Carla tutorial

Carla is currently the mainly used simulator in DI-drive. This page shows some bacis concepts and a quick user guide to run Carla simulator, for quick hands-on use of Carla in DI-drive

Basic Concept of Carla

Carla simulator runs in a client-server architecture. The sever and clients run individually. The server contains map, weather, actors and all physical simulation. The clients can control the actors by sending commands and ticking world in Carla server by its Python API. The server and clients communicate through TCP link, consisting of a host and port provided by server, which can be specified when establishing the server.

./ --carla-world-port=N

Usually N is set as an even number, because the port N+1 is simultanously occupied to connect the server. Carla also uses a Traffic Manager port to control global behaviors of vehicles. It is specified at the client side. TM client can not only be built by DI-drive via automatically finding free port in current system, but also manually set by users.

carla_env = SimpleCarlaEnv(env_cfg, host, port, tm_port)

Carla simulation can run in sync mode or async mode. In asynchronous mode, the server runs as fast as possible regardless of the client. In synchronous mode, the server and client runs in the same fixed time step (common set as 0.1s), while the server will wait for client’s tick before updating next step. For reasonable IL and RL trainning, DI-drive set Carla client and server to synchronous mode by default.

Carla allows multiple clients linking to one server. So make sure your Carla server only has one client linked or only one client is sending command, in case of entangled or chaotic simulation.

When a client is destroyed, the actors and weather it create/change will NOT be released or reset. So make sure to call the clean_up method in simulator to manually destroy all actors and reset weather changed by the client.

Quickly Create Carla server via Docker

It is recommended to run Carla server in docker which makes the installation much easier and can run multiple Carla servers. DI-drive follows guidance in Carla doc which uses docker CE and nvidia docker2.

Then, just pull the Carla image and run with port.

docker pull carlasim/carla:0.9.10
# by default
docker run -p 2000-2002:9000-9002 --runtime=nvidia --gpus <gpu_id> carlasim/carla:0.9.10
# with parameters
docker run -p 2000-2002:9000-9002 --runtime=nvidia --gpus <gpu_id> carlasim/carla:0.9.10 /bin/bash <list of paremeters>

We also provide an easily used multi-carla docker image that can start an amount of Carla servers. You can pull the image from dockerhub and start with your own settings. For example, the following command will start a container with 8 Carla server whose ports are set from 9000 to 9014

docker pull opendilab/multi-carla:0.9.10
docker run -p 9000-9016:9000-9016 --runtime=nvidia opendilab/multi-carla:0.9.10 /bin/bash -n 8 -p 9000

Generally, the option -n NUMS sets the number of Carla server and the option -p PORT sets the start port of servers. The other servers’ port are set to the following even number.


Please pay attention to the Carla port within and out of the container. The internal ones are set by the parameters in carla scripts, the external ones are set when creating the container.

Carla server settings

We provide config setting to quickly set host and port for several Carla servers. The server key in config file is used to set Carla servers. For example:

config = dict(
        dict(carla_host='', carla_ports=[5000, 5010, 2]),
        dict(carla_host='localhost', carla_ports=[9000, 9010, 2]),

You can use Carla servers in several IP hosts, each is stored as an element in server list. Each IP has a host and a list of ports. The interval between ports is 2, because Carla needs two ports to communicate. By defalut the N+1 port is occupied. The saving form of ports in config is similar to the Python range method. carla_ports=[9000, 9010, 2] means there are 5 Carla servers whose ports are ‘9000, 9002, 9004, 9006 , 9008’.