


The inverted pendulum problem is a classic control problem in reinforcement learning. Pendulum is a continuous control task in the inverted pendulum problem. The pendulum starts at a random position and the goal is to swing up to stay upright. As shown below.



Installation Method

The Pendulum environment is built into the gym, and you can install the gym directly. Its environment id is Pendulum-v1 .

pip install gym

Verify Installation

Run the following Python program, if no error is reported, the installation is successful.

import gym
env = gym.make('Pendulum-v1')
obs = env.reset()

Environment Introduction

Action Space

The action space of Pendulum belongs to the continuous action space.

  • Control torque : The size range is [-2, 2] .

Using the gym environment space definition can be expressed as:

action_space = spaces.Box(low=-2,high=2)

State Space

The state space of Pendulum has 3 elements that describe the angle and angular velocity of the pendulum. They are:

  • sin : The sin value of the angle the pendulum deviates from the vertical direction, the range is [-1, 1] .

  • cos : The cos value of the angle the pendulum deviates from the vertical direction, the range is [-1, 1] .

  • thetadot : Angular angle of the pendulum, in the range [-8, 8] .

Reward Space

First calculate cost , including three terms:

  • angle_normalize(th)**2 : Penalty for the angle difference between the current pendulum and the target position

  • 0.1*thdot**2 : Penalty for angular velocity. Avoid approaching the target while still having a large angular velocity, thus overshooting the target position.

  • 0.001*(u**2) : Penalty for input torque. The bigger the moment we use, the bigger the penalty.

Add the three terms to get cost . Finally, the inverse of cost , which is -cost , is returned as the reward value.

Termination Condition

The termination condition for each episode of the Pendulum environment is any of the following:

  • Reach the maximum step of the episode.


Store Video

Some environments have their own rendering plugins. DI-engine does not support the rendering plug-in that comes with the environment, but generates video recordings by saving the logs during training. For details, please refer to the Visualization & Logging section under the DI-engine official documentation Quick start chapter.

DI-zoo Runnable Code Example

The following provides a complete Pendulum environment config, using the DDPG algorithm as the policy. Please run the file in the DI-engine/dizoo/classic_control/pendulum/entry directory, as follows.

import os
import gym
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
from ding.config import compile_config
from ding.worker import BaseLearner, SampleSerialCollector, InteractionSerialEvaluator, AdvancedReplayBuffer
from ding.envs import BaseEnvManager, DingEnvWrapper
from ding.policy import DDPGPolicy
from ding.model import QAC
from ding.utils import set_pkg_seed
from dizoo.classic_control.pendulum.envs import PendulumEnv
from dizoo.classic_control.pendulum.config.pendulum_ddpg_config import pendulum_ddpg_config
def main(cfg, seed=0):
    cfg = compile_config(
    # Set up envs for collection and evaluation
    collector_env_num, evaluator_env_num = cfg.env.collector_env_num, cfg.env.evaluator_env_num
    collector_env = BaseEnvManager(
        env_fn=[lambda: PendulumEnv(cfg.env) for _ in range(collector_env_num)], cfg=cfg.env.manager
    evaluator_env = BaseEnvManager(
        env_fn=[lambda: PendulumEnv(cfg.env) for _ in range(evaluator_env_num)], cfg=cfg.env.manager
    # Set random seed for all package and instance
    evaluator_env.seed(seed, dynamic_seed=False)
    set_pkg_seed(seed, use_cuda=cfg.policy.cuda)
    # Set up RL Policy
    model = QAC(**cfg.policy.model)
    policy = DDPGPolicy(cfg.policy, model=model)
    # Set up collection, training and evaluation utilities
    tb_logger = SummaryWriter(os.path.join('./{}/log/'.format(cfg.exp_name), 'serial'))
    learner = BaseLearner(cfg.policy.learn.learner, policy.learn_mode, tb_logger, exp_name=cfg.exp_name)
    collector = SampleSerialCollector(
        cfg.policy.collect.collector, collector_env, policy.collect_mode, tb_logger, exp_name=cfg.exp_name
    evaluator = InteractionSerialEvaluator(
        cfg.policy.eval.evaluator, evaluator_env, policy.eval_mode, tb_logger, exp_name=cfg.exp_name
    replay_buffer = AdvancedReplayBuffer(cfg.policy.other.replay_buffer, tb_logger, exp_name=cfg.exp_name)
    # Training & Evaluation loop
    while True:
        # Evaluate at the beginning and with specific frequency
        if evaluator.should_eval(learner.train_iter):
            stop, reward = evaluator.eval(learner.save_checkpoint, learner.train_iter, collector.envstep)
            if stop:
        # Collect data from environments
        new_data = collector.collect(train_iter=learner.train_iter)
        replay_buffer.push(new_data, cur_collector_envstep=collector.envstep)
        # Train
        for i in range(cfg.policy.learn.update_per_collect):
            train_data = replay_buffer.sample(learner.policy.get_attribute('batch_size'), learner.train_iter)
            if train_data is None:
            learner.train(train_data, collector.envstep)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    main(pendulum_ddpg_config, seed=0)

Experimental Results

The experimental results using the DDPG algorithm are as follows. The abscissa is episode , and the ordinate is reward_mean .

