import re
from functools import wraps
from queue import Queue
from typing import Optional, Mapping, Any, Callable
from graphviz import Digraph
from hbutils.reflection import dynamic_call, post_process
from .random import random_hex_with_timestamp
def _title_flatten(title):
title = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+', '_', str(title))
title = re.sub(r'_+', '_', title)
title = title.strip('_').lower()
return title
def _no_none_value(dict_) -> dict:
return type(dict_)({key: value for key, value in dict_.items() if value is not None})
def _cfg_func_wrap(func):
@post_process(lambda d: type(d)({str(key): str(value) for key, value in d.items()}))
def _new_func(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _new_func
SUFFIXED_TAG = '__suffixed__'
def suffixed_node_id(func):
if getattr(func, SUFFIXED_TAG, None):
return func
func = dynamic_call(func)
def _new_func(current, parent, current_path, parent_path, is_node):
if is_node:
return func(current, current_path)
return '%s__%s' % (func(parent, parent_path), current_path[-1])
setattr(_new_func, SUFFIXED_TAG, True)
return _new_func
def _default_node_id(current):
return 'node_%x' % (id(current),)
def _root_process(root, index):
if isinstance(root, tuple):
if len(root) < 1:
return None
elif len(root) == 1:
return _root_process(root[0], index)
return root[0], str(root[1]), index
return root, '<root_%d>' % (index,), index
[docs]def build_graph(*roots, node_id_gen: Optional[Callable] = None,
graph_title: Optional[str] = None, graph_name: Optional[str] = None,
graph_cfg: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
repr_gen: Optional[Callable] = None, iter_gen: Optional[Callable] = None,
node_cfg_gen: Optional[Callable] = None, edge_cfg_gen: Optional[Callable] = None) -> Digraph:
Build a graphviz graph based on given tree structure.
- roots: Root nodes of the graph.
- node_id_gen (:obj:`Optional[Callable]`): Node id generation function, \
default is `None` which means based on object id.
- graph_title (:obj:`Optional[str]`): Title of the graph, \
default is `None` which means generate automatically based on timestamp.
- graph_name (:obj:`Optional[str]`): Name of the graph, \
default is `None` which means auto generated based on graph title.
- graph_cfg (:obj:`Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]`): Configuration of graph, \
default is `None` which means no configuration.
- repr_gen (:obj:`Optional[Callable]`): Representation format generator, \
default is `None` which means using `repr` function.
- iter_gen (:obj:`Optional[Callable]`): Iterator generator, \
default is `None` which means load from `items` method.
- node_cfg_gen (:obj:`Optional[Callable]`): Node configuration generator, \
default is `None` which means no configuration.
- edge_cfg_gen (:obj:`Optional[Callable]`): Edge configuration generator, \
default is `None` which means no configuration.
- dot (:obj:`Digraph`): Graphviz directed graph object.
roots = [_root_process(root, index) for index, root in enumerate(roots)]
roots = [item for item in roots if item is not None]
node_id_gen = dynamic_call(suffixed_node_id(node_id_gen or _default_node_id))
graph_title = graph_title or ('untitled_' + random_hex_with_timestamp())
graph_name = graph_name or _title_flatten(graph_title)
graph_cfg = _no_none_value(graph_cfg or {})
repr_gen = dynamic_call(repr_gen or repr)
iter_gen = dynamic_call(iter_gen or (lambda x: x.items() if hasattr(x, 'items') else None))
node_cfg_gen = _cfg_func_wrap(dynamic_call(node_cfg_gen or (lambda: {})))
edge_cfg_gen = _cfg_func_wrap(dynamic_call(edge_cfg_gen or (lambda: {})))
graph = Digraph(name=graph_name, comment=graph_title)
graph.graph_attr.update(graph_cfg or {})
graph.graph_attr.update({'label': graph_title})
_queue = Queue()
_queued_node_ids = set()
_queued_edges = set()
for root_info in roots:
root, root_title, root_index = root_info
root_node_id = node_id_gen(root, None, [], [], True)
if root_node_id not in _queued_node_ids:
name=root_node_id, label=root_title,
**node_cfg_gen(root, None, [], [], True, True, root_info)
_queue.put((root_node_id, root, (root, root_title, root_index), []))
while not _queue.empty():
_parent_id, _parent_node, _root_info, _parent_path = _queue.get()
_root_node, _root_title, _root_index = _root_info
for key, _current_node in iter_gen(_parent_node, _parent_path):
_current_path = [*_parent_path, key]
_is_node = not not iter_gen(_current_node, _current_path)
_current_id = node_id_gen(_current_node, _parent_node, _current_path, _parent_path, _is_node)
if iter_gen(_current_node, _current_path):
_current_label = '.'.join([_root_title, *_current_path])
_current_label = repr_gen(_current_node, _current_path)
if _current_id not in _queued_node_ids:
graph.node(_current_id, label=_current_label,
**node_cfg_gen(_current_node, _parent_node, _current_path, _parent_path,
_is_node, False, _root_info))
if iter_gen(_current_node, _current_path):
_queue.put((_current_id, _current_node, _root_info, _current_path))
if (_parent_id, _current_id, key) not in _queued_edges:
graph.edge(_parent_id, _current_id, label=key,
**edge_cfg_gen(_current_node, _parent_node, _current_path, _parent_path,
_is_node, _root_info))
_queued_edges.add((_parent_id, _current_id, key))
return graph