Carla installation problem

Q1: No easy_install


easy_install is used in old version of setuptools, and may not be added in conda/pyenv by default. You may need to install by yourself.

pip install setuptools==50

Q2: carla.egg installation error or can not import


This is usually because the easy_install command you have run (linked to) is not the one installed in your environment. You can manually add it to your PATH or simply find in the ./bin folder in your environment path and directly use it.

Q3: Error with ‘libpng’, ‘libjpeg’


Carla python API needs library of png and jpeg that may not be installed in your environment. Install them manually if error shows.


# in system
sudo apt-get install libpng16
# in conda env
conda install libpng -c anaconda


# in system
sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev
# in conda env
conda install jpeg=8d -c conda-forge

Q4: Error with ‘ALSA lib confxxx’


This error shows because Carla needs a sound card to run simulation. If this makes no sense to anything, just ignore it. Or you can fix it by adding pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm "null" } into a new line of /etc/asound.conf file in your system.

Q5: Error import shapely


This often happens with showing the following error log.

OSError: [WinError 126] The specified module could not be found

OSError: Could not find library geos_c

You can solve it by install shapely again or install geos manually.

In Windows:

Reinstall shapely with geos from published wheels at https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#shapely.

In Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev