
Using DDP Distributed Training in DI-engine

Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) is an effective approach to accelerate reinforcement learning training. This document provides detailed instructions on configuring and using DDP training in DI-engine, using the example

Launching DDP Training

To launch DDP training, use PyTorch’s distributed.launch module. Run the following command:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port=29501 ./dizoo/atari/config/serial/pong/


  • --nproc_per_node=2: Specifies the use of 2 GPUs for training.

  • --master_port=29501: Specifies the port number for the master process.

  • The final argument is the path to the configuration file.

Configuration for DDP Training

Compared to single-GPU training (e.g.,, the configuration file for enabling multi-GPU DDP training introduces two key changes:

  1. Enable multi-GPU support in the policy configuration:

    policy = dict(
        multi_gpu=True,  # Enable multi-GPU training mode
        cuda=True,       # Use CUDA acceleration
    • The core code for initializing multi-GPU training is located in

    • Gradient synchronization occurs in policy._forward_learn():

  2. Use ``DDPContext`` to manage the distributed training process:

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        from ding.utils import DDPContext
        from ding.entry import serial_pipeline
        with DDPContext():
            serial_pipeline((main_config, create_config), seed=0, max_env_step=int(3e6))
    • DDPContext initializes the distributed training environment and releases distributed resources after training completes.

DDP Implementation in DI-engine

The DDP implementation in DI-engine includes the following key components:

  1. Distributed Processing of Data Collection in the Collector:

    • In SampleSerialCollector, each process independently collects data samples.

    • After collection, statistical data is synchronized across processes using allreduce:

      if self._world_size > 1:
          collected_sample = allreduce_data(collected_sample, 'sum')
          collected_step = allreduce_data(collected_step, 'sum')
          collected_episode = allreduce_data(collected_episode, 'sum')
          collected_duration = allreduce_data(collected_duration, 'sum')
  2. Distributed Processing of the Evaluator:

    • The evaluation logic runs only on the rank 0 process:

      if get_rank() == 0:
          # Perform evaluation logic
    • After evaluation, the results are broadcast to other processes:

      if get_world_size() > 1:
          objects = [stop_flag, episode_info]
          broadcast_object_list(objects, src=0)
          stop_flag, episode_info = objects
  3. Distributed Logging:

    • The logger is initialized only on the rank 0 process:

      tb_logger = SummaryWriter(os.path.join('./{}/log/'.format(cfg.exp_name), 'serial')) if get_rank() == 0 else None
    • Logging is restricted to the rank 0 process:

      if self._rank == 0:
          if tb_logger is not None:
              self._logger, _ = build_logger(
                  path='./{}/log/{}'.format(self._exp_name, self._instance_name),
              self._tb_logger = tb_logger
              self._logger, self._tb_logger = build_logger(
                  path='./{}/log/{}'.format(self._exp_name, self._instance_name),
          self._logger, _ = build_logger(
              path='./{}/log/{}'.format(self._exp_name, self._instance_name),
          self._tb_logger = None
    • Printing logs is also restricted to the rank 0 process:

      if self._rank != 0:


In DI-engine, DDP distributed training fully utilizes the computational power of multiple GPUs to accelerate the training process through distributed data collection, evaluation, and logging. The core logic of DDP relies on PyTorch’s distributed framework, while DDPContext provides unified management of the distributed environment, simplifying the configuration and usage process for developers.

For more details on the implementation, refer to the following code references: