
Source code for ding.utils.loader.norm

import operator
from abc import abstractmethod
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, Any

from .base import ILoaderClass

[docs]def _callable_to_norm(func: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> 'INormClass': """ Overview: Convert callable to norm. Arguments: - func (:obj:`Callable[[Any], Any]`): The callable to be converted. """ class _Norm(INormClass): def _call(self, value): return func(value) return _Norm()
[docs]def norm(value) -> 'INormClass': """ Overview: Convert value to norm. Arguments: - value (:obj:`Any`): The value to be converted. """ if isinstance(value, INormClass): return value elif isinstance(value, ILoaderClass): return _callable_to_norm(value) else: return _callable_to_norm(lambda v: value)
[docs]def normfunc(func): """ Overview: Convert function to norm function. Arguments: - func (:obj:`Callable[[Any], Any]`): The function to be converted. """ @wraps(func) def _new_func(*args_norm, **kwargs_norm): args_norm = [norm(item) for item in args_norm] kwargs_norm = {key: norm(value) for key, value in kwargs_norm.items()} def _callable(v): args = [item(v) for item in args_norm] kwargs = {key: value(v) for key, value in kwargs_norm.items()} return func(*args, **kwargs) return _callable_to_norm(_callable) return _new_func
UNARY_FUNC = Callable[[Any], Any] BINARY_FUNC = Callable[[Any, Any], Any]
[docs]def _unary(a: 'INormClass', func: UNARY_FUNC) -> 'INormClass': """ Overview: Create a unary norm. Arguments: - a (:obj:`INormClass`): The norm. - func (:obj:`UNARY_FUNC`): The function. """ return _callable_to_norm(lambda v: func(a(v)))
[docs]def _binary(a: 'INormClass', b: 'INormClass', func: BINARY_FUNC) -> 'INormClass': """ Overview: Create a binary norm. Arguments: - a (:obj:`INormClass`): The first norm. - b (:obj:`INormClass`): The second norm. - func (:obj:`BINARY_FUNC`): The function. """ return _callable_to_norm(lambda v: func(a(v), b(v)))
[docs]def _binary_reducing(func: BINARY_FUNC, zero): """ Overview: Create a binary reducing norm. Arguments: - func (:obj:`BINARY_FUNC`): The function. - zero (:obj:`Any`): The zero value. """ @wraps(func) def _new_func(*args) -> 'INormClass': _sum = norm(zero) for item in args: _sum = _binary(_sum, norm(item), func) return _sum return _new_func
[docs]class INormClass: """ Overview: The norm class. Interfaces: ``__call__``, ``__add__``, ``__radd__``, ``__sub__``, ``__rsub__``, ``__mul__``, ``__rmul__``, ``__matmul__``, ``__rmatmul__``, ``__truediv__``, ``__rtruediv__``, ``__floordiv__``, ``__rfloordiv__``, ``__mod__``, ``__rmod__``, ``__pow__``, ``__rpow__``, ``__lshift__``, ``__rlshift__``, ``__rshift__``, ``__rrshift__``, ``__and__``, ``__rand__``, ``__or__``, ``__ror__``, ``__xor__``, ``__rxor__``, ``__invert__``, ``__pos__``, ``__neg__``, ``__eq__``, ``__ne__``, ``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, ``__ge__`` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def _call(self, value): """ Overview: Call the norm. Arguments: - value (:obj:`Any`): The value to be normalized. """ raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, value): """ Overview: Call the norm. Arguments: - value (:obj:`Any`): The value to be normalized. """ return self._call(value) def __add__(self, other): """ Overview: Add the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__add__) def __radd__(self, other): """ Overview: Add the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) + self def __sub__(self, other): """ Overview: Subtract the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__sub__) def __rsub__(self, other): """ Overview: Subtract the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) - self def __mul__(self, other): """ Overview: Multiply the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__mul__) def __rmul__(self, other): """ Overview: Multiply the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) * self def __matmul__(self, other): """ Overview: Matrix multiply the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__matmul__) def __rmatmul__(self, other): """ Overview: Matrix multiply the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) @ self def __truediv__(self, other): """ Overview: Divide the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__truediv__) def __rtruediv__(self, other): """ Overview: Divide the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) / self def __floordiv__(self, other): """ Overview: Floor divide the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__floordiv__) def __rfloordiv__(self, other): """ Overview: Floor divide the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) // self def __mod__(self, other): """ Overview: Mod the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__mod__) def __rmod__(self, other): """ Overview: Mod the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) % self def __pow__(self, power, modulo=None): """ Overview: Power the norm. Arguments: - power (:obj:`Any`): The power. - modulo (:obj:`Any`): The modulo. """ return _binary(self, norm(power), operator.__pow__) def __rpow__(self, other): """ Overview: Power the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) ** self def __lshift__(self, other): """ Overview: Lshift the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__lshift__) def __rlshift__(self, other): """ Overview: Lshift the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) << self def __rshift__(self, other): """ Overview: Rshift the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__rshift__) def __rrshift__(self, other): """ Overview: Rshift the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) >> self def __and__(self, other): """ Overview: And operation the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__and__) def __rand__(self, other): """ Overview: And operation the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) & self def __or__(self, other): """ Overview: Or operation the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__or__) def __ror__(self, other): """ Overview: Or operation the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) | self def __xor__(self, other): """ Overview: Xor operation the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__xor__) def __rxor__(self, other): """ Overview: Xor operation the norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return norm(other) ^ self def __invert__(self): """ Overview: Invert the norm. """ return _unary(self, operator.__invert__) def __pos__(self): """ Overview: Positive the norm. """ return _unary(self, operator.__pos__) def __neg__(self): """ Overview: Negative the norm. """ return _unary(self, operator.__neg__) # Attention: DO NOT USE LINKING COMPARE OPERATORS, IT WILL CAUSE ERROR. def __eq__(self, other): """ Overview: Compare the norm if they are equal. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__eq__) def __ne__(self, other): """ Overview: Compare the norm if they are not equal. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__ne__) def __lt__(self, other): """ Overview: Compare the norm if it is less than the other norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__lt__) def __le__(self, other): """ Overview: Compare the norm if it is less than or equal to the other norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__le__) def __gt__(self, other): """ Overview: Compare the norm if it is greater than the other norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__gt__) def __ge__(self, other): """ Overview: Compare the norm if it is greater than or equal to the other norm. Arguments: - other (:obj:`Any`): The other norm. """ return _binary(self, norm(other), operator.__ge__)
lnot = normfunc(lambda x: not x) land = _binary_reducing(lambda x, y: x and y, True) lor = _binary_reducing(lambda x, y: x or y, True) lin = normfunc(operator.__contains__) lis = normfunc(operator.is_) lisnot = normfunc(operator.is_not) lsum = _binary_reducing(lambda x, y: x + y, 0) _COMPARE_OPERATORS = { '!=': operator.__ne__, '==': operator.__eq__, '<': operator.__lt__, '<=': operator.__le__, '>': operator.__gt__, '>=': operator.__ge__, }
[docs]@normfunc def lcmp(first, *items): """ Overview: Compare the items. Arguments: - first (:obj:`Any`): The first item. - items (:obj:`Any`): The other items. """ if len(items) % 2 == 1: raise ValueError('Count of items should be odd number but {number} found.'.format(number=len(items) + 1)) ops, items = items[0::2], items[1::2] for op in ops: if op not in _COMPARE_OPERATORS.keys(): raise KeyError('Invalid compare operator - {op}.'.format(op=repr(op))) _last = first for op, item in zip(ops, items): if not _COMPARE_OPERATORS[op](_last, item): return False _last = item return True