MiniGrid, that is, the minimized grid world environment, is a classic discrete action space reinforcement learning environment with sparse rewards, and is often used as a benchmark test environment for sparse reinforcement learning algorithms under discrete action space conditions. In this game, the agent needs to learn to select the appropriate action in a discrete action set, complete the move in the grid world, obtain the key, open the door and a series of sequential decisions to reach the target position. It has many different implementation versions, which are mainly introduced here MiniGrid, because its implementation is simple, lightweight, less code dependencies, and easy to install. It includes MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0, MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0, MiniGrid-DoorKey-16x16-v0, MiniGrid-KeyCorridorS3R3-v0, A series of environments such as MiniGrid-ObstructedMaze-2Dlh-v0, MiniGrid-ObstructedMaze-Full-v0, etc. The picture below shows the MiniGrid-DoorKey-16x16-v0 game.

Installation Method¶
Users can choose to install via pip one-click or git clone the repository and then pip install locally.
Note: If the user does not have root privileges, please add –user after the install command
# Method1: Install Directly
pip install gym-minigrid
# Method2: First clone this repository and install the dependencies with pip
git clone
cd gym-minigrid
pip install -e .
Verify Installation¶
After the installation is complete, you can run the following command on the Python command line. If the interactive interface of the game is displayed, the installation is successful:
cd gym-minigrid
./ --env MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0
Space before Transformation (Original Environment)¶
Observation Space¶
Take MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0 as an example,
env = gym.make('MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0')
obs1 = env.reset() # obs: {'image': numpy.ndarray (7, 7, 3),'direction': ,'mission': ,}
env = RGBImgPartialObsWrapper(env) # Get pixel observations
obs2 = env.reset() # obs: {'mission': ,'image': numpy.ndarray (56, 56, 3)}
env = ImgObsWrapper(env) # Get rid of the 'mission' field
obs3 = env.reset() # obs: numpy.ndarray (56, 56, 3)
# This FlatObsWrapper cannot be used after using the above Wrapper, it should be used alone
env = gym.make('MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0')
env = FlatObsWrapper(env)
obs4 = env.reset() # obs: numpy.ndarray (56, 56, 3)
obs1 is a
, includingimage
, these 3 fields, of whichimage
field is a shapenumpy.ndarray
of (7, 7, 3), data typeuint8
(7, 7) means that only the world in the nearby 7x7 squares is observed (because the environment is partially observable), 3 means that each small square corresponds to a 3-dimensional description vector, note that this is not a real image;The direction
field is to give an instructive direction; Themission
field is a text string describing what the agent should achieve in order to receive a reward.If the user wants to use the real pixel image, he needs to encapsulate the env through
, obs2 is adict
, includingmission
These 2 fields, whereimage
field is anumpy.ndarray
of shape (56, 56, 3), and the data type isuint8
is a true image of the environment being partially observable;After passing
, obs3 is anumpy.ndarray
, shape is (56, 56, 3), data type isuint8
Our codebase uses a 4th
method, which encodes the mission string in themission
field in a one-hot way, And concatenate it with theimage
field content into anumpy.ndarray
obs4 with shape (2739,) and data typefloat32
Action Space¶
The game operation button space, generally a discrete action space with a size of 7, the data type is
, you need to pass in a python value (or a 0-dimensional np array, for example, action 3 isnp.array (3)
)Action takes value in 0-6, the specific meaning is:
0: left
1: right
2: up
3: toggle
4: pickup
5: drop
6: done/noop
Refer to MiniGrid , the keyboard key-action correspondence is:
‘arrow left’: left
‘arrow right’: right
‘arrow up’: up
‘ ‘: toggle
‘pageup’: pickup
‘pagedown’: drop
‘enter’: done/noop
Reward Space¶
Game score, different minigrid sub-environments have a small difference in the reward range, the maximum value is 1, which is generally a
value. Because it is a sparse reward environment, it can only be reached when the agent (displayed as a red point) reaches goal(displayed as green dots), there is a reward greater than zero. The specific value is determined by different environments and the total number of steps used to reach the goal. The reward before reaching the goal is all 0.
The game ends when the agent reaches the green goal or reaches the maximum step limit of the environment.
Key Facts¶
The observation input can be an image in the form of pixels or an “image” with specific semantics, or a textual string describing what the agent should achieve in order to obtain a reward.
Discrete action spaces.
Sparse reward, the scale of reward value changes is small, the maximum is 1, and the minimum is 0.
Transformed Space (RL environment)¶
Observation Space¶
Transform content: Our codebase uses a 4th
method, which encodes the mission string in themission
field in a one-hot fashion and combines it withimage
field contents are concatenated into a long arrayTransformation result: one-dimensional np array with size
, data typenp.float32
, value[0., 7.]
Action Space¶
Basically no transformation, it is still a discrete action space of size N=7, generally a one-dimensional np array, the size is
(1, )
, and the data type isnp.int64
Reward Space¶
Transform content: basically no transform
The above space can be expressed as:
import gym
obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=5, shape=(2739,), dtype=np.float32)
act_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(7)
rew_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1, ), dtype=np.float32)
returned by the environmentstep
method must contain theeval_episode_return
key-value pair, which represents the evaluation index of the entire episode, and is the cumulative sum of the rewards of the entire episode in minigrid
Random Seed¶
There are two parts of random seeds in the environment that need to be set, one is the random seed of the original environment, and the other is the random seed of the random library used by various environment transformations (such as
)For the environment caller, just set these two seeds through the
method of the environment, and do not need to care about the specific implementation details- The specific implementation inside the environment: for random library seeds, set the value directly in the
method of the environment; for the seed of the original environment, inside thereset
method of the calling environment, The specific original environmentreset
was previously set to seed + np_seed, where seed is the value of the aforementioned random library seed, np_seed = 100 * np.random.randint(1, 1000).
- The specific implementation inside the environment: for random library seeds, set the value directly in the
The difference between training and testing environments¶
The training environment uses a dynamic random seed, that is, the random seed of each episode is different, generated by a random number generator, and the seed of this random number generator is fixed by the
method of the environment; test The environment uses a static random seed, i.e. the same random seed for each episode, specified by theseed
Store Video¶
After the environment is created, but before reset, call the enable_save_replay
method to specify the path to save the game recording. The environment will automatically save the local video files after each episode ends. (The default call gym.wrappers.RecordVideo
implementation), the code shown below will run an environment episode and save the result of this episode in a folder ./video/
from easydict import EasyDict
import numpy as np
from dizoo.minigrid.envs import MiniGridEnv
env = MiniGridEnv(EasyDict({'env_id': 'MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0', 'flat_obs': True}))
obs = env.reset()
while True:
act_val =
min_val, max_val = act_val['min'], act_val['max']
random_action = np.random.randint(min_val, max_val, size=(1,))
timestep = env.step(random_action)
if timestep.done:
print('Episode is over, eval episode return is: {}'.format(['eval_episode_return']))
DI-zoo Runnable Code Example¶
The full training configuration file is at github
The specific configuration files, such as
, use the following demo to run:
from easydict import EasyDict
from ding.entry import serial_pipeline
collector_env_num = 8
evaluator_env_num = 5
minigrid_r2d2_config = dict(
# env_id='MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0',
# env_id='MiniGrid-DoorKey-16x16-v0',
encoder_hidden_size_list=[128, 128, 512],
burnin_step=2, # TODO(pu) 20
# (int) the whole sequence length to unroll the RNN network minus
# the timesteps of burnin part,
# i.e., <the whole sequence length> = <burnin_step> + <unroll_len>
unroll_len=40, # TODO(pu) 80
# according to the R2D2 paper, actor parameter update interval is 400
# environment timesteps, and in per collect phase, we collect 32 sequence
# samples, the length of each samlpe sequence is <burnin_step> + <unroll_len>,
# which is 100 in our seeing, 32*100/400=8, so we set update_per_collect=8
# in most environments
# NOTE it is important that don't include key n_sample here, to make sure self._traj_len=INF
eval=dict(env_num=evaluator_env_num, ),
# (Float type) How much prioritization is used: 0 means no prioritization while 1 means full prioritization
# (Float type) How much correction is used: 0 means no correction while 1 means full correction
minigrid_r2d2_config = EasyDict(minigrid_r2d2_config)
minigrid_r2d2_create_config = dict(
minigrid_r2d2_create_config = EasyDict(minigrid_r2d2_create_config)
if __name__ == "__main__":
serial_pipeline([main_config, create_config], seed=0)
Benchmark Algorithm Performance¶
MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0 (under 0.5M env step, the average reward is greater than 0.95)
MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0 (under 10M env step, the average reward is greater than 0.6)
MiniGrid-DoorKey-16x16-v0 (under 20M env step, the average reward is greater than 0.2)