
Source code for ding.utils.loader.types

from functools import partial

from .base import Loader, ILoaderClass, _reset_exception
from .utils import check_only

[docs]def is_type(type_: type) -> ILoaderClass: """ Overview: Create a type loader. Arguments: - type_ (:obj:`type`): The type. """ if isinstance(type_, type): return Loader(type_) else: raise TypeError('Type variable expected but {actual} found.'.format(actual=repr(type(type_).__name__)))
[docs]def to_type(type_: type) -> ILoaderClass: """ Overview: Create a type loader. Arguments: - type_ (:obj:`type`): The type. """ return Loader(lambda v: type_(v))
[docs]def is_callable() -> ILoaderClass: """ Overview: Create a callable loader. """ return _reset_exception( check_only(prop('__call__')), lambda v, e: TypeError('callable expected but {func} not found'.format(func=repr('__call__'))) )
[docs]def prop(attr_name: str) -> ILoaderClass: """ Overview: Create a attribute loader. Arguments: - attr_name (:obj:`str`): The attribute name. """ return Loader( ( lambda v: hasattr(v, attr_name), lambda v: getattr(v, attr_name), AttributeError('attribute {name} expected but not found'.format(name=repr(attr_name))) ) )
[docs]def method(method_name: str) -> ILoaderClass: """ Overview: Create a method loader. Arguments: - method_name (:obj:`str`): The method name. """ return _reset_exception( prop(method_name) >> is_callable(), lambda v, e: TypeError('type {type} not support function {func}'.format(type=repr(type(v).__name__), func=repr('__iter__'))) )
[docs]def fcall(*args, **kwargs) -> ILoaderClass: """ Overview: Create a function loader. Arguments: - args (:obj:`Tuple[Any]`): The args. - kwargs (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): The kwargs. """ return Loader(lambda v: v(*args, **kwargs))
[docs]def fpartial(*args, **kwargs) -> ILoaderClass: """ Overview: Create a partial function loader. Arguments: - args (:obj:`Tuple[Any]`): The args. - kwargs (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): The kwargs. """ return Loader(lambda v: partial(v, *args, **kwargs))