
Source code for ding.utils.registry

import inspect
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional, Iterable, Callable

_innest_error = True

_DI_ENGINE_REG_TRACE_IS_ON = os.environ.get('DIENGINEREGTRACE', 'OFF').upper() == 'ON'

[docs]class Registry(dict): """ Overview: A helper class for managing registering modules, it extends a dictionary and provides a register functions. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``register``, ``get``, ``build``, ``query``, ``query_details`` Examples (creating): >>> some_registry = Registry({"default": default_module}) Examples (registering: normal way): >>> def foo(): >>> ... >>> some_registry.register("foo_module", foo) Examples (registering: decorator way): >>> @some_registry.register("foo_module") >>> @some_registry.register("foo_modeul_nickname") >>> def foo(): >>> ... Examples (accessing): >>> f = some_registry["foo_module"] """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Overview: Initialize the Registry object. Arguments: - args (:obj:`Tuple`): The arguments passed to the ``__init__`` function of the parent class, \ dict. - kwargs (:obj:`Dict`): The keyword arguments passed to the ``__init__`` function of the parent class, \ dict. """ super(Registry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__trace__ = dict()
[docs] def register( self, module_name: Optional[str] = None, module: Optional[Callable] = None, force_overwrite: bool = False ) -> Callable: """ Overview: Register the module. Arguments: - module_name (:obj:`Optional[str]`): The name of the module. - module (:obj:`Optional[Callable]`): The module to be registered. - force_overwrite (:obj:`bool`): Whether to overwrite the module with the same name. """ if _DI_ENGINE_REG_TRACE_IS_ON: frame = inspect.stack()[1][0] info = inspect.getframeinfo(frame) filename = info.filename lineno = info.lineno # used as function call if module is not None: assert module_name is not None Registry._register_generic(self, module_name, module, force_overwrite) if _DI_ENGINE_REG_TRACE_IS_ON: self.__trace__[module_name] = (filename, lineno) return # used as decorator def register_fn(fn: Callable) -> Callable: if module_name is None: name = fn.__name__ else: name = module_name Registry._register_generic(self, name, fn, force_overwrite) if _DI_ENGINE_REG_TRACE_IS_ON: self.__trace__[name] = (filename, lineno) return fn return register_fn
[docs] @staticmethod def _register_generic(module_dict: dict, module_name: str, module: Callable, force_overwrite: bool = False) -> None: """ Overview: Register the module. Arguments: - module_dict (:obj:`dict`): The dict to store the module. - module_name (:obj:`str`): The name of the module. - module (:obj:`Callable`): The module to be registered. - force_overwrite (:obj:`bool`): Whether to overwrite the module with the same name. """ if not force_overwrite: assert module_name not in module_dict, module_name module_dict[module_name] = module
[docs] def get(self, module_name: str) -> Callable: """ Overview: Get the module. Arguments: - module_name (:obj:`str`): The name of the module. """ return self[module_name]
[docs] def build(self, obj_type: str, *obj_args, **obj_kwargs) -> object: """ Overview: Build the object. Arguments: - obj_type (:obj:`str`): The type of the object. - obj_args (:obj:`Tuple`): The arguments passed to the object. - obj_kwargs (:obj:`Dict`): The keyword arguments passed to the object. """ try: build_fn = self[obj_type] return build_fn(*obj_args, **obj_kwargs) except Exception as e: # get build_fn fail if isinstance(e, KeyError): raise KeyError("not support buildable-object type: {}".format(obj_type)) # build_fn execution fail global _innest_error if _innest_error: argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(build_fn) message = 'Hint: for {}(alias={})'.format(build_fn, obj_type) message += '\n\nExpected args are:\n {}\nGiven arguments keys are:\n{}\n'.format( argspec, obj_kwargs.keys() ) print(message) _innest_error = False raise e
[docs] def query(self) -> Iterable: """ Overview: all registered module names. """ return self.keys()
[docs] def query_details(self, aliases: Optional[Iterable] = None) -> OrderedDict: """ Overview: Get the details of the registered modules. Arguments: - aliases (:obj:`Optional[Iterable]`): The aliases of the modules. """ assert _DI_ENGINE_REG_TRACE_IS_ON, "please exec 'export DIENGINEREGTRACE=ON' first" if aliases is None: aliases = self.keys() return OrderedDict((alias, self.__trace__[alias]) for alias in aliases)