- GitHub
OpenDILab Decision AI Engine
LightZeroOpenDILab Decision Monte Carlo Tree Search Framework
GenerativeRLOpenDILab Generative AI Framework
DI-starOpenDILab Decision AI in StarCraftII
DI-driveOpenDILab Auto-driving platform
GoBiggerOpenDILab Multi-Agent Environment
DI-smartcrossDecision Intelligence Platform for Traffic Crossing Signal Control
DI-treetensorTree Nested PyTorch Tensor Lib
DI-sheepDeep Reinforcement Learning + 3 Tiles Game
awesome-model-based-RLA curated list of awesome model based RL resources (continually updated)
awesome-decision-transformerA curated list of Decision Transformer resources (continually updated)
awesome-exploration-rlA curated list of awesome exploration RL resources (continually updated)
awesome-multi-modal-reinforcement-learningA curated list of Multi-Modal Reinforcement Learning resources (continually updated)