Source code for ding.utils.scheduler_helper
from .default_helper import deep_merge_dicts
from easydict import EasyDict
[docs]class Scheduler(object):
Update learning parameters when the trueskill metrics has stopped improving.
For example, models often benefits from reducing entropy weight once the learning process stagnates.
This scheduler reads a metrics quantity and if no improvement is seen for a 'patience' number of epochs,
the corresponding parameter is increased or decreased, which decides on the 'schedule_mode'.
- schedule_flag (:obj:`bool`): Indicates whether to use scheduler in training pipeline.
Default: False
- schedule_mode (:obj:`str`): One of 'reduce', 'add','multi','div'. The schecule_mode
decides the way of updating the parameters. Default:'reduce'.
- factor (:obj:`float`) : Amount (greater than 0) by which the parameter will be
increased/decreased. Default: 0.05
- change_range (:obj:`list`): Indicates the minimum and maximum value
the parameter can reach respectively. Default: [-1,1]
- threshold (:obj:`float`): Threshold for measuring the new optimum,
to only focus on significant changes. Default: 1e-4.
- optimize_mode (:obj:`str`): One of 'min', 'max', which indicates the sign of
optimization objective. Dynamic_threshold = last_metrics + threshold in `max`
mode or last_metrics - threshold in `min` mode. Default: 'min'
- patience (:obj:`int`): Number of epochs with no improvement after which
the parameter will be updated. For example, if `patience = 2`, then we
will ignore the first 2 epochs with no improvement, and will only update
the parameter after the 3rd epoch if the metrics still hasn't improved then.
Default: 10.
- cooldown (:obj:`int`): Number of epochs to wait before resuming
normal operation after the parameter has been updated. Default: 0.
__init__, update_param, step
in_cooldown, is_better
config = dict(
change_range=[-1, 1],
[docs] def __init__(self, merged_scheduler_config: EasyDict) -> None:
Initialize the scheduler.
- merged_scheduler_config (:obj:`EasyDict`): the scheduler config, which merges the user
config and defaul config
schedule_mode = merged_scheduler_config.schedule_mode
factor = merged_scheduler_config.factor
change_range = merged_scheduler_config.change_range
threshold = merged_scheduler_config.threshold
optimize_mode = merged_scheduler_config.optimize_mode
patience = merged_scheduler_config.patience
cooldown = merged_scheduler_config.cooldown
assert schedule_mode in [
'reduce', 'add', 'multi', 'div'
], 'The schedule mode should be one of [\'reduce\', \'add\', \'multi\',\'div\']'
self.schedule_mode = schedule_mode
assert isinstance(factor, (float, int)), 'The factor should be a float/int number '
assert factor > 0, 'The factor should be greater than 0'
self.factor = float(factor)
assert isinstance(change_range,
list) and len(change_range) == 2, 'The change_range should be a list with 2 float numbers'
assert (isinstance(change_range[0], (float, int))) and (
isinstance(change_range[1], (float, int))
), 'The change_range should be a list with 2 float/int numbers'
assert change_range[0] < change_range[1], 'The first num should be smaller than the second num'
self.change_range = change_range
assert isinstance(threshold, (float, int)), 'The threshold should be a float/int number'
self.threshold = threshold
assert optimize_mode in ['min', 'max'], 'The optimize_mode should be one of [\'min\', \'max\']'
self.optimize_mode = optimize_mode
assert isinstance(patience, int), 'The patience should be a integer greater than or equal to 0'
assert patience >= 0, 'The patience should be a integer greater than or equal to 0'
self.patience = patience
assert isinstance(cooldown, int), 'The cooldown_counter should be a integer greater than or equal to 0'
assert cooldown >= 0, 'The cooldown_counter should be a integer greater than or equal to 0'
self.cooldown = cooldown
self.cooldown_counter = cooldown
self.last_metrics = None
self.bad_epochs_num = 0
[docs] def step(self, metrics: float, param: float) -> float:
Decides whether to update the scheduled parameter
- metrics (:obj:`float`): current input metrics
- param (:obj:`float`): parameter need to be updated
- step_param (:obj:`float`): parameter after one step
assert isinstance(metrics, float), 'The metrics should be converted to a float number'
cur_metrics = metrics
if self.is_better(cur_metrics):
self.bad_epochs_num = 0
self.bad_epochs_num += 1
self.last_metrics = cur_metrics
if self.in_cooldown:
self.cooldown_counter -= 1
self.bad_epochs_num = 0 # ignore any bad epochs in cooldown
if self.bad_epochs_num > self.patience:
param = self.update_param(param)
self.cooldown_counter = self.cooldown
self.bad_epochs_num = 0
return param
[docs] def update_param(self, param: float) -> float:
update the scheduling parameter
- param (:obj:`float`): parameter need to be updated
- updated param (:obj:`float`): parameter after updating
schedule_fn = {
'reduce': lambda x, y, z: max(x - y, z[0]),
'add': lambda x, y, z: min(x + y, z[1]),
'multi': lambda x, y, z: min(x * y, z[1]) if y >= 1 else max(x * y, z[0]),
'div': lambda x, y, z: max(x / y, z[0]) if y >= 1 else min(x / y, z[1]),
schedule_mode_list = list(schedule_fn.keys())
if self.schedule_mode in schedule_mode_list:
return schedule_fn[self.schedule_mode](param, self.factor, self.change_range)
raise KeyError("invalid schedule_mode({}) in {}".format(self.schedule_mode, schedule_mode_list))
def in_cooldown(self) -> bool:
Checks whether the scheduler is in cooldown peried. If in cooldown, the scheduler
will ignore any bad epochs.
return self.cooldown_counter > 0
[docs] def is_better(self, cur: float) -> bool:
Checks whether the current metrics is better than last matric with respect to threshold.
- cur (:obj:`float`): current metrics
if self.last_metrics is None:
return True
elif self.optimize_mode == 'min':
return cur < self.last_metrics - self.threshold
elif self.optimize_mode == 'max':
return cur > self.last_metrics + self.threshold