. - env (:obj:`gym.Env`): The environment. - eps (:obj:`float`): Epsilon. """ self._mean = dataset['observations'].mean(0) self._std = dataset['observations'].std(0) + eps action_max = dataset['actions'].max(0) action_min = dataset['actions'].min(0) if add_action_buffer: action_buffer = 0.05 * (action_max - action_min) action_max = (action_max + action_buffer).clip(max=env.action_space.high) action_min = (action_min - action_buffer).clip(min=env.action_space.low) self._action_bounds = np.stack([action_min, action_max], axis=0)
[docs] def _normalize_states(self, dataset): """ Overview: Normalize the states. Arguments: - dataset (:obj:`Dict[str, np.ndarray]`): The d4rl dataset. """ dataset['observations'] = (dataset['observations'] - self._mean) / self._std dataset['next_observations'] = (dataset['next_observations'] - self._mean) / self._std return dataset
@property def mean(self): """ Overview: Get the mean of the dataset. """ return self._mean @property def std(self): """ Overview: Get the std of the dataset. """ return self._std @property def action_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Overview: Get the action bounds of the dataset. """ return self._action_bounds @property def statistics(self) -> dict: """ Overview: Get the statistics of the dataset. """ return DatasetStatistics(mean=self.mean, std=self.std, action_bounds=self.action_bounds)
[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register('hdf5') class HDF5Dataset(Dataset): """ Overview: HDF5 dataset is saved in hdf5 format, which is used for offline RL algorithms. The hdf5 format is a common format for storing large numerical arrays in Python. For more details, please refer to Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``__len__``, ``__getitem__`` Properties: - mean (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Mean of the dataset. - std (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Std of the dataset. - action_bounds (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Action bounds of the dataset. - statistics (:obj:`dict`): Statistics of the dataset. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: dict) -> None: """ Overview: Initialization method. Arguments: - cfg (:obj:`dict`): Config dict. """ try: import h5py except ImportError: import sys logging.warning("not found h5py package, please install it trough `pip install h5py ") sys.exit(1) data_path = cfg.policy.collect.get('data_path', None) if 'dataset' in cfg: self.context_len = cfg.dataset.context_len else: self.context_len = 0 data = h5py.File(data_path, 'r') self._load_data(data) self._cal_statistics() try: if cfg.env.norm_obs.use_norm and cfg.env.norm_obs.offline_stats.use_offline_stats: self._normalize_states() except (KeyError, AttributeError): # do not normalize pass
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Overview: Get the length of the dataset. """ return len(self._data['obs']) - self.context_len
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Overview: Get the item of the dataset. Arguments: - idx (:obj:`int`): The index of the dataset. """ if self.context_len == 0: # for other offline RL algorithms return {k: self._data[k][idx] for k in self._data.keys()} else: # for decision transformer block_size = self.context_len done_idx = idx + block_size idx = done_idx - block_size states = torch.as_tensor( np.array(self._data['obs'][idx:done_idx]), dtype=torch.float32 ).view(block_size, -1) actions = torch.as_tensor(self._data['action'][idx:done_idx], dtype=torch.long) rtgs = torch.as_tensor(self._data['reward'][idx:done_idx, 0], dtype=torch.float32) timesteps = torch.as_tensor(range(idx, done_idx), dtype=torch.int64) traj_mask = torch.ones(self.context_len, dtype=torch.long) return timesteps, states, actions, rtgs, traj_mask
[docs] def _load_data(self, dataset: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Overview: Load the dataset. Arguments: - dataset (:obj:`Dict[str, np.ndarray]`): The dataset. """ self._data = {} for k in dataset.keys():'Load {k} data.') self._data[k] = dataset[k][:]
[docs] def _cal_statistics(self, eps: float = 1e-3): """ Overview: Calculate the statistics of the dataset. Arguments: - eps (:obj:`float`): Epsilon. """ self._mean = self._data['obs'].mean(0) self._std = self._data['obs'].std(0) + eps action_max = self._data['action'].max(0) action_min = self._data['action'].min(0) buffer = 0.05 * (action_max - action_min) action_max = action_max.astype(float) + buffer action_min = action_max.astype(float) - buffer self._action_bounds = np.stack([action_min, action_max], axis=0)
[docs] def _normalize_states(self): """ Overview: Normalize the states. """ self._data['obs'] = (self._data['obs'] - self._mean) / self._std self._data['next_obs'] = (self._data['next_obs'] - self._mean) / self._std
@property def mean(self): """ Overview: Get the mean of the dataset. """ return self._mean @property def std(self): """ Overview: Get the std of the dataset. """ return self._std @property def action_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Overview: Get the action bounds of the dataset. """ return self._action_bounds @property def statistics(self) -> dict: """ Overview: Get the statistics of the dataset. """ return DatasetStatistics(mean=self.mean, std=self.std, action_bounds=self.action_bounds)
[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register('d4rl_trajectory') class D4RLTrajectoryDataset(Dataset): """ Overview: D4RL trajectory dataset, which is used for offline RL algorithms. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``__len__``, ``__getitem__`` """ # from from official d4rl github repo REF_MIN_SCORE = { 'halfcheetah': -280.178953, 'walker2d': 1.629008, 'hopper': -20.272305, } REF_MAX_SCORE = { 'halfcheetah': 12135.0, 'walker2d': 4592.3, 'hopper': 3234.3, } # calculated from d4rl datasets D4RL_DATASET_STATS = { 'halfcheetah-medium-v2': { 'state_mean': [ -0.06845773756504059, 0.016414547339081764, -0.18354906141757965, -0.2762460708618164, -0.34061527252197266, -0.09339715540409088, -0.21321271359920502, -0.0877423882484436, 5.173007488250732, -0.04275195300579071, -0.036108363419771194, 0.14053793251514435, 0.060498327016830444, 0.09550975263118744, 0.06739100068807602, 0.005627387668937445, 0.013382787816226482 ], 'state_std': [ 0.07472999393939972, 0.3023499846458435, 0.30207309126853943, 0.34417077898979187, 0.17619241774082184, 0.507205605506897, 0.2567007839679718, 0.3294812738895416, 1.2574149370193481, 0.7600541710853577, 1.9800915718078613, 6.565362453460693, 7.466367721557617, 4.472222805023193, 10.566964149475098, 5.671932697296143, 7.4982590675354 ] }, 'halfcheetah-medium-replay-v2': { 'state_mean': [ -0.12880703806877136, 0.3738119602203369, -0.14995987713336945, -0.23479078710079193, -0.2841278612613678, -0.13096535205841064, -0.20157982409000397, -0.06517726927995682, 3.4768247604370117, -0.02785065770149231, -0.015035249292850494, 0.07697279006242752, 0.01266712136566639, 0.027325302362442017, 0.02316424623131752, 0.010438721626996994, -0.015839405357837677 ], 'state_std': [ 0.17019015550613403, 1.284424901008606, 0.33442774415016174, 0.3672759234905243, 0.26092398166656494, 0.4784106910228729, 0.3181420564651489, 0.33552637696266174, 2.0931615829467773, 0.8037433624267578, 1.9044333696365356, 6.573209762573242, 7.572863578796387, 5.069749355316162, 9.10555362701416, 6.085654258728027, 7.25300407409668 ] }, 'halfcheetah-medium-expert-v2': { 'state_mean': [ -0.05667462572455406, 0.024369969964027405, -0.061670560389757156, -0.22351515293121338, -0.2675151228904724, -0.07545716315507889, -0.05809682980179787, -0.027675075456500053, 8.110626220703125, -0.06136331334710121, -0.17986927926540375, 0.25175222754478455, 0.24186332523822784, 0.2519369423389435, 0.5879552960395813, -0.24090635776519775, -0.030184272676706314 ], 'state_std': [ 0.06103534251451492, 0.36054104566574097, 0.45544400811195374, 0.38476887345314026, 0.2218363732099533, 0.5667523741722107, 0.3196682929992676, 0.2852923572063446, 3.443821907043457, 0.6728139519691467, 1.8616976737976074, 9.575807571411133, 10.029894828796387, 5.903450012207031, 12.128185272216797, 6.4811787605285645, 6.378620147705078 ] }, 'walker2d-medium-v2': { 'state_mean': [ 1.218966007232666, 0.14163373410701752, -0.03704913705587387, -0.13814310729503632, 0.5138224363327026, -0.04719110205769539, -0.47288352251052856, 0.042254164814949036, 2.3948874473571777, -0.03143199160695076, 0.04466355964541435, -0.023907244205474854, -0.1013401448726654, 0.09090937674045563, -0.004192637279629707, -0.12120571732521057, -0.5497063994407654 ], 'state_std': [ 0.12311358004808426, 0.3241879940032959, 0.11456084251403809, 0.2623065710067749, 0.5640279054641724, 0.2271878570318222, 0.3837319612503052, 0.7373676896095276, 1.2387926578521729, 0.798020601272583, 1.5664079189300537, 1.8092705011367798, 3.025604248046875, 4.062486171722412, 1.4586567878723145, 3.7445690631866455, 5.5851287841796875 ] }, 'walker2d-medium-replay-v2': { 'state_mean': [ 1.209364652633667, 0.13264022767543793, -0.14371201395988464, -0.2046516090631485, 0.5577612519264221, -0.03231537342071533, -0.2784661054611206, 0.19130706787109375, 1.4701707363128662, -0.12504704296588898, 0.0564953051507473, -0.09991033375263214, -0.340340256690979, 0.03546293452382088, -0.08934258669614792, -0.2992438077926636, -0.5984178185462952 ], 'state_std': [ 0.11929835379123688, 0.3562574088573456, 0.25852200388908386, 0.42075422406196594, 0.5202291011810303, 0.15685082972049713, 0.36770978569984436, 0.7161387801170349, 1.3763766288757324, 0.8632221817970276, 2.6364643573760986, 3.0134117603302, 3.720684051513672, 4.867283821105957, 2.6681625843048096, 3.845186948776245, 5.4768385887146 ] }, 'walker2d-medium-expert-v2': { 'state_mean': [ 1.2294334173202515, 0.16869689524173737, -0.07089081406593323, -0.16197483241558075, 0.37101927399635315, -0.012209027074277401, -0.42461398243904114, 0.18986578285694122, 3.162475109100342, -0.018092676997184753, 0.03496946766972542, -0.013921679928898811, -0.05937029421329498, -0.19549426436424255, -0.0019200450042262673, -0.062483321875333786, -0.27366524934768677 ], 'state_std': [ 0.09932824969291687, 0.25981399416923523, 0.15062759816646576, 0.24249176681041718, 0.6758718490600586, 0.1650741547346115, 0.38140663504600525, 0.6962361335754395, 1.3501490354537964, 0.7641991376876831, 1.534574270248413, 2.1785972118377686, 3.276582717895508, 4.766193866729736, 1.1716983318328857, 4.039782524108887, 5.891613960266113 ] }, 'hopper-medium-v2': { 'state_mean': [ 1.311279058456421, -0.08469521254301071, -0.5382719039916992, -0.07201576232910156, 0.04932365566492081, 2.1066856384277344, -0.15017354488372803, 0.008783451281487942, -0.2848185896873474, -0.18540096282958984, -0.28461286425590515 ], 'state_std': [ 0.17790751159191132, 0.05444620922207832, 0.21297138929367065, 0.14530418813228607, 0.6124444007873535, 0.8517446517944336, 1.4515252113342285, 0.6751695871353149, 1.5362390279769897, 1.616074562072754, 5.607253551483154 ] }, 'hopper-medium-replay-v2': { 'state_mean': [ 1.2305138111114502, -0.04371410980820656, -0.44542956352233887, -0.09370097517967224, 0.09094487875699997, 1.3694725036621094, -0.19992674887180328, -0.022861352190375328, -0.5287045240402222, -0.14465883374214172, -0.19652697443962097 ], 'state_std': [ 0.1756512075662613, 0.0636928603053093, 0.3438323438167572, 0.19566889107227325, 0.5547984838485718, 1.051029920578003, 1.158307671546936, 0.7963128685951233, 1.4802359342575073, 1.6540331840515137, 5.108601093292236 ] }, 'hopper-medium-expert-v2': { 'state_mean': [ 1.3293815851211548, -0.09836531430482864, -0.5444297790527344, -0.10201650857925415, 0.02277466468513012, 2.3577215671539307, -0.06349576264619827, -0.00374026270583272, -0.1766270101070404, -0.11862941086292267, -0.12097819894552231 ], 'state_std': [ 0.17012375593185425, 0.05159067362546921, 0.18141433596611023, 0.16430604457855225, 0.6023368239402771, 0.7737284898757935, 1.4986555576324463, 0.7483318448066711, 1.7953159809112549, 2.0530025959014893, 5.725032806396484 ] }, }
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg: dict) -> None: """ Overview: Initialization method. Arguments: - cfg (:obj:`dict`): Config dict. """ dataset_path = cfg.dataset.data_dir_prefix rtg_scale = cfg.dataset.rtg_scale self.context_len = cfg.dataset.context_len self.env_type = cfg.dataset.env_type if 'hdf5' in dataset_path: # for mujoco env try: import h5py import collections except ImportError: import sys logging.warning("not found h5py package, please install it trough `pip install h5py ") sys.exit(1) dataset = h5py.File(dataset_path, 'r') N = dataset['rewards'].shape[0] data_ = collections.defaultdict(list) use_timeouts = False if 'timeouts' in dataset: use_timeouts = True episode_step = 0 paths = [] for i in range(N): done_bool = bool(dataset['terminals'][i]) if use_timeouts: final_timestep = dataset['timeouts'][i] else: final_timestep = (episode_step == 1000 - 1) for k in ['observations', 'actions', 'rewards', 'terminals']: data_[k].append(dataset[k][i]) if done_bool or final_timestep: episode_step = 0 episode_data = {} for k in data_: episode_data[k] = np.array(data_[k]) paths.append(episode_data) data_ = collections.defaultdict(list) episode_step += 1 self.trajectories = paths # calculate state mean and variance and returns_to_go for all traj states = [] for traj in self.trajectories: traj_len = traj['observations'].shape[0] states.append(traj['observations']) # calculate returns to go and rescale them traj['returns_to_go'] = discount_cumsum(traj['rewards'], 1.0) / rtg_scale # used for input normalization states = np.concatenate(states, axis=0) self.state_mean, self.state_std = np.mean(states, axis=0), np.std(states, axis=0) + 1e-6 # normalize states for traj in self.trajectories: traj['observations'] = (traj['observations'] - self.state_mean) / self.state_std elif 'pkl' in dataset_path: if 'dqn' in dataset_path: # load dataset with open(dataset_path, 'rb') as f: self.trajectories = pickle.load(f) if isinstance(self.trajectories[0], list): # for our collected dataset, e.g. cartpole/lunarlander case trajectories_tmp = [] original_keys = ['obs', 'next_obs', 'action', 'reward'] keys = ['observations', 'next_observations', 'actions', 'rewards'] trajectories_tmp = [ { key: np.stack( [ self.trajectories[eps_index][transition_index][o_key] for transition_index in range(len(self.trajectories[eps_index])) ], axis=0 ) for key, o_key in zip(keys, original_keys) } for eps_index in range(len(self.trajectories)) ] self.trajectories = trajectories_tmp states = [] for traj in self.trajectories: # traj_len = traj['observations'].shape[0] states.append(traj['observations']) # calculate returns to go and rescale them traj['returns_to_go'] = discount_cumsum(traj['rewards'], 1.0) / rtg_scale # used for input normalization states = np.concatenate(states, axis=0) self.state_mean, self.state_std = np.mean(states, axis=0), np.std(states, axis=0) + 1e-6 # normalize states for traj in self.trajectories: traj['observations'] = (traj['observations'] - self.state_mean) / self.state_std else: # load dataset with open(dataset_path, 'rb') as f: self.trajectories = pickle.load(f) states = [] for traj in self.trajectories: states.append(traj['observations']) # calculate returns to go and rescale them traj['returns_to_go'] = discount_cumsum(traj['rewards'], 1.0) / rtg_scale # used for input normalization states = np.concatenate(states, axis=0) self.state_mean, self.state_std = np.mean(states, axis=0), np.std(states, axis=0) + 1e-6 # normalize states for traj in self.trajectories: traj['observations'] = (traj['observations'] - self.state_mean) / self.state_std else: # -- load data from memory (make more efficient) obss = [] actions = [] returns = [0] done_idxs = [] stepwise_returns = [] transitions_per_buffer = np.zeros(50, dtype=int) num_trajectories = 0 while len(obss) < cfg.dataset.num_steps: buffer_num = np.random.choice(np.arange(50 - cfg.dataset.num_buffers, 50), 1)[0] i = transitions_per_buffer[buffer_num] frb = FixedReplayBuffer( data_dir=cfg.dataset.data_dir_prefix + '/1/replay_logs', replay_suffix=buffer_num, observation_shape=(84, 84), stack_size=4, update_horizon=1, gamma=0.99, observation_dtype=np.uint8, batch_size=32, replay_capacity=100000 ) if frb._loaded_buffers: done = False curr_num_transitions = len(obss) trajectories_to_load = cfg.dataset.trajectories_per_buffer while not done: states, ac, ret, next_states, next_action, next_reward, terminal, indices = \ frb.sample_transition_batch(batch_size=1, indices=[i]) states = states.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))[0] # (1, 84, 84, 4) --> (4, 84, 84) obss.append(states) actions.append(ac[0]) stepwise_returns.append(ret[0]) if terminal[0]: done_idxs.append(len(obss)) returns.append(0) if trajectories_to_load == 0: done = True else: trajectories_to_load -= 1 returns[-1] += ret[0] i += 1 if i >= 100000: obss = obss[:curr_num_transitions] actions = actions[:curr_num_transitions] stepwise_returns = stepwise_returns[:curr_num_transitions] returns[-1] = 0 i = transitions_per_buffer[buffer_num] done = True num_trajectories += (cfg.dataset.trajectories_per_buffer - trajectories_to_load) transitions_per_buffer[buffer_num] = i actions = np.array(actions) returns = np.array(returns) stepwise_returns = np.array(stepwise_returns) done_idxs = np.array(done_idxs) # -- create reward-to-go dataset start_index = 0 rtg = np.zeros_like(stepwise_returns) for i in done_idxs: i = int(i) curr_traj_returns = stepwise_returns[start_index:i] for j in range(i - 1, start_index - 1, -1): # start from i-1 rtg_j = curr_traj_returns[j - start_index:i - start_index] rtg[j] = sum(rtg_j) start_index = i # -- create timestep dataset start_index = 0 timesteps = np.zeros(len(actions) + 1, dtype=int) for i in done_idxs: i = int(i) timesteps[start_index:i + 1] = np.arange(i + 1 - start_index) start_index = i + 1 self.obss = obss self.actions = actions self.done_idxs = done_idxs self.rtgs = rtg self.timesteps = timesteps
# return obss, actions, returns, done_idxs, rtg, timesteps
[docs] def get_max_timestep(self) -> int: """ Overview: Get the max timestep of the dataset. """ return max(self.timesteps)
[docs] def get_state_stats(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Overview: Get the state mean and std of the dataset. """ return deepcopy(self.state_mean), deepcopy(self.state_std)
[docs] def get_d4rl_dataset_stats(self, env_d4rl_name: str) -> Dict[str, list]: """ Overview: Get the d4rl dataset stats. Arguments: - env_d4rl_name (:obj:`str`): The d4rl env name. """ return self.D4RL_DATASET_STATS[env_d4rl_name]
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Overview: Get the length of the dataset. """ if self.env_type != 'atari': return len(self.trajectories) else: return len(self.obss) - self.context_len
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Overview: Get the item of the dataset. Arguments: - idx (:obj:`int`): The index of the dataset. """ if self.env_type != 'atari': traj = self.trajectories[idx] traj_len = traj['observations'].shape[0] if traj_len > self.context_len: # sample random index to slice trajectory si = np.random.randint(0, traj_len - self.context_len) states = torch.from_numpy(traj['observations'][si:si + self.context_len]) actions = torch.from_numpy(traj['actions'][si:si + self.context_len]) returns_to_go = torch.from_numpy(traj['returns_to_go'][si:si + self.context_len]) timesteps = torch.arange(start=si, end=si + self.context_len, step=1) # all ones since no padding traj_mask = torch.ones(self.context_len, dtype=torch.long) else: padding_len = self.context_len - traj_len # padding with zeros states = torch.from_numpy(traj['observations']) states = [states, torch.zeros(([padding_len] + list(states.shape[1:])), dtype=states.dtype)], dim=0 ) actions = torch.from_numpy(traj['actions']) actions = [actions, torch.zeros(([padding_len] + list(actions.shape[1:])), dtype=actions.dtype)], dim=0 ) returns_to_go = torch.from_numpy(traj['returns_to_go']) returns_to_go = [ returns_to_go, torch.zeros(([padding_len] + list(returns_to_go.shape[1:])), dtype=returns_to_go.dtype) ], dim=0 ) timesteps = torch.arange(start=0, end=self.context_len, step=1) traj_mask = [torch.ones(traj_len, dtype=torch.long), torch.zeros(padding_len, dtype=torch.long)], dim=0 ) return timesteps, states, actions, returns_to_go, traj_mask else: # mean cost less than 0.001s block_size = self.context_len done_idx = idx + block_size for i in self.done_idxs: if i > idx: # first done_idx greater than idx done_idx = min(int(i), done_idx) break idx = done_idx - block_size states = torch.as_tensor( np.array(self.obss[idx:done_idx]), dtype=torch.float32 ).view(block_size, -1) # (block_size, 4*84*84) states = states / 255. actions = torch.as_tensor(self.actions[idx:done_idx], dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(1) # (block_size, 1) rtgs = torch.as_tensor(self.rtgs[idx:done_idx], dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(1) timesteps = torch.as_tensor(self.timesteps[idx:idx + 1], dtype=torch.int64).unsqueeze(1) traj_mask = torch.ones(self.context_len, dtype=torch.long) return timesteps, states, actions, rtgs, traj_mask
[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register('d4rl_diffuser') class D4RLDiffuserDataset(Dataset): """ Overview: D4RL diffuser dataset, which is used for offline RL algorithms. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``__len__``, ``__getitem__`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset_path: str, context_len: int, rtg_scale: float) -> None: """ Overview: Initialization method of D4RLDiffuserDataset. Arguments: - dataset_path (:obj:`str`): The dataset path. - context_len (:obj:`int`): The length of the context. - rtg_scale (:obj:`float`): The scale of the returns to go. """ self.context_len = context_len # load dataset with open(dataset_path, 'rb') as f: self.trajectories = pickle.load(f) if isinstance(self.trajectories[0], list): # for our collected dataset, e.g. cartpole/lunarlander case trajectories_tmp = [] original_keys = ['obs', 'next_obs', 'action', 'reward'] keys = ['observations', 'next_observations', 'actions', 'rewards'] for key, o_key in zip(keys, original_keys): trajectories_tmp = [ { key: np.stack( [ self.trajectories[eps_index][transition_index][o_key] for transition_index in range(len(self.trajectories[eps_index])) ], axis=0 ) } for eps_index in range(len(self.trajectories)) ] self.trajectories = trajectories_tmp states = [] for traj in self.trajectories: traj_len = traj['observations'].shape[0] states.append(traj['observations']) # calculate returns to go and rescale them traj['returns_to_go'] = discount_cumsum(traj['rewards'], 1.0) / rtg_scale # used for input normalization states = np.concatenate(states, axis=0) self.state_mean, self.state_std = np.mean(states, axis=0), np.std(states, axis=0) + 1e-6 # normalize states for traj in self.trajectories: traj['observations'] = (traj['observations'] - self.state_mean) / self.state_std
[docs]class FixedReplayBuffer(object): """ Overview: Object composed of a list of OutofGraphReplayBuffers. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``get_transition_elements``, ``sample_transition_batch`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_dir: str, replay_suffix: int, *args, **kwargs): """ Overview: Initialize the FixedReplayBuffer class. Arguments: - data_dir (:obj:`str`): Log directory from which to load the replay buffer. - replay_suffix (:obj:`int`): If not None, then only load the replay buffer \ corresponding to the specific suffix in data directory. - args (:obj:`list`): Arbitrary extra arguments. - kwargs (:obj:`dict`): Arbitrary keyword arguments. """ self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs self._data_dir = data_dir self._loaded_buffers = False self.add_count = np.array(0) self._replay_suffix = replay_suffix if not self._loaded_buffers: if replay_suffix is not None: assert replay_suffix >= 0, 'Please pass a non-negative replay suffix' self.load_single_buffer(replay_suffix) else: pass
# self._load_replay_buffers(num_buffers=50)
[docs] def load_single_buffer(self, suffix): """ Overview: Load a single replay buffer. Arguments: - suffix (:obj:`int`): The suffix of the replay buffer. """ replay_buffer = self._load_buffer(suffix) if replay_buffer is not None: self._replay_buffers = [replay_buffer] self.add_count = replay_buffer.add_count self._num_replay_buffers = 1 self._loaded_buffers = True
[docs] def _load_buffer(self, suffix): """ Overview: Loads a OutOfGraphReplayBuffer replay buffer. Arguments: - suffix (:obj:`int`): The suffix of the replay buffer. """ try: from dopamine.replay_memory import circular_replay_buffer STORE_FILENAME_PREFIX = circular_replay_buffer.STORE_FILENAME_PREFIX # pytype: disable=attribute-error replay_buffer = circular_replay_buffer.OutOfGraphReplayBuffer(*self._args, **self._kwargs) replay_buffer.load(self._data_dir, suffix) # pytype: enable=attribute-error return replay_buffer # except tf.errors.NotFoundError: except: raise ('can not load')
[docs] def get_transition_elements(self): """ Overview: Returns the transition elements. """ return self._replay_buffers[0].get_transition_elements()
[docs] def sample_transition_batch(self, batch_size=None, indices=None): """ Overview: Returns a batch of transitions (including any extra contents). Arguments: - batch_size (:obj:`int`): The batch size. - indices (:obj:`list`): The indices of the batch. """ buffer_index = np.random.randint(self._num_replay_buffers) return self._replay_buffers[buffer_index].sample_transition_batch(batch_size=batch_size, indices=indices)
[docs]class PCDataset(Dataset): """ Overview: Dataset for Procedure Cloning. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``__len__``, ``__getitem__`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, all_data): """ Overview: Initialization method of PCDataset. Arguments: - all_data (:obj:`tuple`): The tuple of all data. """ self._data = all_data
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """ Overview: Get the item of the dataset. Arguments: - item (:obj:`int`): The index of the dataset. """ return {'obs': self._data[0][item], 'bfs_in': self._data[1][item], 'bfs_out': self._data[2][item]}
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Overview: Get the length of the dataset. """ return self._data[0].shape[0]
[docs]def load_bfs_datasets(train_seeds=1, test_seeds=5): """ Overview: Load BFS datasets. Arguments: - train_seeds (:obj:`int`): The number of train seeds. - test_seeds (:obj:`int`): The number of test seeds. """ from dizoo.maze.envs import Maze def load_env(seed): ccc = easydict.EasyDict({'size': 16}) e = Maze(ccc) e.seed(seed) e.reset() return e envs = [load_env(i) for i in range(train_seeds + test_seeds)] observations_train = [] observations_test = [] bfs_input_maps_train = [] bfs_input_maps_test = [] bfs_output_maps_train = [] bfs_output_maps_test = [] for idx, env in enumerate(envs): if idx < train_seeds: observations = observations_train bfs_input_maps = bfs_input_maps_train bfs_output_maps = bfs_output_maps_train else: observations = observations_test bfs_input_maps = bfs_input_maps_test bfs_output_maps = bfs_output_maps_test start_obs = env.process_states(env._get_obs(), env.get_maze_map()) _, track_back = get_vi_sequence(env, start_obs) env_observations = torch.stack([track_back[i][0] for i in range(len(track_back))], dim=0) for i in range(env_observations.shape[0]): bfs_sequence, _ = get_vi_sequence(env, env_observations[i].numpy().astype(np.int32)) # [L, W, W] bfs_input_map = env.n_action * np.ones([env.size, env.size], dtype=np.long) for j in range(bfs_sequence.shape[0]): bfs_input_maps.append(torch.from_numpy(bfs_input_map)) bfs_output_maps.append(torch.from_numpy(bfs_sequence[j])) observations.append(env_observations[i]) bfs_input_map = bfs_sequence[j] train_data = PCDataset( ( torch.stack(observations_train, dim=0), torch.stack(bfs_input_maps_train, dim=0), torch.stack(bfs_output_maps_train, dim=0), ) ) test_data = PCDataset( ( torch.stack(observations_test, dim=0), torch.stack(bfs_input_maps_test, dim=0), torch.stack(bfs_output_maps_test, dim=0), ) ) return train_data, test_data
[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register('bco') class BCODataset(Dataset): """ Overview: Dataset for Behavioral Cloning from Observation. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``__len__``, ``__getitem__`` Properties: - obs (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The observation array. - action (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The action array. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None): """ Overview: Initialization method of BCODataset. Arguments: - data (:obj:`dict`): The data dict. """ if data is None: raise ValueError('Dataset can not be empty!') else: self._data = data
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Overview: Get the length of the dataset. """ return len(self._data['obs'])
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Overview: Get the item of the dataset. Arguments: - idx (:obj:`int`): The index of the dataset. """ return {k: self._data[k][idx] for k in self._data.keys()}
@property def obs(self): """ Overview: Get the observation array. """ return self._data['obs'] @property def action(self): """ Overview: Get the action array. """ return self._data['action']
[docs]@DATASET_REGISTRY.register('diffuser_traj') class SequenceDataset( """ Overview: Dataset for diffuser. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``__len__``, ``__getitem__`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg): """ Overview: Initialization method of SequenceDataset. Arguments: - cfg (:obj:`dict`): The config dict. """ import gym env_id = cfg.env.env_id data_path = cfg.policy.collect.get('data_path', None) env = gym.make(env_id) dataset = env.get_dataset() self.returns_scale = cfg.env.returns_scale self.horizon = cfg.env.horizon self.max_path_length = cfg.env.max_path_length = cfg.policy.learn.discount_factor self.discounts = ** np.arange(self.max_path_length)[:, None] self.use_padding = cfg.env.use_padding self.include_returns = cfg.env.include_returns self.env_id = cfg.env.env_id itr = self.sequence_dataset(env, dataset) self.n_episodes = 0 fields = {} for k in dataset.keys(): if 'metadata' in k: continue fields[k] = [] fields['path_lengths'] = [] for i, episode in enumerate(itr): path_length = len(episode['observations']) assert path_length <= self.max_path_length fields['path_lengths'].append(path_length) for key, val in episode.items(): if key not in fields: fields[key] = [] if val.ndim < 2: val = np.expand_dims(val, axis=-1) shape = (self.max_path_length, val.shape[-1]) arr = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) arr[:path_length] = val fields[key].append(arr) if episode['terminals'].any() and cfg.env.termination_penalty and 'timeouts' in episode: assert not episode['timeouts'].any(), 'Penalized a timeout episode for early termination' fields['rewards'][-1][path_length - 1] += cfg.env.termination_penalty self.n_episodes += 1 for k in fields.keys(): fields[k] = np.array(fields[k]) self.normalizer = DatasetNormalizer(fields, cfg.policy.normalizer, path_lengths=fields['path_lengths']) self.indices = self.make_indices(fields['path_lengths'], self.horizon) self.observation_dim = cfg.env.obs_dim self.action_dim = cfg.env.action_dim self.fields = fields self.normalize() self.normed = False if cfg.env.normed: self.vmin, self.vmax = self._get_bounds() self.normed = True
# shapes = {key: val.shape for key, val in self.fields.items()} # print(f'[ datasets/mujoco ] Dataset fields: {shapes}')
[docs] def sequence_dataset(self, env, dataset=None): """ Overview: Sequence the dataset. Arguments: - env (:obj:`gym.Env`): The gym env. """ import collections N = dataset['rewards'].shape[0] if 'maze2d' in dataset = self.maze2d_set_terminals(env, dataset) data_ = collections.defaultdict(list) # The newer version of the dataset adds an explicit # timeouts field. Keep old method for backwards compatability. use_timeouts = 'timeouts' in dataset episode_step = 0 for i in range(N): done_bool = bool(dataset['terminals'][i]) if use_timeouts: final_timestep = dataset['timeouts'][i] else: final_timestep = (episode_step == env._max_episode_steps - 1) for k in dataset: if 'metadata' in k: continue data_[k].append(dataset[k][i]) if done_bool or final_timestep: episode_step = 0 episode_data = {} for k in data_: episode_data[k] = np.array(data_[k]) if 'maze2d' in episode_data = self.process_maze2d_episode(episode_data) yield episode_data data_ = collections.defaultdict(list) episode_step += 1
[docs] def maze2d_set_terminals(self, env, dataset): """ Overview: Set the terminals for maze2d. Arguments: - env (:obj:`gym.Env`): The gym env. - dataset (:obj:`dict`): The dataset dict. """ goal = env.get_target() threshold = 0.5 xy = dataset['observations'][:, :2] distances = np.linalg.norm(xy - goal, axis=-1) at_goal = distances < threshold timeouts = np.zeros_like(dataset['timeouts']) # timeout at time t iff # at goal at time t and # not at goal at time t + 1 timeouts[:-1] = at_goal[:-1] * ~at_goal[1:] timeout_steps = np.where(timeouts)[0] path_lengths = timeout_steps[1:] - timeout_steps[:-1] print( f'[ utils/preprocessing ] Segmented {} | {len(path_lengths)} paths | ' f'min length: {path_lengths.min()} | max length: {path_lengths.max()}' ) dataset['timeouts'] = timeouts return dataset
[docs] def process_maze2d_episode(self, episode): """ Overview: Process the maze2d episode, adds in `next_observations` field to episode. Arguments: - episode (:obj:`dict`): The episode dict. """ assert 'next_observations' not in episode length = len(episode['observations']) next_observations = episode['observations'][1:].copy() for key, val in episode.items(): episode[key] = val[:-1] episode['next_observations'] = next_observations return episode
[docs] def normalize(self, keys=['observations', 'actions']): """ Overview: Normalize the dataset, normalize fields that will be predicted by the diffusion model Arguments: - keys (:obj:`list`): The list of keys. """ for key in keys: array = self.fields[key].reshape(self.n_episodes * self.max_path_length, -1) normed = self.normalizer.normalize(array, key) self.fields[f'normed_{key}'] = normed.reshape(self.n_episodes, self.max_path_length, -1)
[docs] def make_indices(self, path_lengths, horizon): """ Overview: Make indices for sampling from dataset. Each index maps to a datapoint. Arguments: - path_lengths (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The path length array. - horizon (:obj:`int`): The horizon. """ indices = [] for i, path_length in enumerate(path_lengths): max_start = min(path_length - 1, self.max_path_length - horizon) if not self.use_padding: max_start = min(max_start, path_length - horizon) for start in range(max_start): end = start + horizon indices.append((i, start, end)) indices = np.array(indices) return indices
[docs] def get_conditions(self, observations): """ Overview: Get the conditions on current observation for planning. Arguments: - observations (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The observation array. """ if 'maze2d' in self.env_id: return {'condition_id': [0, self.horizon - 1], 'condition_val': [observations[0], observations[-1]]} else: return {'condition_id': [0], 'condition_val': [observations[0]]}
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Overview: Get the length of the dataset. """ return len(self.indices)
[docs] def _get_bounds(self): """ Overview: Get the bounds of the dataset. """ print('[ datasets/sequence ] Getting value dataset bounds...', end=' ', flush=True) vmin = np.inf vmax = -np.inf for i in range(len(self.indices)): value = self.__getitem__(i)['returns'].item() vmin = min(value, vmin) vmax = max(value, vmax) print('✓') return vmin, vmax
[docs] def normalize_value(self, value): """ Overview: Normalize the value. Arguments: - value (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The value array. """ # [0, 1] normed = (value - self.vmin) / (self.vmax - self.vmin) # [-1, 1] normed = normed * 2 - 1 return normed
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx, eps=1e-4): """ Overview: Get the item of the dataset. Arguments: - idx (:obj:`int`): The index of the dataset. - eps (:obj:`float`): The epsilon. """ path_ind, start, end = self.indices[idx] observations = self.fields['normed_observations'][path_ind, start:end] actions = self.fields['normed_actions'][path_ind, start:end] done = self.fields['terminals'][path_ind, start:end] # conditions = self.get_conditions(observations) trajectories = np.concatenate([actions, observations], axis=-1) if self.include_returns: rewards = self.fields['rewards'][path_ind, start:] discounts = self.discounts[:len(rewards)] returns = (discounts * rewards).sum() if self.normed: returns = self.normalize_value(returns) returns = np.array([returns / self.returns_scale], dtype=np.float32) batch = { 'trajectories': trajectories, 'returns': returns, 'done': done, 'action': actions, } else: batch = { 'trajectories': trajectories, 'done': done, 'action': actions, } batch.update(self.get_conditions(observations)) return batch
[docs]def hdf5_save(exp_data, expert_data_path): """ Overview: Save the data to hdf5. """ try: import h5py except ImportError: import sys logging.warning("not found h5py package, please install it trough 'pip install h5py' ") sys.exit(1) dataset = dataset = h5py.File('%s_demos.hdf5' % expert_data_path.replace('.pkl', ''), 'w') dataset.create_dataset('obs', data=np.array([d['obs'].numpy() for d in exp_data]), compression='gzip') dataset.create_dataset('action', data=np.array([d['action'].numpy() for d in exp_data]), compression='gzip') dataset.create_dataset('reward', data=np.array([d['reward'].numpy() for d in exp_data]), compression='gzip') dataset.create_dataset('done', data=np.array([d['done'] for d in exp_data]), compression='gzip') dataset.create_dataset('next_obs', data=np.array([d['next_obs'].numpy() for d in exp_data]), compression='gzip')
[docs]def naive_save(exp_data, expert_data_path): """ Overview: Save the data to pickle. """ with open(expert_data_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(exp_data, f)
[docs]def offline_data_save_type(exp_data, expert_data_path, data_type='naive'): """ Overview: Save the offline data. """ globals()[data_type + '_save'](exp_data, expert_data_path)
[docs]def create_dataset(cfg, **kwargs) -> Dataset: """ Overview: Create dataset. """ cfg = EasyDict(cfg) import_module(cfg.get('import_names', [])) return, cfg=cfg, **kwargs)