Source code for core.utils.planner.basic_planner

import numpy as np
from enum import Enum
from collections import deque
from easydict import EasyDict
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
import copy
import carla

from core.utils.simulator_utils.carla_agents.navigation.global_route_planner_dao import GlobalRoutePlannerDAO
from core.utils.simulator_utils.carla_agents.navigation.global_route_planner import GlobalRoutePlanner
from core.utils.simulator_utils.carla_agents.navigation import RoadOption
from core.simulators.carla_data_provider import CarlaDataProvider
from import draw_waypoints
from ding.utils.default_helper import deep_merge_dicts

class AgentState(Enum):
    AGENT_STATE represents the possible states of a roaming agent
    VOID = -1

[docs]class BasicPlanner(object): """ Basic local planner for Carla simulator. It can set route with a pair of start and end waypoints, or directly set with a waypoint list. The planner will provide target waypoint and road option in current route position, and record current route distance and end timeout. The planner will also judge agent state by checking surrounding vehicles, walkers and traffic lights. The route's element consists of a waypoint and a road option. Local planner uses a waypoint queue to store all the unreached waypoints, and a waypoint buffer to store some of the near waypoints to speed up searching. In short, `node` waypoint is the waypoint in route that farthest from hero vehicle and within ``min_distance``, and `target` waypoint is the next waypoint of node waypoint. :Arguments: - cfg (Dict): Config dict. :Interfaces: set_destination, set_route, run_step, get_waypoints_list, clean_up """ config = dict( min_distance=5.0, resolution=5.0, fps=10, debug=False, ) def __init__(self, cfg: Dict) -> None: if 'cfg_type' not in cfg: self._cfg = self.__class__.default_config() self._cfg = deep_merge_dicts(self._cfg, cfg) else: self._cfg = cfg self._hero_vehicle = CarlaDataProvider.get_hero_actor() self._world = CarlaDataProvider.get_world() self._map = CarlaDataProvider.get_map() self._resolution = self._cfg.resolution self._min_distance = self._cfg.min_distance self._fps = self._cfg.fps self._route = None self._waypoints_queue = deque() self._buffer_size = 100 self._waypoints_buffer = deque(maxlen=100) self._end_location = None self.current_waypoint = None self.node_waypoint = None self.target_waypoint = None self.node_road_option = None self.target_road_option = None self.agent_state = None self.speed_limit = 0 self.distance_to_goal = 0.0 self.distances = deque() self.timeout = -1 self.timeout_in_seconds = 0 self._debug = self._cfg.debug self._grp = GlobalRoutePlanner(GlobalRoutePlannerDAO(self._map, self._resolution)) self._grp.setup()
[docs] def set_destination( self, start_location: carla.Location, end_location: carla.Location, clean: bool = False ) -> None: """ This method creates a route of a list of waypoints from start location to destination location based on the route traced by the global router. If ``clean`` is set true, it will clean current route and waypoint queue. :Arguments: - start_location (carla.Location): initial position. - end_location (carla.Location): final position. - clean (bool): Whether to clean current route. Defaults to False. """ start_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(start_location) self.end_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(end_location) new_route = self._grp.trace_route(start_waypoint.transform.location, self.end_waypoint.transform.location) if clean: self._waypoints_queue.clear() self._waypoints_buffer.clear() self._route = new_route self.distance_to_goal = 0 self.distances.clear() else: self._route += new_route CarlaDataProvider.set_hero_vehicle_route(self._route) prev_loc = None for elem in new_route: self._waypoints_queue.append(elem) cur_loc = elem[0].transform.location if prev_loc is not None: delta = cur_loc.distance(prev_loc) self.distance_to_goal += delta self.distances.append(delta) prev_loc = cur_loc self._buffer_size = min(int(100 // self._resolution), 100) self.node_waypoint = start_waypoint self.node_road_option = RoadOption.LANEFOLLOW self.timeout_in_seconds = ((self.distance_to_goal / 1000.0) / 5.0) * 3600.0 + 20.0 self.timeout = self.timeout_in_seconds * self._fps
[docs] def set_route(self, route: List, clean: bool = False) -> None: """ This method add a route into planner to trace. If ``clean`` is set true, it will clean current route and waypoint queue. :Arguments: - route (List): Route add to planner. - clean (bool, optional): Whether to clean current route. Defaults to False. """ if clean: self._waypoints_queue.clear() self._waypoints_buffer.clear() self._route = route self.distance_to_goal = 0 self.distances.clear() else: self._route.extend(route) self.end_waypoint = self._route[-1][0] CarlaDataProvider.set_hero_vehicle_route(self._route) prev_loc = None for elem in route: self._waypoints_queue.append(elem) cur_loc = elem[0].transform.location if prev_loc is not None: delta = cur_loc.distance(prev_loc) self.distance_to_goal += delta self.distances.append(delta) prev_loc = cur_loc if self.distances: cur_resolution = np.average(list(self.distances)[:100]) self._buffer_size = min(100, int(100 // cur_resolution)) self.node_waypoint, self.node_road_option = self._waypoints_queue[0] self.timeout_in_seconds = ((self.distance_to_goal / 1000.0) / 5.0) * 3600.0 + 20.0 self.timeout = self.timeout_in_seconds * self._fps
def add_route_in_front(self, route): if self._waypoints_buffer: prev_loc = self._waypoints_buffer[0][0].transform.location else: prev_loc = self._waypoints_queue[0][0].transform.location for elem in route[::-1]: self._waypoints_buffer.appendleft(elem) cur_loc = elem[0].transform.location delta = cur_loc.distance(prev_loc) self.distance_to_goal += delta self.distances.appendleft(delta) prev_loc = cur_loc if len(self._waypoints_buffer) > self._buffer_size: for i in range(len(self._waypoints_buffer) - self._buffer_size): elem = self._waypoints_buffer.pop() self._waypoints_queue.appendleft(elem) self.node_waypoint, self.node_road_option = self._waypoints_buffer[0]
[docs] def run_step(self) -> None: """ Run one step of local planner. It will update node and target waypoint and road option, and check agent states. """ assert self._route is not None vehicle_transform = CarlaDataProvider.get_transform(self._hero_vehicle) self.current_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint( vehicle_transform.location, lane_type=carla.LaneType.Driving, project_to_road=True ) # Add waypoints into buffer if empty if not self._waypoints_buffer: for i in range(min(self._buffer_size, len(self._waypoints_queue))): if self._waypoints_queue: self._waypoints_buffer.append(self._waypoints_queue.popleft()) else: break # If no waypoints return with current waypoint if not self._waypoints_buffer: self.target_waypoint = self.current_waypoint self.node_waypoint = self.current_waypoint self.target_road_option = RoadOption.VOID self.node_road_option = RoadOption.VOID self.agent_state = AgentState.VOID return # Find the most far waypoint within min distance max_index = -1 for i, (waypoint, _) in enumerate(self._waypoints_buffer): cur_dis = waypoint.transform.location.distance(vehicle_transform.location) if cur_dis < self._min_distance: max_index = i if max_index >= 0: for i in range(max_index + 1): self.node_waypoint, self.node_road_option = self._waypoints_buffer.popleft() if self._waypoints_queue: self._waypoints_buffer.append(self._waypoints_queue.popleft()) if self.distances: self.distance_to_goal -= self.distances.popleft() # Update information if self._waypoints_buffer: self.target_waypoint, self.target_road_option = self._waypoints_buffer[0] self.speed_limit = self._hero_vehicle.get_speed_limit() self.agent_state = AgentState.NAVIGATING # Detect vehicle and light hazard vehicle_state, vehicle = CarlaDataProvider.is_vehicle_hazard(self._hero_vehicle) if not vehicle_state: vehicle_state, vehicle = CarlaDataProvider.is_lane_vehicle_hazard( self._hero_vehicle, self.target_road_option ) if not vehicle_state: vehicle_state, vehicle = CarlaDataProvider.is_junction_vehicle_hazard( self._hero_vehicle, self.target_road_option ) if vehicle_state: if self._debug: print('!!! VEHICLE BLOCKING AHEAD [{}])'.format( self.agent_state = AgentState.BLOCKED_BY_VEHICLE bike_state, bike = CarlaDataProvider.is_bike_hazard(self._hero_vehicle) if bike_state: if self._debug: print('!!! BIKE BLOCKING AHEAD [{}])'.format( self.agent_state = AgentState.BLOCKED_BY_BIKE walker_state, walker = CarlaDataProvider.is_walker_hazard(self._hero_vehicle) if walker_state: if self._debug: print('!!! WALKER BLOCKING AHEAD [{}])'.format( self.agent_state = AgentState.BLOCKED_BY_WALKER light_state, traffic_light = CarlaDataProvider.is_light_red(self._hero_vehicle) if light_state: if self._debug: print('=== RED LIGHT AHEAD [{}])'.format( self.agent_state = AgentState.BLOCKED_RED_LIGHT if self._debug: draw_waypoints(self._world, self.current_waypoint)
[docs] def get_waypoints_list(self, waypoint_num: int) -> List[carla.Waypoint]: """ Return a list of wapoints from the end of waypoint buffer. :Arguments: - waypoint_num (int): Num of waypoint in list. :Returns: List[carla.Waypoint]: List of waypoint. """ num = 0 i = 0 waypoint_list = [] while num < waypoint_num and i < len(self._waypoints_buffer): waypoint = self._waypoints_buffer[i][0] i += 1 if len(waypoint_list) == 0: waypoint_list.append(waypoint) num + 1 elif waypoint_list[-1].transform.location.distance(waypoint.transform.location) > 1e-4: waypoint_list.append(waypoint) num += 1 return waypoint_list
def get_direction_list(self, waypoint_num: int) -> List[RoadOption]: num = min(waypoint_num, len(self._waypoints_buffer)) direction_list = [] for i in range(num): direction = self._waypoints_buffer[i][1].value direction_list.append(direction) return direction_list
[docs] def get_incoming_waypoint_and_direction(self, steps: int = 3) -> Tuple[carla.Waypoint, RoadOption]: """ Returns direction and waypoint at a distance ahead defined by the user. :Arguments: - steps (int): Number of steps to get the incoming waypoint. :Returns: Tuple[carla.Waypoint, RoadOption]: Waypoint and road option ahead. """ if len(self._waypoints_buffer) > steps: return self._waypoints_buffer[steps] elif (self._waypoints_buffer): return self._waypoints_buffer[-1] else: return self.current_waypoint, RoadOption.VOID
[docs] def clean_up(self) -> None: """ Clear route, waypoint queue and buffer. """ self._waypoints_queue.clear() self._waypoints_buffer.clear() if self._route is not None: self._route.clear() self.distances.clear()
@classmethod def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict: cfg = EasyDict(cls.config) cfg.cfg_type = cls.__name__ + 'Config' return copy.deepcopy(cfg)